International Affairs Research Papers/Topics

Human Rights In The Reconfiguration Of Aid Relations: The Case Of China- Kenya Relations

The study explored human rights in the reconfiguration of aid relations with a particular focus to China- Kenya relations. The study used other African countries such as Zimbabwe, Sudan, and Angola as cases of illustration to ground the thesis’ argument. The study sought to realize the following objectives: find out the dominant features of China-Africa foreign aid relations, analyze the nature of China-Kenya relations since independence, survey the trend of Kenya’s foreign aid relation...

The Increasing Threat Of Terrorism To West And Central Africa: The Case Of Boko Haram Insurgency In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Terrorism has gained ground in international discourse of issues currently impeding the progress and development of states. Although not a recent phenomenon, terrorism is a growing menace which cannot be ignored. The environmental, socio-economic, psychological and physical impacts of terrorism on people and governments are highly significant and there is therefore the need to understand and address this phenomenon. This research focuses the increasing threat of terrorism to West an...

An Analysis On The Challenges And Dynamics To The Challenges To Synergies For Subregional Peace Support Missions

ABSTRACT This study takes a look at the complexity of the recurring conflict in Eastern DRC and the efforts put in place by the sub regional organizations particularly the SADC and ICGLR in trying to achieve sustainable peace in the war torn region of the Congo. Peace support operations in the 21st century has been undertaken at the multilateral, regional and sub-regional levels in given conflicts by a range of actors. Scholarly questions have been asked the effectiveness of these operations ...

Challenges faced by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Conflict Transformation: The case of the Lesotho Conflict from 1994-2017

ABSTRACT The post-Cold War period has been characterised by increased intra-state conflicts in most African states which have overstretched the United Nations‟ (UN) capacity to respond to all conflicts that occur in various regions across the globe. This has resulted in an observable relative decrease in the involvement of the UN in African internal conflicts and a subsequent increase in African regional organisations being involved in various conflict handling mechanisms within their respe...

An investigation into the role of globalization in developing countries. A case study of Zimbabwe 2000 to 2019

ABSTRACT This study investigates into the role of globalization in developing countries using Zimbabwe as a case study. My central argument is that despite fundamental advances in the global set up or technological world order, the third world developmental levels still remains extremely unsatisfactory. History is repeating itself in a more advanced way. The global century has pave a way to changes in several aspects of social and economic life are changing and post-industrial shifts are unpa...

The Applicability Of The 2016 Global Ban On Ivory Trade With Respect To The Development Of Conservation And Protection Of The Zimbabwean Elephant Population In The Zambezi Trans Frontier Park

Abstract The Zambezi Trans frontier park is one of the world’s largest conservation areas and is one of the homes for the African elephant, scientifically known as the loxodonta Africana. The African elephant is one of earths largest land mammals and also one of the worlds objectified creatures. Over the years since 1970 the global demand for ivory has risen to levels that are threatening the extinction of elephants due to poaching. Poaching has resulted in massive decline, by almost half i...

An Analysis On Constraints And Prospects To Resolving The Iraq Conflict: 2003-2014

ABSTRACT The study is grounded under the premise that the 2003 to 2014 Iraq conflict is a combination of intricate myriad internal and external factors that present a challenge to resolving the conflict. The Iraq conflict is characterized by a web of interconnected and complex events that present a formidable ostensible challenge to its resolution. In light of these challenges, questions have been posed on whether; the conflict is a result of internal problems or external factors? If so, wha...

Interrogating the Feasibility of Collective Governance in Addressing African Problems: Case of Ezulwini Consensus from (2005-2017)

ABSTRACT This study focuses on collective governance in addressing African problems using the Ezulwini consensus as a case study of collective governance. Citing reasons for the call for United Nations Security Council (UNSC) reforms, examining the feasibility of collective governance in addressing African problems, discussing the role of the international community in helping Africa to achieve the Ezulwini consensus goal, evaluating challenges faced by collective governance or the Ezulwini ...

An Analysis on the Challenges to Gender Balance In The African Union Standby Force: A Case Of The SADC Brigade 2003-2017

Abstract This study analyses the challenges of gender balance in the African Standby Force with specific reference to the SADC Standby Force from the period of 2003 to 2017. Gender balance in other peacekeeping forces is also noted in this paper. The African Standby Force was established for the reason of solving Africa’s problems that is African solutions to Africa’s problems. As per Article 13 of the Protocol relating to the establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African...

The Efficacy of Eco-oriented Corporate Culture and Sustainability in Non-Governmental Institutions’ Programs and Projects in Rural Communities. Case of Chipinge District, Manicaland, Zimbabwe

Abstract Concerns about environmental protection and sustainability have recently become more significant in global governance and development. This has seen many attempts through conventions and forums trying to look into solutions that conserve and protect the environment as the source of global development. Even in the international affairs, the control over the environment and land has also become a stampede and one of the vital determinants of power matrix among global states. With calls...

The role of the East African Standby Force (EASF) and SADC Standby Force (SSF) in dealing with recurring armed conflict in Kivu, 1998 – 2016

Abstract The research attempts to proffer solution to an armed conflict whose perpetuity is crippling and stifling Africa’s peace, security and sustainable developmental thrust. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods through interviews and questionnaires respectively, and buoyed by an encompassing literature review the research set-out to proffer solution in arresting recurrent armed conflict in eastern Congo. The solution is the role of East African Standby Force (EASF) a...

An Analysis of Britain’s Influence in the Deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana Bilateral Relations, 2000-2013

ABSTRACT The study analyses the deteriorating bilateral relations between the two Southern African Development Cooperation (SADC) member states of Zimbabwe and Botswana as from the year 2000 to 2013. The research aims to establish the extent of Britain‘s liability in the deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana bilateral ties. Therefore, the major objectives of the study are to analyse Britain‘s influence in the deterioration of Zimbabwe-Botswana bilateral relations as from 2000 to 2013 as well...

Nigerian Educational System: Problems And Prospects

ABSTRACT Our enthusiasm for education seems to be paralelled by our ignorance of what education is . Education for what ? For whom? And how? Is there no relationship between a society and the type of educution it imbibes? the s e questions border on educational value and .goal. It is in an attempt to proffer answers to these questions, examine and evaluate the principles and the validity of thought that underline issues in Nigerian educational system that this paper is being written. Periodic...

An Assessment Of Sports Diplomacy As A Tool In Deepening Bilateral Relations Between North And South Korea

ABSTRACT Revolutionary changes in the diplomatic environment has led to the incorporation of sports and diplomacy - two distinct institutions – in theory and practice. The attachment of democracy to diplomacy has led to the call for more transparency in international relations by the global public. Stuart Murray believes the emergence of non-state diplomatic actors such as Multinational Corporations (MNCs), non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations and celebrities have become e...

The Place Of Military Coup D` Etat In African Politics: The Case Of 2013 Egypt Military Coup D` Etat

ABSTRACT  The study set out to investigate the place of military coup d`etat in the conduct of world politics and the level of impression to which military coup d`etat has had on the development of contemporary African politics, with special focus on the 2013 Egypt military coup that led to the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi. The study is on the context of the local, regional and international socio-political, economic, and psychological factors which appeared to have tremendously influenced th...

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