Security and Strategic Studies Research Papers/Topics

Organizational Resources And Performance Of Mobile Phone Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT A firm‟s performance is a function of how well managers build the organizations around the resources and capabilities within their reach. Resource Based View regards a firm‟s specific resources as the fundamental source of superior performance. Resources must be valuable, rare, inimitable, and lack of substitutes to give competitive advantage and hence superior performance. Empirical studies indicate that the mobile phone companies have been dominated by one player for the last ...

Commercial Motorcycles And Insecurity In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Crime is a challenge and potential impairment to national development. It also affects spiritual and material welfare, compromising human self-worth while creating an atmosphere of anxiety and violence. Studies have shown that insecurity have both direct and indirect cost implication on economic growth especially when it is linked with transport system. This study sought to examine the link between commercial motorcycles and insecurity in Nakuru County. The study was guided by routi...

Strategic Risk Management And Performance Of Police Work In Kuresoi Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT The aim of Risk management is three fold; it must identify the risk, undertake an objective analysis of risk specific to the organization, and respond to the risk in an appropriate manner. Risk management is not an end in and of itself, but rather part of sound organizational practices that include planning, preparedness, program evaluation, process improvement, and budget priority development. With increased insecurity investors and tourists get scared and keep off and as such huge...

E-Banking Strategy And Financial Performance Of Commercial Banks In Kenya

ABSTRACT The advancement in technology in the banking industry has led to the emergence of electronic banking (e-banking), which has revolutionized the way banks provide their services. The application of different technologies in the banking industry has become a competitive strategy employed by commercial banks in Kenya. Consequently, modern banks have decided to adopt and implement e-banking strategies to remain competitive. However, limited knowledge is available regarding the effect of ...

Quality Management Strategies And Operational Performance Of Selected Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Quality has become one of the key aspects that drive global firms. Customers are becoming more enlightened with products and services that they consume due to access of information. Quality concept is perceived from different perspectives by individual consumers. For organizations to remain relevant, improving the quality of their products and services is a key determinant of success. In order to keep up with the changing consumer needs and wants, public universities in Kenya need t...

Total Quality Management Practices And Service Delivery Of Kenya Ports Authority

ABSTRACT Total quality management requires that all members of the company play a part in adding value in processes, products, services and culture in which they work. This can be attained by combining all quality-related functions and processes throughout the organization. TQM focuses on the overall quality aspects employed by an organization including managing quality design and development, quality control and maintenance, quality improvement and quality assurance. The specific objectives ...

Differentiation Strategy And Performance Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies sub-sector occupies a strategic position in the socio-economic development of the country. Cost of doing business and reduced saving power of the SACCOs customers have reduced the revenue and access to cheap deposits that they use to give as loans to their members making them re-think their competitive strategy in order to remain competitive and increase performance. The study sought to look into differentiation strategy and performance of...

Corporate Social Responsibility And Performance Of Selected Airlines Operating In Kenya

ABSTRACT The increase in the thorough examination of the operation of busineses has made the organizations to be meet the needs of the stakeholders such ascustomers and government. Normally the organixzations that embrase the requirements of CSR have the high level of achievement. The essential traits of CSR that lead to improved performance are those projects that emphasise on health, environment, education and sports. In view of these contentions, this investigation seeks to draw out the co...

Enhanced Security Equipment And Its Effects On Crime In Selected Higher Learning Institutions In Kenya

ABSTRACT Security is a first-order or necessary precondition for the development of societies. Several security measures have been proposed for implementation in higher learning institutions with the aim of reducing insecurity incidents. Even with these measures in place, increasing cases of insecurity in higher learning institutions continue to be reported. This study sought to examine the enhanced security equipment and its effect on crime in selected higher learning institutions in Kenya. ...

Strategy Institutionalisation And Performance Of State Owned Corporations In The Electricity Sub - Sector In Kenya

ABSTRACT Strategy institutionalisation involves developing an organisational capability to a point where it is fully supportive of a new strategy. To attain Vision 2030, the government recognizes the importance of strategy institutionalisation on organisational performance. The electricity sub-sector plays an important role in facilitating economic growth of the country. Statistics, however, show that strategic objectives have not been achieved thus affecting the performance of state-owned c...

The Influence Of Academic Leadership On The Intention Of The University Students To Apply Strategic Innovative Behavior

ABSTRACT This thesis investigates an ontology that there exists a Strategic Academic Leadership (SAL) in higher education institutions (HEIs) context that can enhance students‟ intention to apply Strategic Innovative Behavior (SIB) at workplaces. SIB is defined in this thesis as a combination of strategic, but ethical innovation virtues (as measured by students‟ Affective Commitment) that enhances the society‟s welfare as time goes on. In order to investigate the ontology of SAL and ho...

Perceptions Of Business Community On Kenya Police Service Law Enforcement Practices In Nairobi Central Business District

ABSTRACT All over the world, the interaction between the public and the police has over the years been characterized by suspicion, tension and hostilities. There have been numerous allegations and complains from members of the public on Kenya Police Service law enforcement practices which has led to differing public perceptions. This study sought to explore perceptions of business community on Kenya Police Service law enforcement practices in Nairobi Central Business Districtand was guided b...

Determinants Of Police And Community Cooperation In Policing Imenti North Sub – County, Meru County

ABSTRACT Community policing is a global initiative which is built on the premise that the public and police should cooperate in policing to reduce the fear of crime. However, little is known about what determines the cooperation between the community and police in policing leading to success of these community policing programs. Therefore, this study sought to examine the determinants of police and community cooperation in policing Imenti North Sub-County within Meru County. The focus of the...

Mpeketoni Residents’ Perception Of Terror Attacks On Socio Economic Activities And Governmnent Response To Security Improvement In Lamu County, Kenya

This study assessed Mpeketoni Residents’ Perception of terror attacks on socio-economic activities in Lamu County, Kenya. It was motivated by the reported state of insecurity state in the country. The concern was particularly within Mpeketoni region as a result of Al-Shabaab militia insurgency among the communities along the coastal region in Kenya. This study was guided by the following specific objectives; to assess the Mpeketoni residents’ social perception of terror attacks on soc...

Socio-Cultural And Structural Factors Affecting Application Of Informal Crime Controls In Managing Security In Chiakariga Ward, Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study on social, cultural and structural factors affecting application of informal crime controls in managing security was conducted in Chiakariga Ward, Tharaka-Nithi, Kenya. The study was motivated by the increasing number of crime incidents in the study area despite dominance of both formal and informal justice systems. This study sought to find out whether the practice of Kenyan legal codes, modernization, social structures and cultural processes in the study area has hampere...

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