Agricultural Education Research Papers/Topics

Effect of Frequency of Ejaculation on Semen Characteristics of Heavy Ecotype Chicken Raised in Derived Savannah Region of Nigeria

ABSTRACT Effect of frequency of ejaculation on semen characteristics of heavy ecotype chicken raised in the derived savannah region of Nigeria was studied using twelve heavy ecotype cocks. The cocks were randomly assigned to three treatments with four cocks in each treatment. Ejaculation frequencies once, twice and thrice per week, with T1 representing once, T2, twice and T3, thrice were imposed on the birds. The experiment lasted for a period of eight weeks with a two-week pre-experimental p...

The Effect of Access to and Use of Agricultural Information On the Livelihood of Cocoa Farmers

Abstract Cocoa remains Ghana’s most important crop, providing a means of livelihood to about two million people. As a result of the liberalization of the sector, there have been several providers of services to farmers particularly agricultural information. In agriculture, the role of information in enhancing the agricultural development cannot be over emphasized. Information is essential for increasing agricultural production and improving marketing & distribution strategies. Concerns sti...

The Influence of Gender Relations On Extension Delivery in Dangme West District of Ghana

ABSTRACT Extension delivery involves a relationship between an extension agent and a farmer who participates in extension activities. The general perception of the extension services in Ghana is that it is skewed positively towards men as against women farmers. This study was therefore directed towards looking at the nature of gender relations between extension agents and farmers to find out how it affects extension delivery. The study was conceptualized with ‘gender1 as a social construct...

Effect Of Selected Bradyrhizobia And Nutrients On Cowpea Biomass, Biological Nitrogen Fixation And Yield In Kilifi And Mbeere Regions Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Cowpea cultivation in Kenya is practiced by smallholder farmers who use little or no inputs like microbial inoculants and fertilizer. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of rhizobial inoculation and nutrient supplementation on different cowpea genotypes in two soils in Kenya. Four rhizobia strains and three cowpea genotypes were initially assessed for nodulation in a greenhouse experiment and the best strain- cultivar combination was selected to determine the effect of 5...

Effects Of Phosphorus Sources And Starter Nitrogen On Soybean Yield And Selected Soil Properties In Tharaka Nithi And Meru Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT  Integration of legumes into farming systems is one of the Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) options for improving soil fertility. Farmers can save their cost of production by using legumes, which, in association with rhizobia, can fix atmospheric nitrogen. Soybean is an important legume compatible with the smallholder farming systems in Tharaka Nithi and Meru counties. However, low P and N, a situation prevalent in the two counties can limit its performance. The study was...

Assessment Of Purple Passion Fruit Orchard Management And Farmers’ Technical Efficiency In Embu, Meru And Uasin-Gishu Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT Horticulture industry sustains millions of livelihoods in Kenya. Over the last decade, passion fruit has emerged as an important high market value horticultural crop following the establishment of new and expansion of existing large scale beverage producers that use local fruits for juice extraction. There has also been growing export markets and increasing numbers of health conscious consumers. Currently, the productivity levels are low, at 8 ton ha-1 compared to potential of 24 to...

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Farmers Participation In Vertical Integration Of The Coffee Value Chain In Huye District, Rwanda

ABSTRACT Coffee farming in Rwanda is an important sector that contributes significantly to the economy in terms of employment and income, especially for the smallholder coffee farmers in rural areas. In order to improve coffee production in terms of quality and quantity, farmers are encouraged to form and join cooperatives so that they can increase their vertical integration within the coffee value chain. Despite this strategy, level of participation of farmers in cooperatives is still low (...

Irrigation Scheduling And Phosphatic Fertilizer On Growth, Yield, And Yield Components Of Nerica Rice In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Rice is an increasingly important cereal crop in Kenya with the major production being done in Mwea, Kirinyaga County. Rice farming faces notable challenges such as; erratic rainfall, waterscarcity, mismanaged irrigation and low soil phosphorus. In that view, therefore, an experiment was conducted at KALRO-Mwea for two seasons to investigate the effect of irrigation scheduling and phosphorus levels on growth, yield and yield yield components of two Nerica rice varieties. The experim...

Economic Evaluation Of Integrated Pest Management Technology For Control Of Mango Fruit Flies In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Mango is the third most important fruit in Kenya in terms of area and total production. Nutritionally, mango fruit is important for vitamins and mineral provision in the daily diet of Kenyans. As an export crop, mango earns the country foreign exchange, acts as source of food and household income especially for resource poor farmers, contributing to poverty alleviation and achievement of Millennium Development Goal number one. However, mango production and marketing is constrained by...

Influence Of Strategy Implementation On The Performance Of Agribusiness Firms In Nyanza Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural value chain development programs must result in lasting change in order to be deemed effective. The programs initiated either by public or private organizations may meet their objectives while in operation by improving agricultural development in terms of increased crop or animal productivity, improved competitiveness, performance of agri-food chains and poverty reduction. However, sustainability of these development initiatives for impact over time has been a challenge...

Factors Influencing The Use Of Computer-Based Instruction In Teaching Secondary School Agriculture In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information and communication technology (ICT) is increasingly playing an important role in the economies of all nations. Educationists are advocating for the use of ICT in teaching and learning due to its potential to overcome many education problems such as, low learning achievement, and motivation. The performance of agriculture students in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations has not been satisfactory. Computer based-instruction has been shown to positively ...

Effect Of Value Addition On Income Among Deepening Enterprise Development Groups In Ntchisi District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Agribusiness in Malawi is still in the early stages of development and is associated with insufficient value addition. Farmers‟ ability to produce outputs in quantities and quality forms that are marketable and commercially viable is limited by a number of factors. Lack of sufficient storage and processing facilities as well as inadequate skills are some of the notable constraints. As a way of enhancing the competitiveness of the rural agribusiness actors and ultimately raising th...

Effect Of Participation In Farmer Based Organisations On Profitability Of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus Cajan) Enterprise In Mulanje District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Malawi’s agricultural sector contributes 30% to the GDP and provides employment to more than 85% of the total rural population. The sector is dominated by smallholder farmers who are challenged with lack of access to reliable markets and poor infrastructure. To address this, the Malawian government has encouraged formation of Farmer-Based Organisations in its national development framework. Although Farmer-Based Organisations have been in existence in the country since 1978, acces...

Factors Influencing Agripreneurs’ Participation And Investments In Clean Seed Potato Enterprises In Molo, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The Kenyan Seed potato production sector has failed to meet the high and growing demand for high quality seed. Enhanced participation and investments of more private seed potato multipliers could help increase availability and accessibility of quality seed and bridge the supply gap that meets less than 5% of the demand. However, factors that influence agripreneurs’ participation and level of investment in the multiplication of clean potato seed are not well known. The overall obje...

Determinants Of Quality Assessment Of Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education Agriculture Projects In Selected Secondary Schools Of Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The assessment of the K.C.S.E agriculture project work has been plagued by disparities between the school and the external based assessments; with the inception of the 8-4-4 education system in Kenya the problem has become worse. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Determinants of Quality Assessment of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Agriculture Projects in selected secondary schools of Kakamega County from 1999 to 2003. The study endeavored to achieve the foll...

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