Journalism and Media Studies Research Papers/Topics

Media Representation Of Men And Women On Issues Of Domestic Violence: The Herald And H-Metro January 2015-May 2016

ABSTRACT This study focused on the representation of men and women in The Herald and H-Metro on issues to do with domestic violence from January 2015 to May 2016. How gender is being represented, portrayed and covered in the two papers is what the study was mainly focusing on. The researcher comparatively explored gender representation and influences of the choices of these representations. The researcher used qualitative methods to collect data. Through content analysis the research found o...

The ‘Socialness’ of Online Social Media: Conversations with Selected Midlands State University Students.

Abstact INTRODUCTION This study examines the socialness of online social media, specifically WhatsApp and Facebook. Literature (Papacharissi 2010, Bauman 2013), shows that online social media helps in creating communities, bonds, socializing and gatherings just like organic communities. Facebook users can claim to have hundreds of friends in their network, yet sometimes find it difficult to name half a dozen people that they have actually met in their local neighborhood. While social networks...

A Critical Evaluation Of The Proposed Kenya’s Film, Stage Plays And Publications Bill 2016

Abstract: Debates about content regulation have been dominated by pro-censorship and anti-censorship arguments. More recently there has been emergence of repressive laws and rising attacks on creative artists. Increased fear of a robust and aggressive creative industry by government cannot also be ignored. Countries like Australia and South Africa have come out strongly in pushing for change to legislation and a review of the classification guidelines. In Kenya, the Film and Classification Bo...

The Film Industry In Zimbabwe- Growth And Production Challenges: A Case Of Gona Ramachingura And Checkmate

Abstract  This research scrutinised the film services sector and the value chain in film production in Zimbabwe. This was in a bid to assess the practices and divulge challenges that are faced by film players and the way these hinder growth of the sector. The research used case studies of two films, Checkmate and Gona raMachingura as it was impossible to look at the sector in its entirety. Qualitative methods were employed in the research. The findings from the two cases complimented each ot...

The Influence Of Employee Communication On Employee Commitment At Capital Airtime Limited In Kenya

ABSTRACT Communication is linked to work commitment because they go hand in hand to form a solid business foundation best for organizational growth. Unlike most organizations that create structures in order to be able to understand their employees and what is important to them in relation to information about their jobs and the organization, CAT has no written communication strategy which could have led to lack of communication, under communication or miscommunication. Without proper communic...

Coverage of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) initiative in tertiary institutions. The herald and daily news.

Abstract The research explored the coverage of Zimbabwe‟s STEM initiative in tertiary institutions by The Herald and Daily News how each newspaper was reporting the government‟s initiative at higher and tertiary level. The polarized content produced by the two newspapers was taken into considerations as this was influenced by the different ownership patterns of the two newspapers. The study which is qualitative in nature used archival research as a method of data collection. Through cont...

The Zimbabwe Museum for Human Science (ZMHS) and the Preservation and communication of cultural heritage

Abstract Cultural heritage is important because it strongly influences our sense of identity, our loyalties, and our behaviour. Within living memory tribes, peoples and nations are supposed to feature distinctive attributes and characteristics concerning their history, culture, religion, evolution level etc. Memory institutions (archives, libraries, museums, schools, and historic sites) have a responsibility for preserving and interpreting the cultural record, so there are practical reasons ...

Media And Women: The Representation of African Women in Isibaya.

ABSTRACT The construction of females in the media and popular culture remains a topical discourse. Dominant literature in the subject shows that the media are phallocentric and patriarchal. This study examines the construction of South African women in the film Isibaya. The study is guided by Africana Womanism and Critical Political Economy of the media theory. I employed Critical Discourse Analysis and semiotic analysis to examine images of African women in the film under study. Findings sh...

Examining The Use Of Media Advocacy By Civil Society Organisations In Democratizing Youth Participation In Local Governance Structures: A Case Of Youth Empowerment And Transformation Trust Pr

ABSTRACT The demographic analysis shows that young people constitute the majority of the population yet, are underrepresented in democratic structures. Civil society organizations have made attempts to increase youth participation in the broader framework of enhancing citizen participation. The study therefore looks at ways Youth Empowerment and Transformation Trust (YETT) as representative of civil society organizations is using media advocacy in increasing youth participation with a critica...

An Analysis Of Kenya’s Mainstream Print Media’s Usage Of Objectification And Anchoring To Represent The Kenyan International Criminal Court Cases In The Daily Nation And The Standard News Art

ABSTRACT The media play a central role in disseminating information with the aim of creating awareness of topical issues, including legal issues. Various studies have also established that news from the media is the popular source of information on current events. Similarly, public knowledge, beliefs and attitudes towards legal systems are largely shaped by the media information they receive, thus, the need for examining the content and nature of information being disseminated by the media. C...

Challenges and prospects in the uptake of citizen journalism by The Manica Post in Zimbabwe

Abstract The main aim of the research is to explore the challenges and prospects in the uptake of citizen journalism. The study also seek to explain the extent to which the uptake of citizen journalism by The Manica Post has promoted democratic participation of citizens and the contribution of the phenomenon to the production of news. The mainstream media have embraced the use of ICTs and this witnessed by the mainstream having their own social media pages and online websites where they publi...

The reproduction/challenging of tribal prejudice between Shonas and Ndebeles through jokes and cartoons that are circulated on Whatsapp

ABSTRACT This study explores how the jokes and cartoons that are circulated on WhatsApp fuel/challenge ethnic prejudices between the Shonas and Ndebeles. Ethnic differences and tensions which escalate into conflict between Shona and Ndebele ethinic groups date back to the pre-colonial period. Social media networks particularly WhatsApp seem to have presented the two groups with an opportunity to entrench or question these negative attitudes between them. To assess the way new social networkin...

Faculty Of Social Sciences Department Of Media And Society Studies

Abstract Discourses framing football reflect dominant, possibly, contesting „truths‟, which themselves are linked to power relations and struggles within a given society. This study analyses the framing of the Zimbabwe men‟ national football team (popularly known as The Zimbabwe Warriors) in The Sunday Mail, The Patriot and the Daily News on Sunday from March 2015 to April 2016. The three newspapers were purposively selected for being weeklies with a national coverage. A comparative ana...

Practices and approaches of corporate citizenship by Public Relations (PR) department at Nestle Zimbabwe to enhance corporate reputation from 2010 to 2013

Abstract: This article seeks to assess the practice and approaches of Corporate Citizenship (CC) by the PR department at Nestle Zimbabwe to enhance corporate reputation from 2010 to 2013. It looks at how Nestle Zimbabwe has managed to boost its corporate reputation through CC and how they influence people‟s decision making process through their help mechanisms. The study would be guided by Carroll‟s (1991) model, two-way symmetrical model and the stakeholder‟s salience model. Furthermor...

Deepleague’s Use of Social Media as an Advertising Platform for Products and Services

Abstract In this era of Internet of Things (IoT), new technology innovations are constantly introduced globally however with less developed countries adopting these innovations and ways of doing things at a later stage. This research focuses on one of these innovations which is the use of social media by businesses as an advertising platform for products and services. Various types of businesses in Zimbabwe are embracing this concept of social media advertising but lacking the knowledge on th...

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