Agricultural Education Research Papers/Topics

The Role Of The Smallholder Farmer Groups On Production, Processing And Marketing Of Maize: A Case Study Of Hoima District, Uganda

ABSTRACT Maize farmers in Hoima District have formed groups to overcome the challenges of low production, processing and marketing of maize due to lack of adequate extension support, inadequacy of transport facilities, limited access to inputs and output market. However, studies have shown that even when the farmers form groups, the challenges that farmers face as individuals continue to be experienced in their farmer groups. The challenges listed if left unaddressed, have the potential of c...

Adoption Of Cattle Manure For Banana Production By Farmers In Mbarara District, Uganda

Abstract Bananas are the main staple food crop grown in Mbarara District but production is threatened by Mbarara’s declining soil fertility. Cattle manure has a potential of improving soil fertility as it is available and affordable through the good supply from the high cattle population of the area compared to scarce & costly inorganic fertilizers. In addressing the problem, the aim was to find out the rate of cattle manure adoption for increasing banana yields. A sample size of 226 respo...

Root Quality Of Four Sweetpotato [Ipomoea Batatas (L) Lam] Cultivars As Affected By Days After Planting

ABSTRACT Time to harvest sweet potato is paramount in determining the yield and nutritional composition. Establishing an appropriate period to harvest non-white fleshed sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam] cultivars introduced in Ghana as food crops is relevant to their promotion for human health. However, there is insufficient scientific information on the root quality (root yield, fresh foliage weight, (3-carotene, dry matter, starch, fructose, glucose, sucrose, zinc, iron and protein) o...

Students’ Perceptions On The Learning Of Agriculture Science In Senior High Schools In The Akuapem North District In The Eastern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study sought to evaluate Senior High School students’ perceptions on the studying of Agriculture Science subject in the Akuapem North District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design using questionnaires as the main data collection instrument. Data were provided by 203 students who were purposively sampled from 4,045 Senior High School students in the district. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics aided by the Stati...

Small Ruminant Production As A Potential Source Of Employment For Senior High School Graduates In The Sagnarigu District In Northern Region

ABSTRACT There is great issue of concern to the alarming rate of the increasing number of SHS graduates who do not proceed to any higher education and cannot be absorbed by both the public and private sector in the job market annually in Ghana. Small ruminant production can provide lots of significant employment potential for youth to engage in. This study looked at the assessment of the potential of small ruminant production as a source of employment for Senior High School Graduates in the ...

Preliminary Studies in Soybean( GLYCINE MAI (L ) MERRILL) Productivity on The Accra Plains

Abstract Experiments on mulching, temperature, storage end inter-row spacing were conducted in the fie ld and laboratory during the major and minor seasons of 1973* with 21 introduced soybean varieties including H ill, Kent, CBS 486 and Aasoy 71. 1. Mulching Kxperiments Three varieties (H ill, Kent, GES 466) were grown in two field trials and a pot experiment with and without mulch applied after planting in 1973* Mulching decreased maximum soil temperature; maintained higher so il moisture co...

The Effect Of Grazing Frequency On The Performance Of Some Tropical Grasses

An experiment was conducted on a grey-brown sandy-clay soil of vertical classification, at the Agricultural Research. Station, Legon, to study the effect of 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 8- and 10-weekly grazing on the performances of eight tropical grasses namely:- Cynodon aethiopicus, Cynodon nlemfuensis, Cynodon plectostachyus, Cenchrus ciliaris var Biloela, M git aria decumbens, Digit aria swazilandensis, Panicum. maximum and Paspalum pljcatulum. Srequent grazing reduced dry matter and green forage yie...

The Economic Implications Of The Introduction Of Improved Methods For Maize: A Study In The Mampong District.

Objective of Study The study was motivated by the Ghana Government's proposal for an integrated crop improvement project for maize. The project seeks to promote the use of 'improved methods' of cultivating maize in selected centres of maize production in the country with the aim of increasing annual maize production by approximately 50,000 long tons over the next five years. It is hoped that the target would be achieved primarily through increasing yields on at least 100,000 acres of the appr...

Determinants Of Food Security Status Of Smallholder Farming Households In The Wa West And Sissala West Disricts Of The Upper West Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers play a vital role in food production in Ghana. However, their households are major casualties of food insecurity despite their efforts in food production. This study sought to identify the determinants of food security status and describe the coping strategies used among smallholder farming households in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study calculated a food security index (FSI) to determine the food security status of households in the study area. The logit ...

Evaluation Of Hybrid Maize Varieties In Three Agroecological Zones In Ghana

ABSTRACT Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop in Ghana, but its productivity in farmers‟ fields throughout the country is generally low. The low grain yields can be attributed partly to the use of traditional low-yielding maize varieties. Farmers‟ adoption of hybrid varieties would reduce deficit of demand and supply of maize in the country. A study was undertaken to assess the relative yielding abilities and stability of 20 hybrids selected from the breeding programme of the Wes...

Optimisation of Sugar And Blood Feeding Regimen in Anopheles gambiae Mass Production System

 ABSTRACT The sterile insect technique (SIT) is being developed for the control of malaria transmitting mosquitoes. Critical to the success of applying the SIT is the establishment of standardized mass production systems for the target species. As part of efforts to develop standardised mass production systems for malaria vectors, this project sought to optimize adult blood and sugar feeding in a mass production system. Different sugar types (glucose, sucrose and honey) were evaluated at 6 ...

Partial Root Zone Drying Application In The Propagation Of Vegetable In Northern Nigeria

Abstract This study compares the response of Amaranthus candatus vegetable to root-to-shoot signals of soil drying and assesses applicability of the use of partial root zone drying (PRD) technique in increasing water-use efficiency. From a completely block randomized design, seeds were grown on three plots with each having three replicates. Three treatments were compared: half of the root system watered and half droughted by delivering 50% less crop water requirement (CWR) per irrigation dep...


ABSTRACT In vivo and in vitro germination and regeneration studies were conducted on the development of Vitellaria paradoxa seedlings as an initial effort towards its domestication. However, to achieve this objective, the morphology and anatomy of the seeds were first studied because they influence germination. Although a smooth, brown coat encloses a V. paradoxa seed, it did not impose dormancy on the embryo. Transverse and longitudinal sections through the seed showed that the embryo is sur...

The effects of processing methods on the nutritional profile of avocado (Persea Americana Mill) seeds

ABSTRACT The nutritional and antinutritional profiles of raw avocado seeds saoked and boiled for 10,15,20 and 20minutes were investigated.


Version:0.9 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000014889 StartFragment:0000000141 EndFragment:0000014849 Experiments were conducted to evaluate the nutritional and anti-microbial effects of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) in broilers and laying hens. Proximate analysis of the leaf meal showed that it contained 23.25% CP, 13.19% CF, 6.93% EE, 6.4% Ash and 47.10% NFE on dry matter basis. In the chicken broiler experiment, five broiler starter (23% CP) and five finisher (19% CP) diets w...

151 - 165 Of 195 Results