Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Consequences and Effectiveness of Kenya Somalia Border Closure in Mandera East District-of Kenya

ABSTRACT  The study is a descriptive exploratory case study that aims to establish the reasons for the Kenya- Somalia border closure. It will also establish the consequences and the effectiveness of the border closure in Mandera and Beled Hawa towns respectively in Kenya and Somalia. Lawlessness, insecurity and anarchy are the order of the day in Somalia. This insecurity has extended to Kenya due to proliferation of arms, entry of illegal immigrants and smuggling of goods. Kenya having been ...

Resolution of Conflicts Involving Children An Evaluation of Nakuru Law Courts in Kenya

ABSTRACT  In Kenya the enactment of the Children Act in 2001 was a milestone step towards resolution of Children-related disputes. The Children’s Act that was passed into law in March 2001 has several objectives. They include making provision for parental responsibility; adoption; fostering; maintenance and custody; guardianship; care and protection of children; to make provision or administration of children’s institutions and to give effect to the principles of the United Nations conve...

Community-Based Development Policies of Umuganda and Peace-Building in Post-Genocide Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study focused on “Community —based development policies of umuganda and peace-building in post-genocide Rwanda”. The study was guided by the general objective which was to explore the relationship between community based development policies and peace building in post genocide Rwanda with the following specific objectives (i) To determine underlying explanatory factors of peace-building in the post genocide Rwanda (ii)To identify the extent to which community based devel...

Drought and Natural Resource Based Conflicts among Pastoralists in Greater Kapoeta Area of South Sudan

ABSTRACT  The study titled “Drought and natural resources based conflict among pastoralist communities” conducted in Greater Kapoeta area of South Sudan. The study was conducted to determine whether resource scarcity contribute significantly to prevalence of conflict; to investigate the recurrence of drought in the study area and its impact on pastoralists’ livelihood; and to study the drought coping mechanisms of pastoralists. Its main objective was to find out the impact of drought o...

The Contribution of Peace to Development in the Post Conflict Period (2005-2011): Study of Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT For over five decades, during and after civil wars, (EES) has been an area long weighted down by instability mainly due to internal conflicts driven by culture of raiding of livestock, povefty, grazing resources and boundary demarcation which caused insecurity that deters development in the region. Thus, the great challenge facing the government of State, investors and civil society groups tackling development in this war torn region is viewed as a critical lesson about the issues as...

Relationship Between Refugees and Host Communities in Western Uganda: A Case Study of Nakivale Refugee Camp

ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between refugees and host communities in western. The study was set to investigate the relationship between refugees and host community in Nakivale, the strategies that may be applied to manage the conflict between refugees and host communities, and the challenges faced by refugees a result of restriction to Camps. Primary data was gathered using questionnaires and interview guide. Secondary data was obtained through analyzing related literatur...

The Influence of Defence and Security-Related Budgets On Conflicts and Formation of Militias in Jonglei State, South Sudan. (2005-2011)

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of defence expenditure and securityrelated budgets on conflicts and formation of militias in Jonglei state of South Sudan and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the characteristics of the defence and security-related budgets in South Sudan; (b) To ascertain the level of access to defence and security related budgets by various groups and how this influences conflicts and formation of militias; (c) Analyze the recruitment, appoi...

The Effects of Armed Violence On “Communities of Malaso Division of Samburu Central District of Kenya

ABSTRACT This survey, “The effect of armed violence on the communities of Malaso division Samburu central district of Kenya”, described the impact of on the communities of Malaso division. Livestock raiding have become increasingly violent since 1996 as small arms became increasingly widely available. It is now associated with higher and less discriminate loss of human life and greater livestock losses. Insecurity has had a negative impact on the mobility of livestock and access to some o...

Ethnic Conflicts in Stability and Development in Kenya: A case Study of Kitale Town, Trans-Nzoia District Kenya

ABSTRACT During the Past 10 years (2000 -2009) perennial conflicts involving the communities of Western Kenya have assumed an increasingly violent nature. In most cases the conflicts have resulted in the deaths of dozens of men, women and children and the theft of thousands of livestock. The purpose of the study was to investigate the implications of ethnic conflicts on stability and development in Trans-Nzoia District in Kenya. Objectives of the study were to investigate the historical caus...

The Influence of Defence and Security-related Budgets on Conflicts and Formation of Militias in Jonglei State, South Sudan. (2005-2011.)

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of defence expenditure and securityrelated budgets on conflicts and formation of militias in Jonglel state of South Sudan and it was based on four specific objectives: (a) to determine the characteristics of the defence and security-related budgets in South Sudan; (b) To ascertain the level of access to defence and security related budgets by various groups and how this influences conflicts and formation of militias; (C) Analyze the recruitment, appoi...

Drought And Natural Resource Based Conflicts Among Pastoralists in Greater Kapoeta Area of South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study titled "Drought and natural resources based conflict among pastoralist communities" conducted in Greater Kapoeta area of South Sudan. The study was conducted to determine whether resource scarcity contribute significantly to prevalence of conflict; to investigate the recurrence of drought in the study area and its impact on pastoralists' livelihood; and to study the drought coping mechanisms of pastoralists. Its main objective was to find out the impact of drought on confli...

Socio-economic Reintegration of Gender Based Violence Survivors and Peacebuilding in Walungu Territory In South-kivu Of Democratic Republic Of Congo

ABSTRACT This thesis is entitled “Soclo-economic Reintegration of Gender Based Violence Survivors and Peacebuilding in Walungu territory in south-kivu of Democratic Republic of Congo”. The study was carried out based on four specific objectives: to determine the socio-economic reintegration activities of GBV survivors which contribute to the Peacebuilding process in Walungu territory among the Rega and the Shi ethnic group victims of the war violence. The researcher looked at f actors aff...

Government Resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons of Okwang Sub County, Otuke District, Uganda.

ABSTRACT This research focused on the resettlement process of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and analyses the challenges which hindered the sustainable resettlement of IDP5. The displacement in northern Uganda was caused by the conflict between the LRA and the government of Uganda. This conflict persisted and lasted for about 20 years and the magnitude of the displacement caused the people to be considered one of the heights in the world. Most of the IDPs have been living in camps t...

Ethnic Conflict and Living Conditions of Displaced People of South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was conducted on ethnic conflict and the living conditions of displaced people in South Sudan. The study objectives were: to examine the causes of ethnic conflict in South Sudan; to identify the challenges faced by the displaced South Sudanese as a result of ethnic conflict, and to analyze the effects of displacement on the living conditions of the people of South Sudan. The study was guided by two theories: the theory of Protracted Social Conflict and the Instrumentalist t...

Avega Agahozo Women Association on Reconciliation and Peace Building Among Genocide Victims in Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study intended to establish the relationship between activities of AVEGA AGAHOZO Women Association and reconciliation and peace building in Rwanda after the Genocide. The study employed a descriptive correlational, expost facto and cross sectional survey designs. A sample of 346 respondents was taken. The questionnaire was used to answer 4 research questions which included; profile of respondents; degree of activities of AVEGA AGAHOZO Women Association; level of reconciliation an...

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