Mechanical Engineering Research Papers/Topics

An Experimental Study On Different Types Of Alternative Fuels For Production Of Bricks On Vertical Shaft Kilns

Abstract This study is mainly concentrated on how to produce burnt clay bricks with a minimum firing cost and friendly Environmental Impact, through a new implemented energy – efficient technology, ie the Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) in the Sudan. The study aims to manufacture modeled building green bricks with different cheap solid additives having a high heating values [industrial and agricultural], petro-coke, animal dung, and saw-dust as an internal fuel. Model samples were manufac...

Study Of Internal Combustion Engines Waste Heat Recovery Using Turbocharger Compounding

Abstract The purpose of this project is to study the effects of turbocharger technology in a diesel engine. The Perkins diesel six cylinders 4 stroke Stationary CI Engine (case study) comes without a turbocharger. The Study is based on predict the effects of using this technology in the performance of engine, air pollution and global warming by calculations and simulation. After the calculations and simulation found that Recovering technology is decreasing the temperature of exhaust gas from...

Performance Analysis For Kaplan Hydraulic Turbines In Jebel Aulia Dam

Abstract: Kaplan Hydraulic Turbines defined as prime movers that transform the kinetic energy for the flow rate of water and head to mechanical energy and electrical energy by electric generator shaft. And knowing the efficiency of a hydraulic turbine has important operational and financial benefits to those who operate in power plant stations. This research focused on the analysis of the effect of the head and the rate of discharge on the energy produced and compared with the other theoret...

Design, Simulation Of Solar Refrigator Of Adsorption Principle

ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is to design and simulate Intermittent solar adsorption refrigeration machine. A solar heated charcoal / methanol of refrigeration machines as small unit of solar freezer on adsorption principle is used. The unit has a product capacity of about 5kg of ice daily. A flat-plate solar collector of (1𝑚2 ) area, and a water-cooled condenser of natural convection type is used. The evaporator was a flooded type evaporator, attached to the ice box to form a f...

Modeling And Simulation For Kaplan Turbine In Roseires Power Plant

ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to develop a model to study the performance of Kaplan turbine of unit number four in rosiers hydro power station .To achieve this aim , a model was develop using simulation soft ware matlab/simulink based on the dynamic equations of Kaplan turbine , then the simulation results were compared with the results of the real system in case of loading and idling mode .The simulation results showed very good agreement with the results of the real system , with smal...

Development Of Automobile Brake Linings Using Local Materials

ABSTRACT The project is on the tDevelopment of Automobile Br&e Linings using materials and methods. Five dis= brake linings of the geometrical specification of Peugeot 504 series were produced using the available equipment at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Nigeria, Nsuklira, The friction pads were made of varying proportions of palm kernel shell as the base friction material, rubber latex, rubber dust, sulphur, clay, brass chips and Epoxy Resins. Laboratory tests...

Design and Thermal analysis of ISRASAT1 Cube satellite structure

ABSTRACT ISRASAT1 is the cube satellite being devolved by the Institute of Space Research and Aerospace (ISRA) to orbits at 450 km above the Earth. The main mission of ISRASAT1 is to take images from space, transmit it to ISRA ground station while transmitting a beacon signal all the time. ISRASAT1 subsystems are the onboard computer subsystem (OBC), electrical power subsystem (EPS), attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS), communication subsystem (COMM) and payload subsystem (PS...

Implementation of Denoising MEMS Accelerometer Using Wavelet Transformation

ABSTRACT The MEMS accelerometer is an important sensor to measure the object’s motion state (acceleration), and it is a key device in inertial systems such as, vibration measurement and navigation systems. MEMS accelerometer has the advantages of high precision and large measurement range, but it suffers from noise problems which results in negative consequences, because of double integration process to calculate the distance which results in erroneous measurements especially when integrat...

Effect Of Annealing On The Hardness Of Cold Worked Al-6'1/Ocu Alloy

ABSTRACT Effect of annealing temperatures and annealing time on the hardness of engineering materials is of great importance which needs c1·itical considerations. This work involves casting Al-6% Cu alloy. Spectroche111ical analysis on the alloy revealed that the alloy mainly contained 91 % alumi11iu111 and 6% copper. After casting, ho111oge11izatioa1n1n ealing was conducted on IO samples of the alloy at 450°C lix I hou1· and the samples were allowed to cool in the furnace. The homogen...

Design And Implementation Of A Plc Basedautoma Tic Car Washing System

ABSTRACT In this new era, innovation has extended its arm into different aspect of life especially in the transportation field. This development has led to an increase in pr-Oducing smarter vehicles fo1· transportation. Thus, requiring an appropriate automatic washing framework to wash and maintain cleanliness of these vehicles. This project involves the design and construction of a PLC based automatic car washing system with the aim of reducing water waster by incorporating a recycling sys...

A Computer Programme For The Economic Evaluation For Cogeneration Applications

Abstract This thesis intends to show the current state of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems and highlights the different aspects of the technologies. The theoretical principals for planning and analysis of a CHP system are described. Economic and technical evaluation was conducted to a CHP system by using Suzuki models. Matlab program were developed in order to investigate on the main factor effects the profit index of CHP systems. These factors include capacity factor, annual cost rate ...

The Design And Devewpment Of Peddling Water Pumping Machine

ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to design, fabricate and experimentally investigate the working of Pedal Powered Centrifugal Pump (PPCP) which is used in small drinking water supply and garden irrigation.PP

Fault Tolerance Analysis In Fuel Control System Using Simulink Software

Abstract This research aims to analyze and address the technical study Fault Tolerance in controlling the fuel map by predicting the expected failures to occur in the actuators unit the internal system (Fuel Map) and make the necessary compensatory accounts and estimates to ensure the continuation of the work the engine on an ongoing basis with a failure until the failure treatment or programmatically change the system on part if necessary. Through research was to explain the definition of c...

Development Of A Low Cost Biomass Briquetting Machine For Rural Communities.

ABSTRACT The demand for energy is becoming a critical challenge for the world as the population continues to grow. This calls for Sustainable energy production and supply such as renewable energy technologies. Renewable energy technologies are safe sources of energy that have a much lower environmental impact than conventional energy technologies. In this paper, the sawdust briquette machine is designed. Sawmill waste is a big problem especially in urban cities in Nigeria. These wastes are b...

Water Pump Control Based On Microcontroller And Water Level Sensors

Abstract Pump control system is designed to monitor the level of water in the overhead and underground tank through water level sensors, and run the pump only when the water level in the underground tank is up to the position of the water level sensor as long as the overhead tank is empty and automatically turn off the pump after the fullness of the overhead tank where its has two water level sensors. The circuit is made up of (microcontroller Atmega16), three sensors for water level (Float ...

76 - 90 Of 623 Results