Basic Education Research Papers/Topics

Secondary School Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Towards The Use Of Ict In Schools: A Case Of Coast Region In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigated the secondary school teachers’ knowledge, attitude and practice towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning process. The study objectives included investigation of teachers’ knowledge on the use of ICT in teaching and learning in Tanzania secondary schools, exploring teachers’ attitudes toward the use of ICT in teaching and learning and examining teachers’ practice on the use of ICT in teaching and learning process.  The study employed qualitativ...

Perception Of Secondary School Teachers And Their Students Towards The Use Of Mobile Phones In Secondary Schools In Kilosa District

ABSTRACT The study dealt with the perceptions of secondary school teachers and their students towards the use of mobile phone for educational purposes in government ordinary secondary schools in Kilosa district. The study was guided by two specific objectives which were; to explore the perceptions of secondary school teachers and their students towards the use of mobile phone for educational purposes in ordinary secondary schools in Kilosa district, and to examine what measures have been tak...

Teachers’ Conception Towards The Use Of Social Networks As A Tool For Professional Development In Tanzania Government Secondary Schools: The Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The current study sought to assess teachers‟ conception toward the use of social networks as a tool for professional development in Tanzania government secondary schools the case of Dodoma Municipality. Thus, the specific objectives of this study were to assess the influence of demographic characteristics on the use of social networks or as a tool for professional development. To assess  teachers conception on the available social networks opportunity that can support professiona...

Scholastic Achievement Of Learners With Disability: The Influence Of Organization Of Learning In The Inclusive Primary Schools

ABSTRACT This study investigated the organization of learning that led to the scholastic achievement of learners with disabilities in inclusive primary schools. The study involved seven purposely selected inclusive primary schools situated in Mtwara region. A total of  123 respondents were involved which included seven head-teachers, 21 teachers, 10 parents, six district education officers, 37 learners with disability and 42 learners without disability. The study employed both quantitative ...

Manifestation, Causes And Hideout Of Truancy In Community Secondary Schools Sumbawanga Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study is about the manifestation of truancy in community secondary schools using selected secondary schools from Sumbawanga municipality. The study was predominantly qualitative in nature with some aspects of quantitative research approach. The study was guided by the Ecological System by Urie Bronfenbrenror 1979.The Theory that looks at human development as a complex system of relationships that influence an individual’s development process. The study involved the actual sam...

Influence Of Girls’ Changing Rooms On Participation To Learning Among Secondary School Girls In Kongwa District, Dodoma

ABSTRACT  The main focus of this study was to examine the influence of girls’ changing rooms on participation to learning among secondary school girls in Kongwa District in Dodoma region. The study employed a concurrent research design as a study design and mixed method approach. A total of 143 respondents were involved in the data collection to include 1 DEO, 5 WEO, 6 Head of School, 83 Teacher, and 48 form three students. The study employed questionnaire, interview, Focus Group Discussio...

Grade 12 Learners Perceptions of Writing Practical Reports on Higher Level Physical Science,in Omusati Educational Region

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Grade 12 learners’ perceptions of writing practical reports on Higher Level Physical Science, in Omusati Educational Region. The objectives of the study were: (a) to find out to what extent do Grade 12 Higher Level Physical Science learners carry out practicals and write practical reports; (b) to determine the level of the Grade 12 Higher Level Physical Science learners’ knowledge of writing practical reports in Physical Science; (c) to device strateg...

Assessing Management Styles By Head Of Schools In Managing Instruction In Public Secondary Schools In Tanzania: A Case Of Njombe Town Council

ABSTRACT This dissertation reports the findings of the examination of the contribution of school management styles by head of schools to managing instructions in public secondary schools. It draws on the data that were collected from Njombe Town Council to specifically inform about common management style employed by head of schools in managing instruction for students’ academic achievement, the factors that influence head of schools in managing instruction in public secondary schools, the...

The Contribution Of Extracurricular Activities In Enhancing Students’ Retention In Secondary Schools: A Case Of Songea Municipality

ABSTRACT This study intended to examine the contribution of extracurricular activities in enhancing retention of students in secondary schools. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research approach, and data were collected from four secondary schools in Songea Municipality. This study was guided by three objectives and employed cross-sectional survey research design. The data were obtained through semi-structured questionnaire, interviews and documentary review. The study in...

Effectiveness Of Counseling Techniques In Improving Students’ Behaviour In Tanzania: A Case Of Secondary Schools In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The determination of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of counseling techniques in improving students‟ behavior of secondary schools the case of Dodoma Municipality. The key objective of the study was to examine the effectiveness of counseling techniques employed by the teachers during offering counseling services in improving students‟ behaviors in secondary schools. The study involved mixed research approach. It adopted also descriptive survey research design and ...

The Role Of School Committees In Ensuring The Quality Of Primary Education In Magu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigated the role of school committees in ensuring quality of primary education in Tanzania. Three objectives guided the study: Exploring school committees‟ members‟ awareness on their administrative roles, examining the strategies used by school committees in ensuring quality primary education, and identifying the constraints facing the school committees‟ members in ensuring quality primary education. The study employed qualitative approach and multiple case st...

The Challenges Facing Secondary School Administrators In Effective Implementation Of Fee-Free Education Provision In Selected Schools In Bahi District

ABSTRACT This study investigated the challenges facing school administrators in effective implementation of fee-free education in Tanzania. The objectives of this study are to explore the challenges that school administrators’ face while ensuring effective implementation of fee- free education provision in secondary schools, to establish the effects of fee-free education provision on management of secondary education schools and examine, the strategies used by school administrators to addr...

Improving Teachers’ Competence In Promoting Early Grade Reading: Exemplary Lesson Trials Based On A Learning Study Model

ABSTRACT Although it took time and personal efforts to convince teachers to participate willingly into two learning study cycles; the study found that teachers valued the learning study, felt that it positively impacted their pedagogical practices and increased student learning by using designed materials in their classes. This study was mainly guided by qualitative case study research approach. This study aimed to address the problem of chronic low literacy skills facing early grade student...

Effectiveness Of Remedial Teaching As Intervention Program Against Low Achievement In Mathematics Among Seccondary School Students In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research study examined the effectiveness of remedial teaching as an intervention program against low achievement in mathematics among secondary school students in Tanzania. For this purpose, 91participants were involved in the study. Among them, there were 70 Form Two Mathematics students,7Form Two Mathematics teachers, 7 academic teachers and 7 were head teachers from 7 involved public and private secondary schools in Lindi district. The study used a mixture of both qualitati...

Predictors Of Information And Communication Technology Usage Among Science Teachers In Federal Unity Schools In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has great potential in transforming the traditional and teacher-centred mode of science teaching in schools into a modern and rich student-centred mode; hence, the encouragement of its usage in unity schools across Nigeria. Regardless of its encouragement and adoption in unity schools, the level of its usage among science teachers is still relatively low with negative consequences on the teaching and learning of science subjects. Previou...

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