Peace and Conflict Studies Research Papers/Topics

Role Of Culture On Peace Building In Kenya: The Case Of Marsabit Lake -Turkana Cultural Festival, Marsabit County

ABSTRACT This study primarily sought to explore the role of culture on peace building in Kenya, a case of Marsabit Lake Turkana Cultural Festival in Loiyangalani Sub County of Marsabit County. The study targeted the fourteen communities that form the bulk of the larger Marsabit County‟s populace. The objectives of the study included examining the social, political and economic factors that contribute to inter ethnic conflicts. It also discussed the origin and development, of Marsabit Lake ...

Persistent Soccer Pitch Unrestand Its Implications On Security In Nairobi City County, Kenya

    ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate and to document the causes of football violence in the Kenya soccer fields. The specific objectives were: to examine the circumstances under which football violence typically occurs in Kenya’s stadia, to identify some of the factors that correlate to violence during match and post-match violence, to review the existing policy framework that governs football in Kenya. The study utilized Frustration -Aggression theory. The study adopted a des...

The Challenges Facing The Eastern African Community In Conflict Intervention: A Study Of Eastern African Standby Force (Easf) As Regional Security Mechanism

ABSTRACT The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) is a regional security body for the Great Lakes Region. The force is mandated with the tasks of conflict intervention in the region, through preventive diplomacy and peace support operations in the conflict zones. The study assessed the challenges hindering the Eastern African Standby Force (EASF) from executing the intervention missions in the region. As regional force it is also supposed to augment the efforts of other agencies such as the U...

High Crime Rate On Socio-Economic Development Of Selected House Hold Groups In Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Social development and social justice cannot be achieved in the absence of peace and security, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Insecurity has emerged as a major dilemma across the world particularly in the urban setups which hinder economic growth, development and social progress. This study therefore sort to analyze the implication of high crime rates on social economic development in Nairobi City County specifically in Kawangware. The specific focus of the study ...

Elderhood In Ethnic Conflict Management In Rongai, Nakuru County, Kenya; 1992-2015

ABSTRACT This study investigated elderhood in ethnic conflict management in Kenya‟s Rongai Sub-county from 1992 to 2015. It is to be appreciated that ethnic conflict management results in peace which in turn creates a fertile environment for achievement of sustainable development. Western and contemporary conflict resolution mechanisms, which have been in use for decades, have not yielded the desired results and rather than solely relying on their legal and lengthy judicial processes, indi...

Trans Border Conflict Between The Turkana And Pokot In Kainuk And Alale Divisions, Kenya: 1995-2013

ABSTRACT Many pastoralist communities around the globe are experiencing conflicts, while the Sahel region and East Africa show sustained levels of inter-pastoral violent conflicts with associated potential impacts on their livelihoods. In the case of the Turkana- Pokot cross border violence, conflict is now a norm. Despite disarmament and rearming communities through the Kenya Police Reservists (KPR), peace building meetings, prosecuting perpetrators, declaring illicit firearms surrender amne...

Evolution And Coping Mechanisms Of Congolese Refugees In Kitengela, Kajiado County- Kenya: 1960- 2015

ABSTRACT The refugee phenomenon is a global crisis and as such has been a challenge to the Kenyan Government as much as it has been to the international community. UNHCR (2000) confirms that globally there are more than 60 million people forcefully displaced from their homes worldwide. The problem of the study was pegged on the need to investigate the refugee phenomenon with a focus on the Congolese refugees in Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya 1960 to 2015. The objectives of the study were to...

Regime Change And Its Implications On Eastern Africa Community

ABSTRACT The attainment of a fully integrated East African region through the East African Community is yet to be realised. This is because most of the agreements pertaining integration are yet to be fully implemented while some are way past their implementation deadline. The East Africa Common Market Protocol, for instance, came into force in July 2010 after being ratified by member states. However, its practical implementation is considered a process that must take place over time since to-...

Construction Of Ethnic Violence Through Land And Politics In Molo Constituency, Nakuru County, Kenya; 1990-2015

ABSTRACT This study investigated construction of ethnic violence through land and politics in Molo Constituency, Nakuru county, Kenya from the year 1990 to 2015. The Division is inhabited by several ethnic groups although the Agikuyu, the Kipsigis (a sub-group of the larger Kalenjin) and the Abagusii are the most populous. Since the introduction of multiparty in 1991, politics has been the major cause of ethnic violence in the area. The study was guided by four objectives; establish land use ...

The Role Of Women In Peace Building And Reconstruction.An Analysis Of Mwitika Region In Kitui County From 1992-2012

ABSTRACT The study aimed at investigating Role of women in Peace Building and Reconstruction in Mwitika Region of Kitui County, Kenya. The study sought to identify the role of both men and women in Mwitika region conflict and conflict resolution. It covered the period between 1992-2012. This study was motivated by the need to identify the role of women in conflict and conflict resolution in Mwitika region. Johan Galtung’s conflict theory was applied in the study which sought to understand t...

The Role Of Media In Conflict Management: The Case Of Electoral Conflict In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The role played by the media in conflicts has been an issue all over the world. Its influence has increased tremendously and researchers are yet to agree on the degree and magnitude of the media influence in conflicts and conflict management. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of media in conflict management, with reference to 2007/08 Post Election Violence in Kenya and Uasin Gishu County as a case area. The specific objectives were to establish the media accessibility lev...

Implications Of National Police Service Reforms On Response To Terror Activities: A Case Study Of Mandera County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The study investigated the implication of national police service reforms on response to terror activities in Mandera County, Kenya. The study aimed at determining the extent to which police response to terror activates has become a national issue following the rolled our police reforms implementation. A case study design was used which combined qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection and analysis. However, the study was more inclined to the qualitative research pa...

Bio-Security Preparedness Capacity In Response To Medical Disasters At Garissa Level Five Hospital In Garissa County, Kenya

Biosecurity is an emerging global security threat in the 21st century affecting public health and natural security in equal measures. In addition to outbreaks of Rift Valley and Haemorrhagic Fevers, Influenza Virus, Ebola, and the current Corona Virus Disease pandemic, advances in life sciences and globalization have expanded Kenya's vulnerability to biosecurity threats, including threats posed by novel and manipulate pathogens with pandemic potential. This study assessed the biosecurity prep...

Influence Of Illegal Small Arms And Light Weapons Proliferation On Internal Security In Kayole Sub County, Nairobi City County

Africa has suffered insecurity for an extensive period mainly because of the proliferation of SALW. Internal factors along with external environment have contributed to these firearms allied problems experienced by many countries today. The research sought to examine the influence of SALW proliferation on internal security in Kayole Sub County, Nairobi County, Kenya. The study specifically sought to identify the factors facilitating the proliferation of SALW in Kayole Sub County; to examine i...

Role Of Digital Communication Technology On Youth Radicalization In Majengo Slum In Nairobi County, Kenya

Radicalization and terrorism is a global concern through the media and internet networks. It has been linked with lawlessness, destruction of property, as well as instilling fear among the citizens of developed and undeveloped countries. Previous studies have demonstrated that most people who were radicalized were well educated, employed as well as active in the local communities. The major factors for radicalization were influence of perception of marginalization, discrimination, political o...

106 - 120 Of 146 Results