
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation Of The Impact Of Land Use Change On Catchment Hydrology: The Case Of Wundanyi River Catchment In Taita Hills, Kenya

ABSTRACT The conversion of forest land to agricultural land and urban settlement usually increases soil erosion, and volume of storm runoff in a catchment. In Kenya, the rural communities are encroaching into the humid and marginal areas to open up new lands for agricultural production and settlement. These changes have led to environmental degradation, which has negatively altered the hydrologic regimes of many catchments in Kenya. The Wundanyi River catchment is one of the catchments that ...

Influence Of Temperature, Air Flow Rate And Slice Thickness On Egg Drying Rate And Protein Content Under Forced Convection

ABSTRACT The availability of egg products for consumption is hindered by spoilage and breakages during processing. Forced convection drying serves as one of the methods of solving these challenges. However, the influence of temperature, airflow rate and slice thickness on forced convection drying of eggs is inadequately documented. Therefore, drying of eggs was investigated under forced convection process. The mode of airflow and the food material was the continuous concurrent type. Raw eggs...

Performance And Emission Characteristics Of Spark Ignition Engines Based On Engine Operating Parameters

ABSTRACT Poor vehicle maintenance culture and high proportions of old vehicles are major contributing factors to high vehicle emission levels. The purpose of this study was to determine performance and emission characteristics of vehicles that were taken for inspection at the Vehicle Inspection Centre in Nairobi City based on engine operating parameters and to develop performance and emission prediction models. The specific objectives were; to determine vehicle exhaust emission levels, engin...

New Referencing Technique for Reservoir Oil Viscosity Estimation

Abstract Reservoir oil viscosity is important in understanding reservoir flow behaviour, l facilities design and sizing and in the computation of recovery performance, well' productivity and lift requirements. Direct viscosity measurements are expensive or sometimes unavailable hence empirical correlations are often used for predictions. However, several published correlations are either too simplistic or complex for routine operational use and improved methods continue to receive attention....

Performance Of An Experimental Biomass Micro Gasifier Cook Stove

ABSTRACT Most stoves based on the principle of micro gasification have improved thermal efficiencies with low emissions, however, knowledge on the effect of the stove operation at different air flow rates on thermal efficiency, fire power, emissions, specific fuel consumption and burning rate is scarce. The main objective of this research was to evaluate performance a micro gasifier cook stove. An experimental forced draft cook stove was therefore developed using the available materials base...

Prediction of Flowing Bottomhole Pressure In Gas-Condensate Wells

ABSTRACT Bottom-hole pressures in gas and condensate wells are frequently measured at a great cost and with operational challenges. On the other hand, most analytical estimation procedures either use trial and error or neglect liquid holdup in condensate wells. Using the mechanical energy balance approach, an approximate model was developed to estimate bottom-hole pressure from wellhead pressures in condensate wells without neglecting liquid holdup. The results show that treating gas condensa...

Artificial Neural Network Predictive Modeling of Uncoated Carbide Tool Wear When Turning Nst 37.2 Steel

ABSTRACT  We report the development of a predictive model based on artificial neural network (ANN) for the estimation of flank and nose wear of uncoated carbide inserts during orthogonal turning of NST (Nigerian steel) 37.2. Turning experiments were conducted at different cutting conditions on a M300 Harrison lathe using Sandvic Coromant uncoated carbide inserts with ISO designations SNMA 120406 using full factorial design. Cutting speed (v), feed rate (f), depth of cut (d), spindle power (...

Optimization Of Threshing Performance Of A Spike Tooth Sorghum Threshing Unit

ABSTRACT Sorghum threshing in Kenya is characterized by high grain breakages and accounts for grain loss of 4% of total production. Existing threshing methods are time consuming and yield a low throughput. Grain losses mainly occur due to grain damage and incomplete removal of grains from panicles. In order to reduce the losses, optimal levels of machine and operational parameters influencing threshing need to be established. A prototype spike tooth sorghum thresher was therefore developed u...

Development And Testing Of Composite Refractory Bricks (A Case Study Of Selected Kenyan Clays)

ABSTRACT Refractory bricks (refractories) are used in the construction of furnaces and kiln internal linings that hold, melt and transfer raw materials being processed. Kenya imports refractories mainly for its cement, metal smelting and sugar processing industries. Kaolin, bauxite, salama, soapstone and ball clays exhibited Loss of Ignition of 7-15%, silica of 46-55% and alumina of 25-34%. Soapstone and salama clays exhibited high values of potassium (5.6%) and iron oxide (16%), while salam...

The Development of CAD Software for Manufacturing Fiat-face and Roller Cam Systems

Abstract Computers have made the greatest impact in the advancement and development of almost all aspect of human endeavour, particularly in the engineering field. In this research, effort is geared towads improving the universal design and final manufacturing of commercial cams in many automotive and other related companies around the world. A software package for the design and profile simulation of plate cams with a possible choice of two followers (Roller and Flat-Face) using eight standa...


ABSTRACT Efforts to reduce energy consuniption in domestic buildings and commercial area have been intensified recently in view ofthe limiting ofrhe growing demand for electricity and the efforts to reduce CO2 . Investigations into energy reduction strategies have been extensive with acrive and rigorous researches carried out successfully in many countries of the world. 4 walk-rhrough energy audit was conducted in the School to determine the peak energy demand of the entire School as well as...

Development and Application of an Inflation-Based Productivity Model

ABSTRACT -The paper presents a productivity model with an inflation component based on an 'established productivity measurement theory. The motivation for writing this paper is the need for conflict resolution at the implementation of productivity incentive programs. A common complaint from trade unions and organizations is that productivity is inaccurately assessed when the traditional inputoutput approach is utilized. The support for this argument is that a general rise in prices of materia...

Assessment of Large-Scale Motion in Turbulent Boundary Layer Subjected to a Short Roughness Strip

Abstract Measurements have been made in a turbulent boundary layer which is subjected to a short roughness strip, with the view to examine the influence of short roughness strip on the large scale motion. This is quantified through the analysis of autocorrelation of the fluctuating velocities in the streamwise and wall-normal downstream of a roughness strip. Also, distributions of cross correlation functions are presented. The results indicate that, reference to the smooth wall, there are not...


Abstract In a previous publication in this journal the framework for the development of a model for the road bump problem was laid. The current paper focuses on the aspect of determining the effective distance between two consecutive road bumps developing equations governing the velocity and the wavelength of the motion of the vehicle. The wave equation is re-modelled connecting the isolation factor, linear velocity, wavelength and the frequency of motion of the vehicle over a road bump. A ne...

A Framework For an In-House Development of Educational Management Information System

ABSTRACT A large percentage of Nigerian educational institutions use manual and paper- based system for collecting, processing, and disseminating information. This approach results in inefficient utilization of resources, low productivity and stunted growth of the educational sector. In this study the in-house users- development approach has been used to develop a computer based Educational lnformation Management System (8MS) for a typical University academic department. The existing work Sy...

1156 - 1170 Of 3408 Results