Social Studies Research Papers/Topics

Decentralised Planning In Zimbabwe: A Review Of Provincial, Urban And District Development Planning In Post-Dependence Zimbabwe (Post-1980)

Abstract: The paper provides a detailed analysis of the nature and forms of decentralised planning existing in Zimbabwe since 1980. Most of them reflect a continuity from the colonial period with modifications to suit the new sociwconomic order. A detailed review is made of the powers that exist for planning and implementation, and also their limitations. The multiplicity of agencies has created problems, which has called for more co-ordination particularly at provincial level. However, the c...

Influence Of Converged Newsroom Platforms To The Practice Of Professional Journalism By The Herald And Daily News

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the influence of newsroom convergence to the practice of professional journalism by The Herald and daily News. The study sought to establish how the two publications which have opposed views are adapting to newsroom convergence and with what effect the development plays in the practice of professional journalism. The study was mainly qualitative and data was taped from the targeted population using qualitative data collection methods. The researcher made...

Administrative Impact Of Restructured Provincial Administration On Selected Aspects Of Maintenance Of Law And Order In Kenya In 2010-2014: A Case Study Of Bomet County

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate administrative impact of Restructured Provincial Administration (RPA) as independent variable on maintenance of law and order as dependent variable in Bomet County, Kenya in 2010-2014. Based on the theory of legitimate domination, it focused on four selected aspects of maintenance of law and order measured in 2006-2010 and in 2010-2014. These formed the objectives of the study and include: analysis of the nature and causes of crimes committed, establi...

Factors Contributing To Poor Performance In English Language Among Learners With Mental Challenges In Regular Schools In Olchoro Zone, Narok County Kenya

ABSTRACT English Language plays a central and strategic role in the school system because almost all the school subjects are taught using English language. However, students’ achievement in this subject in regular schools is not encouraging. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate factors contributing to poor performance in English language along learners with mental challenges in regular schools in Olchoro zone Narok County. The study was guided by the following objectives: ...

Dependency in international regimes: the case of the apparel industry in sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract This paper shows the relationship between regime and dependency theories. Its central argument is that international regimes primarily serve the accumulation interests of metropolitan capitalism, and hence perpetuate dependency. Using the case of the apparel industry in sub-Saharan Africa, it brings to the fore both the dependency and struggle in international regimes that mainstream regime theory masks. The paper concludes that, in its struggle to embed industry, Africa will need to...

The Relevance Of Social Work Education For Social Development In Kenya

Abstract This paper interrogates the contribution of professional Social work education towards social development in Kenya. It is believed that fundamental to understand social work involves understanding its educational requirements. Social work education and Social work profession offers a varied preparation at many levels (Ginsberg, 2001). Education is available at every educational level from the community college through to doctorate. Education and training is important because it is th...

Investigating The Conformity Between The Zimbabwe Land Administration System and The Land Administration Domain Model

ABSTRACT INVESTIGATING THE CONFORMITY BETWEEN THE ZIMBABWE LAND ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMAND THE LAND ADMINISTRATION DOMAIN MODEL Page 5 The increase in land utilization has necessitated the devising of more adequate technologies for better management and administration of the nation‟s most valuable resource. The land administration functions in Zimbabwe are distributed within several departments. This has necessitated the need for effective communication between the departments to ensure effe...

The Impact Of Stakeholder Participation In The Budget Formulation Process In Ward 15 Mutare Urban

ABSTRACT The whites owned large and fertile land while the blacks were placed to small and unfertile land and this made room for land distribution process as a way of equality, fairness and justice. The government implemented land reform program where they attained their land from the colonizers (whites). However the result of this act led to the Zimbabwe crisis which is characterized by food insecurity, inflation, deindustrialisation and high rate of unemployment. The main objective of the ...

‘Political gladiators’ on Facebook in Zimbabwe: a discursive analysis of intra– Zimbabwe African National Union – PF cyber wars; Baba Jukwa versus Amai Jukwa

Abstract Social media have been hailed as liberative in contexts of political repression. In Zimbabwe, there are emergent debates on the possibilities of using Facebook to ‘democratise’ political space. But the use of Facebook to settle personal political scores or to relentlessly attack political opposition seemed to have escaped academic scrutiny. This study looks at the use of Facebook by opposing camps in Zimbabwe’s July 2013 election to attack each other, as well as the challenges ...

The Uptake Of Converged Newsroom Platforms In Zimbabwe. Case Study Of Media Centre From 2016 To Date

Abstract The study explored the uptake of converged newsroom platforms in Zimbabwe focusing on Media Centre from 2016 to date. The study aimed to explore the uptake of a converged newsroom platforms in Zimbabwe focusing on Media Centre from 2016 up to date; determine how converged newsroom platforms enhance democracy and free circulation of news across the globe; and establish how converged newsroom platforms lead to multitasking while enforcing professionalism. The study was qualitative in n...

The Contestations On The State Of Journalism In Zimbabwe Between Old School And Contemporary Journalists In Zimbabwe

Abstract This study explores “old” school and contemporary journalist‟s perceptions on the state of journalism in Zimbabwe. It interrogates the discourses around this emotive issue with a view to teasing out the biases and absences therein and how each group tries to legitimise itself at the expense of the other. The study is informed by van Dijk‟s ideological square. In addition to the theory, the study utilised findings from numerous studies that spoke of declining standards on the ...

Social Workers’ Perceptions On The Implementation Of The Coalition On Responsible Drinking (CORD) Programme In Namibia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the perception of social workers on the implementation of the coalition on responsible drinking (CORD) programme in Namibia. The study investigated the achievements and challenges social workers at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) experience in the implementation of the CORD programme. The study also obtained detailed information about the inputs, activities, and processes of the programme in order to uncover the achievements ...

The Future Of School Hostels In Namibia: Developing A More Costeffective System For The Future

ABSTRACT The study aims at examining the major factors and causes of the high expenditure in the management of hostels. It became clear through the research that government expenditure towards hostels is enormous and unsustainable, warranting a critical review. The key findings of the study revealed food provision, personnel and utilities as the major cost drivers. Other factors that contribute to high cost include lack of proper monitoring and control units as well as poor financial control ...

Extended Family Support And Elderly Care In Bamang, Ashanti Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT  Social change is causing great transformation in every area of society. The objective of this study was to examine how this transformation is affecting the traditional role of extended family to provide support and care to the elderly in rural Ghana. Bamang; a small rural community in Ashanti Region, was used as research site to collect data for the study. Methodologically, a qualitative research technique was employed, including; face to face interviews and observations as methods...

Perceptions Of Parents And Caregivers Regarding The Special Needs Of Children At Sunshine Day Care Centre In Walvisbay

ABSTRACT There are many challenges in raising and caring for a child with special needs. Each barrier experienced is challenging in, and of itself for parents and caregivers. When a parent or caregiver learns that a child has a disability or chronic illness, it takes them on an unexpected journey that requires constant empathy and sensitivity, towards the child. These feelings are often filled with strong emotion and difficult choices. Children with special needs are framed within the discou...

31 - 45 Of 158 Results