Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations In Tanzania: Guidelines Or Directives?

Literature on political economy of decentralization underscores the importance of intergovernmental transfers as a vehicle for achieving national social, economic and political policy goals when administrative and financial powers are devolved to lower levels of government. Decentralization left without considering the capacity of authorities to raise enough resources and address needs, will enhance inequity in services consumed and development pursued.

The Impact Of Trade Liberalization On Small And Medium Enterprises In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Urban District, Unguja

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of trade liberalization in small and medium enterprises in Tanzania. The study addressed four objectives, which were, to examine the underperformance of SMEs in Tanzania, to assess the impacts of price control in Tanzania, to assess the impacts of the fluctuation of external tariffs on the development of SMEs in Tanzania; and to propose measures to improve the performance of SMEs in Tanzania. The data were collected through direct observation as well a...

The Oversight Role Of The House Of Representatives Of Zanzibar In Building Accountable Government

ABSTRACT In modern democracies, legislatures have numerous duties. As key states organs, they examine the legislative proposals in the process of their passage and are entrusted with overseeing executive’s responsibilities and to keep their eyes on government’s activities. Legislative committee system is the most critical structure that permits the members of legislators to divide up their labour and specialize in particular areas of activities. It is therefore the most significant legis...

Is Humanitarian Intervention Driven by a Belief in the Idea of Universal Human Rights or a State's Self Interest?

After the holocaust the society of states formulated rules of international engagement which prohibited genocide, mistreatment of civilians, and recognizing basic human rights. (Baylis,2008,985) Among the most important notions of human rights the right of life, liberty, and security preceded all others (Kolb,2003,119), as claimed by the United Nations “Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, Human rights include the right to life and liberty, the right to work and education�...

Ecowas Intervention And Democratization In West African Sub-Region (A Study Of Gambia 2016 General Election)

Abstract Presidential elections were held in Gambia on 1 December, 2016. The incumbent, Yahya Jammeh, appeared confident of securing a fifth term in office. An army Lieutenant who became President of the Gambia after ceasing power in a bloodless coup d’état on 22 July 1994, President Jammeh was a quintessential African President-for-life. Behind a façade of regular presidential and parliamentary elections, President Jammeh maintained control of Gambia through the tried-and-tested techniqu...

Obasanjo's Administration And Nigeria's International Diplomacy,1999-2007

ABSTRACT   Nigeria had overwhelmingly given both solicited and unsolicited supports to Africanneigbours: intervened positively in their internal crisis, provided humanitarian services, doled out billions ofdollars as charity, sent technical aid corps, formed and sent military supports, and so on. In most cases, theseflamboyant gestures were defiantly done against home interest and survival. However, there seems to be adisconnection between what is given out and what is given in return. Ther...

Nigeria- China Trade Relations And National Development in Nigeria, 2011-2015

Abstract Over the past several decades, the economies of the world have become greatly connected through international trade and globalization. The trade relations between Nigeria and China have grown in recent years. Overtime, researchers have contributed on the Nigeria-China relations with interest on foreign aids, balance of trade, foreign direct investment and trade policies between the two countries. Most of them anchored their explanation on dependency theory. They pay less atten...

Terrorism And Its Impact On Global Security (A Case Study Of Al-Qaeda)

ABSTRACT Terrorism is not a new phenomenon which has been in existence for years carried out by individuals and organizations mainly for political reasons. Notwithstanding, due to the activities of these terrorist groups, they will in general debilitate a state's capacity to guarantee the wellbeing and security to its citizens. Using Al-Qaeda as a case study, a group in existence for over 2 decades, the study focuses on their terror acts such as the bombing of train stations in Madrid 2004, a...

An Examonation Of Gender- Based Violence In Africa; A Critical Analysis Of Rape Culture In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The topic under review examined “Gender-Based Violence in Africa; A critical analysis of Rape Culture in Nigeria”. Gender-based violence (GBV) is ubiquitous, but still the least human right violation in the globe. Gender-based violence is a developmental challenge globally and it affects women and men from despite ethnicity, class, culture and race. Unfortunately, the scourge of rape in Nigeria is one that has been going on for quite a while and has been disregarded, regularly ke...

The Impact Of Youth On Peace Building And Post-Conflict Development In South-Sudan

ABSTRACT This research examines the challenges that the youths in South Sudan face in their efforts towards peacebuilding for a post-conflict developed nation. Using the secondary method of analysis the researcher evaluates specific objectives of the study such as the efforts of the youth in peacebuilding in face of an ongoing conflict in South Sudan, the challenges faced by the youths in their endeavor and how they can access the critical resources to achieve post-conflict development. The f...

Gender Parity In Nigeria: Examining The Implementation Of National Gender Policy In The National Assembly (2011 – 2019)

ABSTRACT Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) standards, both men and women should have equal rights and opportunities to everything worldwide, most especially to participate fully in all aspects and at all levels of political processes. In Africa, women constitute over half of the population and contribute in vital ways to societal development generally. This study has investigated gender parity in Nigeria: examining the implementation of national gender policy in the natio...

EXAMINING Ithe Ichallenges Iof Ipromoting Igender Iequality Iin Inigeria: A Icase Iof Ithe Iunited Inations I(UN)

ABSTRACT The Topic Under review examined the Examining the Challenges of Promoting Gender Equality in Nigeria: A Case Study of United Nations (UN)”. Every human guaranteed inalienable rights both men and women, either by integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. The ifull iand iequal iparticipation iof iwomen iin ipolitical, icivil, ieconomic, isocial iand icultural ilife, iat ithe inational, iregional iand iinternational ilevels, iDespite ithe iimpact iof iUnited iNations ii...

The Imperative Of Ethical Orientation In The Public Service In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Ethics as implied in the study lays emphasis on the selflessness and the disposition of the individual towards the realisation of the public goods. This study is designed to address the issues of ethical behaviour as a primary requirement for maintaining and sustaining development in the society. The research concentrates on the essence of ethics and examine its imperativeness in the life of this society as an inevitable assets that can  guarantee stable and sustainable development...

The Impact Of The Slump In Oil Price And Production On Recession: Alternative Options For The Nigerian Economy.

ABSTRACT This project work investigated the impact of the slump in oil price, production and recession in Nigeria thereby postulating possible alternatives for the Nigerian Economy. The data used for the project were got from National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) bulletin on the amount of income Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) in % and Government expenditure on Crude oil export, Non-crude oil export, Oil Price and Crude oil production in million barrels per day. The Ordinary Least Squares M...

The Effects Of The Rule Of Law On Democractic Consolidation In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Fourth Republic.

ABSTRACT The issue of democratic consolidation in the country remains sacrosanct in view of the fact that there is no alternative to democracy. Following the new democratic development in Nigeria a lot of anomalies began to show up like the incessant violation of stipulated rules and regulation which could threaten democracy .It is the essence of this work to examine critically the issues of rule of law as it affects democratization. Several cases of the violation of rule of law were identif...

181 - 195 Of 224 Results