Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

Role of European Union in Kenya’s Democratization Process (2010 – 2017)

Abstract: The 21st century marks the global rise of the democratic system of governance and the fall of authoritarian regimes. Authoritarian rule have increasingly fallen across the developing countries especially in Africa. This wave was further propelled by the fall of the bi-polar international system and rise of a multi-polar one which heralded the emergence of external actors particularly western donors including NGOs, INGOs and IGO‘s which have spurred and supported the democratizati...

The Role of Domestic Politics in Influencing Foreign Policy Formulation: A Case of Kenya’s ‘Look East’ Economic Diplomacy 2002 – 2016

Abstract: This thesis sought to examine Kenya’s economic diplomacy in the Asian continent, with a specific focus on China. It examined economic diplomacy as a pillar of Kenya’s foreign policy in advancing Kenya’s socio-economic development. The thesis also sought to study the role of domestic agency, local politics and the interests of politicians in the ascendancy of economic diplomacy to become a mainstay of Kenyan foreign policy. The method of research used was literature review of ...

The Role of Non-State Actors in Promoting Good Governance in South Sudan: A Case Study of Oxfam

Abstract: Restoring governance, building trust and lasting peace, reconciliation and reconstruction in post-conflict countries are some of the most daunting of challenges for global peace and security. The main objective of the study was to establish the role of Non-State Actors in promoting good governance in South Sudan using as case study of Oxfam. The specific objectives of the study were to: Establish the extent to which Oxfam has promoted good governance in South Sudan., Determine the ...

An Analysis of Factors Hindering IGD’s Roles of Maintaining Regional Peace and Security: 2002-2017.

Abstract: The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is the regional organization of eight Eastern African countries with a stated ambition to achieve peace, prosperity and economic cooperation, social and corporate development and regional integration among its member states. Each of these objectives is challenging, but none more so than the maintenance of peace and security in the region is more cumbersome. IGAD is the most conflict affected region in Africa. The study incorpor...

The Impact of Rising Ultra-Nationalism on Global Humanitarian Assistance

Abstract: The rising phenomenon of European ultra-nationalism has signalled a significant shift in the continent‟s politics, as more radical right-wing leaders and parties come into power. Many of the ideologies of these radical parties and individuals have often been viewed as discriminatory and exclusionary; more so toward non-European groups, arriving in the continent and fleeing conflict at home and thus threatens Europe‟s intervention in humanitarian action. This research explored t...

Impact of the Self-Integration of Somali Refugees in Nairobi on Kenya-Somalia Relations

Abstract: The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of the self-integration of Somali refugees in Nairobi on Kenya-Somalia relations. Precisely, the study sought to; establish the impact of self-integration of Somali refugees in Nairobi on trade, security and immigration process between Kenya and Somalia. The theories that underpinned this study include interdependence theory and security theory. This study adopts a descriptive research design. The study population was cate...

A Comparative Analysis between Career Ambassadors and Politically Appointed Ambassadors in Advancing Kenya’s Foreign Policy From 1963-2019

Abstract: The effectiveness of politically appointed diplomats compared to career diplomats became a national debate in 2018 when President Uhuru Kenyatta appointed several former politicians and civil servants who had never worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to serve in strategic capitals around the world (Olick, 2018). This debate inspired the main objective of this research which seeks to understand the history of this practice and to compare career and politically appointed ambas...

The Advancement of Kenya’s Foreign Policy Goals: The Case of the Diaspora Diplomacy Pillar

Abstract: The global rise in diaspora communities has emerged as a principal issue for policy makers in the Global South. Since the onset of the 21st century, respective governments in the region have increasingly recognized the economic, political and social implications of large diaspora communities abroad. Consequently, moves are being made to utilize this group to further national development and foreign policy goals. This is evident in the creation of diaspora offices, engagement polici...

African Agency in China – Africa Relations: An Analysis of Engagements under the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Framework

Abstract: Research on China-Africa relations is dynamic and evolving. Several China-Africa relations luminaries have attempted to analyze Beijing‟s key interests in Africa together with the new relations guided by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) initiated in 2000 for the purpose of enhancing mutual consultation and win-win cooperation. This study is purely qualitative, relying on secondary sources of documentary data on the key study themes. Rational Choice theory is applied ...

Examining the Role of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 in Fostering Inclusive and Sustainable Peace in South Sudan

Abstract: The position of women has been strengthened in conflict resolution efforts globally, since the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1325 in 2000. Since then, as peace building practice continues to evolve globally, there is a notable shift from being regarded as a male dominated sphere to a rather more inclusive and collaborative process. Various studies including a 2015 Global study on the Implementation of the resolution 1325 have acknowledged and recogn...

The Role of the United Nations Aid Agencies in the Reconstruction of South Sudan: The Case Of The United Nations Development Program (UNDP): 2011-2018

Abstract: Building lasting peace, reconciliation and reconstruction in post conflict societies is among one of the most daunting of challenges for global peace and security. There have been several attempts by the international community to foster post-conflict peace, reconciliation and reconstruction in South Sudan. The United Nations has been heavily involved in undertaking peacekeeping operations in South Sudan with the aim of reducing the conflicts related to land, natural resources and ...

Illiberal Democracy in Uganda: Assessing the Role of United States Security Aid Contribution to Authoritarian Leadership (1986 – 2017)

Abstract: This study focuses on the democratic irregularities in Uganda under the leadership of President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and the involvement of United States (US) support towards improving regional security in the wake of terrorism. The study identifies that the US in the 21st Century has African allies which they support in attempt to curb terror activities and propelling their interest in the continent through supporting authoritarian regimes. The identified gap is guided by the fo...

The Effectiveness of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions - A Case Study of Eastern Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the UN peacekeeping missions, with a case study of the DRC Congo. The objectives of the study included examining the effectiveness of the mission in adhering to its mandate, the protection of civilians, influence of the peacekeepers in fostering peace agreements amongst the conflicting parties, and the mission’s effectiveness in protecting natural resources and rebuilding the country. The study engaged a secondary research that exa...

Exploring Chinese Aid and Nigeria-China: Relations 1999-2015

Abstract: This work set out to analyze the nature and impact of Chinese aid on Nigeria-China relations. It was also carried out to explore the extent which Chinese aid influences foreign policy and trade relations between Nigeria and China. The study sample is Nigeria as they are high recipients of Chinese aid and soft loans in Sub-Sahara Africa. Data was collected from secondary sources such as journal articles, book chapters, memos and government official reports. Descriptive statistics wa...

The Influence of Hegemonic Power on Regional Integration Case Study of Germany in European Union

Abstract: This study aims to disclose the influence of hegemonic states on regional integration, using Germany’s role in the European Union as its main case study. Over the past decade, the European Union security and foreign policy was leaderless to a great extent. The Brussels-led foreign policy continued to be more vision than reality. The traditional Franco-German engine stuttered, and the United Kingdom looked inwards. Several crises erupted at the same time in Europe putting the Euro...

31 - 45 Of 224 Results