Library Studies Research Papers/Topics

Institutional Repositories in University Libraries In Nigeria and the Challenge of Copyright

ABSTRACT Copyright is a focal issue contending with the development of institutional repositories (IRs). Extant literature focused on the awareness, benefits, and the various IR activities across the globe.  This study investigated the issues of copyright in the institutional repositories in universities’ libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to sample 844 lecturers of the universities in Nigeria. Data ...

Library Development In Selected Private Secondary Schools In Lagos State

This paper investigates the schools in Lagos Sate. It assesses the profile of twenty private secondary schools, the library collections and their organization, staffing, physical whose parents are at the mercy of these private school owners who charge very exorbitant fees. The evaluation was based on the “Federal Ministry of Education and Youth Development minimum standards for school libraries in Nigeria.” The findings reveal that as expensive as these schools are library resources in so...

Library Education in Nigeria Repositioning for Professional Relevance in the 21st Century

Introduction The thirst for knowledge has always led humans to seek education, and as such many countries of the world, including Nigeria, place a high premium on the education of their citizens. Adjudged the most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country in the world with a population of over 150million, Nigeria is located on the Atlantic coast in West Africa, bordered by Benin on the West, Niger and Chad on the North, and Cameroon on the East (Academic American Encycl...

Digital Inclusion For Visually Impaired Students Through Assistive Technologies In Academic Libraries

Introduction A visual disability could mean partial sight, low vision, color blindness or total blindness. People living with visual disabilities struggle with two major challenges: difficulty in accessing (retrieving and reading) materials in print and navigation. Golledge (1993) notes that people living with visual disabilities have difficulty in performing daily routines such as locating streets, reading store names, reading product information and other information in print format. There...

Bridging The Great Divide: Librarian-Faculty Collaboration In Selected Higher Institutions In Lagos State Nigeria

This paper examines librarian-faculty collaboration in selected academic libraries in Lagos State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling method was used to select five out of a total population of nine higher institutions in Lagos State. Questionnaire was used as the major instrument for data gathering among librarians in the selected institutions. The study found that librarians are willing to collaborate with faculty in the areas of providing Current Awareness Services (CAS), working with accredi...

Automating Library Records Using GLAS Software: The University Of Lagos Experience

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the automation of University of Lagos library records using The Information Navigator Library Software (TINLIB) and now Graphical Library Automation Systems (GLAS) software with some analysis of the cataloguing module. It discusses the rationale behind the change from TINLIB to GLAS by assessing the features, strength and weakness of both software. Plan for future development is discussed and Nigeria university libraries using the same software are advised to fo...

Audiovisual Media Capabilities And The Dissemination Of Health Information

ABSTRACT This paper examines the potential of audiovisual media in the dissemination of health information. The use and effectiveness of each medium in health communication and information dissemination was extensively discussed. Lesson from an African country - Tanzania was highlighted and the Nigeria experience assessed. The paper advocates teaming up of medical and information professionals as well as planned and sustained multimedia campaigns its means of improving health information diss...

Emerging Challenges, Potentials And Realities Of Information Communication Technologies In The 21st Century In Nigeria.·

Abstract This article focuses on the critical roles of information communication technologies (ICTs) couple with its potentials and emerging challenges in fundamental development of individuals, institutions and government in developing and developed countries. The paper examines various developmental projects that had been carried out in most essentials area that affect the life of people; from rural communities to urban cities, and across the border lines of most countries. Thus, it brought...

Effect of Mobile Phone Use on Reading Habits of Private Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study reported survey results that revealed that reading for fun; reading in the library; and reading books with color and illustrations were among factors that affected reading habit among students. The survey also showed that students were not favorably disposed to reading at home and that some of them were forced to read by their parents. The study further revealed that almost all the respondents owned a mobile phone. The researchers recommend that software applications and te...

Survey of Security Challenges in University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigates security challenges in university libraries in Southwest Nigeria. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data for the study. Findings from the study revealed that university libraries in Southwest Nigeria are confronted with security challenges. The challenges include noise making through the use of cell phone, theft, mutilation, and defacement of library materials and hiding of book to prevent other users from having access to them. The study also...

Information Literacy in Nigerian Academic Environment

ABSTRACT This paper examined information literacy as catalyst to transforming the information society. The required information literacy skills - Task, definition, Information seeking strategies, Location and access, Use of information, Synthesis, and Evaluation (TILUSE) are discussed. Information Literacy skills training at the University of Ibadan Library, Nigeria is discussed.

Searchers’ Perception of Access Regulations in Nigerian National Archives

ABSTRACT Access to archives is an important component of archives administration. In the past, public archival institutions were credited with the dual role of preserving and making accessible the public archives in their custody, access being regarded as a secondary function (Jenkinson, 1937). Today, access to information generally seems to have been acknowledged as a critical element of participatory democracy (Adams, 2005) as evidenced in the clamour for Freedom of Information legislation ...


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors which affect motivation of librarians in three selected Universities in Zambia namely; Mulungushi University, Copperbelt University and Nkrumah University. The objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which librarians are motivated in their work, to find out factors that influence motivation among librarians in the selected university libraries in the Central and Copperbelt provinces of Zambia, to assess the impact ...