Agricultural Engineering Research Papers/Topics

A Computer Model for Irrigation Water Indenting and Optimization of Minor Canal Operation

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with objectives of developing a proper decision aid for irrigation indenting of multiple crop rotation based on Penman- Montieth equation( 1994) and amenable for the format of meteorological data of the Sudan. Consequently the study developed a mathematical simulation of canal operation for the purpose of optimization of water allocation within such a canal. Linear programming algorithm was made to optimize irrigation water allocation between different outl...

Synthesis Of Solid Acid Catalysts From Kaolin For Efficient Production Of Biodiesel From Shea Butter

ABSTRACT This study reports synthesis of solidacid catalyst from cheaper raw materials for efficient biodiesel production. The dissertation consists of six main research section including: (1) Synthesis and characterization of ordered solidacid catalyst from kaolin; (2) Synthesis and characterization of hierarchical nanoporous HY zeolite from acid activated kaolin; (3) Synthesis of nanoporous HY zeolites from activated kaolin, a central composite design (CCD) optimization study; (4) Synthesis...

Hand Transmitted Mechanical Vibrations And Shocks To Operators Of Single-Axle Tractor During Field Operations

ABSTRACT This study was conducted using both field experiments and structured questionnaires to investigate the influence of hand transmitted mechanical vibrations and shocks experienced by operators from handles of a single-axle tractor and determine an optimum operator‟s daily exposure limits in field conditions. The field experiments were conducted at Kilimanjaro Agricultural Training Centre (KATC). Four different makes of single-axle tractors were studied, namely: AMEC S 1100A2 (distri...

Design, Construction And Performance Evaluation Of A Magnetic Sieve Grinding Machine

ABSTRACT Technology of milling and grinding machine is one of the simplest methods of processing agricultural raw materials alternative to the traditional methods of grain/tuber processing using stone, mortar and pestle. However, machines constructed using metal plates results in tearing and wearing away of the materials of construction. The effect of this is the contamination of the processed foodstuff. This is known to have negative health implications when accumulated and consumed in larg...

Development Of Power Tiller Operated Rice Combine Harvester For Smallholder Farmers In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to develop a Power Tiller Operated Rice Combine Harvester (PORCH) for small holder farmers in Tanzania. PORCH can be attached to a power tiller during harvesting operation and detached to give the power tiller a room for other operations. The study aimed at designing, construction and testing performance of PORCH prototype.Design specifications and drawings were developed and prototype was constructed.The performance of PORCH prototype was tested in Lower Mo...

Involvement And Performance Of Private Extension Service Providers In Rungwe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Several studies (Rivera and Cary 1997; AFC Consultants International 2011) show that effectiveness and efficiency of extension services have increased where governments have shifted from being the sole provider towards developing more pluralistic kind of extension system. The general objective of this study was to assess involvement and performance of Private Extension Service Providers in Rungwe District. An interview schedule and a note book were used to collect primary data during...

Assessment Of Annual Utilization Rates Of Farm Tractors In Mbarali District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Mbarali District of Mbeya Region with the objective of assessing the average annual utilization rates of farm tractors for both on-farm and off-farm activities during the cropping season of 2012/13. The study conducted aimed at addressing the following research questions: who are the owners of farm tractors in the study area, what models were in use and what were the available support services that could enhance sustainable utilization of tractors? Question...

Modification of an adapted maize jab planter

ABSTRACT The metering device is a key segment of planters that legitimately influence crop improvement and yield dependent on the presentation of the specific design. Metering device B (Teflon) is intended to minimize seed damage during planting while improving metering efficiency and field capacity. An improved local jab planter for maize seeds which is adjusted for farmers developing under two hectares has been structured, built and tried. The major components of the planter are hopper, see...