
Engineering Research Papers/Topics


Salinity is a major problem directly affecting the ecological balance and the development of agriculture in the Mediterranean basin, particularly North Africa. This phenomenon is considered as the most important abiotic factor limiting crops growth and productivity, degrading and polluting soils in arid and semi-arid. In order to study the influence of salinity, on the physiological parameters and to assess the potential of adaptation of the olive tree in a saline environment, three parcels c...

Application of fuzzy clustering data mining approach to garment sizing problem

ABSTRACTCurrently owing to the annual increase of data, there is urgent need for anthropometric database and useful approaches, in designing machine, equipment, facilities, workspace and other products. Fuzzy clustering which is an important way of clustering is an approach where an object is grouped into more than one partitions. The approach is used to bridge the gap between the anthropometry dimension of an individual and garment size which is a problem attributed to the size of the garmen...

Analytical Modeling and Optimization of a Solar Chimney Power Plant

Wind and solar resources are diluted and intermittent on the earth; their combination allowed increasing their availability and stability. At great scale, the use of Solar Chimney Power Plant (SCPP) technique constitutes a promising alternative to fossil fuel for generating electrical power particularly in rich regions of natural resources such as solar, wind, terrain, built material, water…etc.). Recently, various research works investigate the design and optimization of thesesystems ...

Influence du moment d’application du NPK sur la croissance et le rendement du maïs (Zea mays L.) installé sur un ferralsol

Objectif : La province du Haut Katanga est dominée par des sols ferralitiques, une des sources majeures des faibles rendements du maïs dans cette contrée. Pour pallier aux problèmes d’infertilités de ces sols et accroître la productivité, les producteurs recourent essentiellement aux engrais minéraux (NPK). Ces derniers sont généralement appliqués au moment de semis. Cependant, avec les perturbations climatiques actuelles, le moment de leur application devient une préoccupat...

Les faibles doses d’engrais azotés ne permettront pas d’optimiser le rendement des nouvelles variétés de maïs dans la région de Lubumbashi (RD Congo)

L’agriculture congolaise est encore largement extensive, se caractérisant par de faibles rendements. S’agissant du maïs, les rendements obtenus en milieux paysans sont d’environ 10 fois moins au potentiel de la culture; le faible niveau de fertilité de sols couplé à l’utilisation du matériel non performant sont les causes majeures. Cet essai a été installé suivant un dispositif split plot pour évaluer les effets des doses croissantes de la fertilisation azotée sur le com...

Effets de doses croissantes de NaCl sur le comportement du bananier et la morpho diversité de champignons du sol

Le bananier est exposé à de nombreux problèmes entre autres la salinité excessive des sols et des eaux d’irrigation qui entraînent une chute de sa productivité. Cet essai a été conduit en vue d’évaluer les effets de la salinité sur le comportement du bananier et la diversité de la coloration des champignons dans ce sol. L’essai a été installé sous serre suivant un dispositif complètement randomisé à 3 répétitions. Deux cultivars de bananier (Pelipita ABB et Planta...

Etude de cas sur l’impact des amendements organiques vis-à-vis de la salinité en culture de bananier

Ce travail a été initié dans l’objectif d’évaluer les effets des doses croissantes de la matière organique sur le comportement du bananier soumis à différents niveaux de salinité. L’essai a été conduit sous serre suivant un dispositif complètement randomisé à 3 répétitions. Les traitements comprenaient 3 doses d’amendements organiques (0, 1 et 2 kg) et 5 doses de sel (0 ; 2,5 ; 5 ; 7,5 et 10 g/L). Les résultats montrent que les fortes doses de sels (plus de 5g) ont eu ...

Assessment of Combined Effects of Human Faeces and Mineral Fertilizers on the Behavior of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Cultivated in Lubumbashi, DR Congo

Improving soil fertility through organic fertilizers application has become a major factor that has enabled the world to feed billions of people. However, the required quantities of organic material are enormous, so it becomes necessary to combine different types of fertilizers to feed plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects generated by the integration of human faeces to mineral fertilizers by bringing them to okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) crop. The trial was ins...

Evaluation of Maize Response (Zea mays L.) to Various Modes and Moments of Chicken Manure Spreading in Lubumbashi, DR Congo

Soils of sub-saharan countries have low inherent fertility, this deficiency is main factor determining agricultural production. Most of previous studies showed beneficial effects of organic matter in improving physical and chemical properties of soil and increasing yields. However, it remains unclear about when and how to spread the organic matter to get maximum nutrients for plants. This study was conducted in conditions of Lubumbashi to determine the influence of spreading modes and mo...

Impact of Chicken Manure Integration with Mineral Fertilizer on Soil Nutriments Balance and Maize (Zea mays) Yield: A Case Study on Degraded Soil of Lubumbashi (DR Congo)

One of the most important challenges to continuously maximize crop production on limited areas of agricultural land is to maintain or enhance soil fertility. Organic fertilizer application is needed to replace nutrient removed by crop from the fields in order to restore crop production potential of a soil. But application of organic fertilizer alone insufficiently increases crop yield per area because the nutrient content of organic fertilizer is unbalanced. A trial was conducted in the ...

Les faibles doses de biomasses vertes de légumineuses, des bons substituts des engrais minéraux dans la maïsiculture à Lubumbashi ?

La fixation symbiotique d’azote est un atout majeur des légumineuses pour substituer aux engrais chimiques surtout pour les cultures exigeantes en azote comme le maïs. Le coût élevé des engrais minéraux limite leur utilisation pour les paysans qui pratique une agriculture de subsistance. De plus, ces engrais chimiques généralement utilisés acidifient les sols. Ainsi, cette étude a été initiée en vue d’évaluer les potentialités des faibles doses des biomasses à base de ...


ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in Udi, Udenu and Nsukka Local Government Areas, in Enugu state. The effects of liquid wastes from automobile workshops on some selected soil properties of the study area were investigated. Auger samples were collected at two depths, (surface, 0- 20cm) and (subsurface, 20- 40cm) of automobile wastes contaminated sites and 100m away for uncontaminated sites. Core samples were collected from both soils and surface samples were again collected for planting m...

Evaluation of The Effect of ANTHROPOGENIC Activities and Domestic Waste On Surface Water

ABSTRACT  The microbiological and organic pollutants characteristics of Owena dam in Ifedore local  government  area  of  Ondo-state,  Nigeria  was  carried  out,  nine  water  samples  were collected from three different parts of the downstream side, which include; around the waste disposal  site,  community  settlement  and  farm  environment.  The  microorganisms  isolated were  escherichia  coli,  enterobacter  species,  staphylococcus  aureus,  proteus  spec...

Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Quality Control in Dangote Cement Plc

   v  ABSTRACT  The project evaluates the effectiveness of quality control  in Dangote Cement PLC, Ibese  Ogun  State,  Nigeria.  Limestone,  shale  and  laterite  samples  were  from  the  mines  to determine their right grade as well as their mixing proportion. Also samples were taken from kiln feed and the final stage of cement production. The compressive strength of the cubes is determined according to the ages of the cubes which is 2 days, 7 days and 28 days while the d...

Kinetic Study and Optimization of Selected Factors Affecting Corrosion Using RSM

ABSTRACT   The kinetics and optimization of inhibitive action of leaves extract of pawpaw, Azadirachta indica (neem tree) and bitter leaf on corrosion of mild steel in acidic medium was studied by weight loss technique using central composite design of response surface methodology for optimization. The metal was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer to determine its elemental compositions. The extract was obtained by liquid extraction using ethanol and was analyzed to determine ...

2626 - 2640 Of 3408 Results