Biodiversity and Conservation Science Research Papers/Topics

Resiliency of seagrass beds in shallow waters of Tacloban City, Philippines after super Typhoon Yolanda

Seagrasses have high ecological services as a promoter of biological productivity and biodiversity. When Super  Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) devastated Tacloban City in 2013, two years after, seagrass beds started to emerge in  the shallow waters of Cancabato Bay, Anibong Bay, and San Juanico Straight. Five species of seagrass were  identified: Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis and Thalassia  hemprichii. Pooled resiliency attributes from literatur...

Resilient Seagrass in the Realm of Climate Change

Though seagrasses had been confronted with adverse conditions brought on by climate change and resulting in their drastic decline all over the world, some of their attributes showed resiliency. When Tacloban City, Philippines, was devastated by Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) a year after, seagrass emerged even without restoration. Various literature also observed this resiliency when sea-level rises, even as carbon dioxide and temperature increase. Though confronted with challenges, both natu...

Microcosm between Seagrass and Bare Patches Supporting Communities of Gastropods and Bivalves after a Large-Scale Disturbance

In an ecosystem that had experienced large-scale disturbance such as the Supertyphoon Haiyan in 2013, four years after, gastropods and bivalves were started to be amassed by local gleaners in seagrass and bare patches in shallow waters of Tacloban City. In order to compare which among the two microcosms would have a higher abundance, four stations were established along the coastlines of Burayan, San Jose, Magsaysay Boulevard, Anibong and Caliro, Diit; laying two 50- meters transect lines in ...

Resiliency of seagrass beds in shallow waters of Tacloban City, Philippines after super Typhoon Yolanda

Seagrasses have high ecological services as a promoter of biological productivity and biodiversity. When Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) devastated Tacloban City in 2013, two years after, seagrass beds started to emerge in the shallow waters of Cancabato Bay, Anibong Bay, and San Juanico Straight. Five species of seagrass were identified: Cymodocea rotundata, Cymodocea serrulata, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii. Pooled resiliency attributes from literature ...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONEGENERAL INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the study 11.1.1. International management of the environment 21.1.2. Role of law in environmental management 31.1.3. Basic Environmental Management Laws and Polices of Developed Countries 5.1.4. Environmental management polices and laws in Third developed countries 81,1.5. Environmental management policies and the law in Kenya 91.1.6....

Effect of Genetic and Environmental Factors on Writing Development

ABSTRACT Researchershaveidentifiedsourcesofindividualdifferencesinwritingacrossbeginninganddevelopingwriters. Theaimofthepresentstudywastofurtherclarifythesourcesofthisvariabilitybyinvestigatingtheextentto whichtherearedifferencesingeneticandenvironmentalfactorsunderlyingtheassociationsbetweenlexical diversity,syntacticknowledge,andsemanticcohesionknowledgeinrelationtowriting.Differenceswereexaminedacrosstwodevelopmentalphasesofwriting:beginning(i.e.,elementaryschool)anddeveloping(i.e.,�...

Development and Performance Evaluation of Durability Testing Machine

ABSTRACT Durability is used for quantifying the quality of briquette as the ratio of the unbroken weight to initial weight of briquette. This equally measure the durability of briquette under impact load during transportation and handling. A durability machine was developed and has dimension of 300mm×(25×25×3mm)×450mm.It was powered by electric motor of size 0.93hp.The results show that briquette formed from moringa stover has durability of 50%,63.4% and 79% from treatment T1 (100g ) , T...

Spatial Analysis Of Trees Outside Forests As Influenced By Land Use Categories In River Sio Basin, Kenya

Increasing population in the developing world and associated needs for agricultural production, human settlement and industrialization have led to massive destruction of tree resources through deforestation and degradation of tree landscape. Countries have restricted access to forest resources by establishing forest reserves, causing communities to depend widely on Trees Outside the Forest (TOF). Therefore, TOF are diminishing and with them their protective and productive functions due to ove...

Vegetation Diversity And Carbon Stock Of Natural Regeneration Woodlands Of Kishapu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Natural regeneration woodlands have the potential for enhanced carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation although little is known on vegetation species diversity and the associated carbon dynamics. A study was carried out among three selected natural regeneration woodlands (Nyasamba, Bubinza and Ndoleleleji) of Kishapu district aimed (1) to determine plant species diversity, (2) to quantify herbaceous biomass productivity, (3) to determine tree stocking capacity, and (4) to...

Assessment Of Natural Resources Conflicts In Some Selected Villages Surrounding Mikumi National Park

ABSTRACT  This study investigated the Natural Resources conflicts in Doma, Maharaka and Mkata villages surrounding Mikumi National Park. The study assessed humanelephant, human-carnivore and farmers and livestock keeper‟s conflicts. Field observation, household survey, field interviews and in-depth interviews were used to find the required information. The collected information were analyzed using SPSS version 16. Losses due to elephant consumption increased year after year in all three vi...

Impact Of Human Activities On Performance Of Kibele Forest Reserve, Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Sustainability of forests globally is threatened by human activities through deforestation for fuel wood, human settlements, cultivation, mining and forest fires. A study was conducted at Kibele forest of Zanzibar to assess extent of encroachment and forest disturbance, and their effect in forest performance based on specific objectives: (1) to assess types of anthropogenic activities and extent of forest encroachment, (2) to determine effect of forest disturbances on stem density, ...

Assessment Of Anthropogenic Activities And Their Potential Impacts On Flora And Fauna In Bahi Wetlands, Dodoma

ABSTRACT A study was carried out in Bahi wetlands covering Bahi and part of Manyoni Districts to assess the anthropogenic activities that have potential impacts on flora and fauna. The study was carried out in selected four villages of Bahi District, namely, (1) Nagulo Bahi, (2) Bahi sokoni, (3) Uhelela, and (4) Mkakatika, and Igose for Manyoni District. The study was carried out based on the specific objectives: (1) to identify anthropogenic activities and their potential impacts on flora a...

Evaluation Of Nutritive Value Of Browse Tree Fodder Species Indigenous To Kiteto And Kongwa Districts

ABSTRACT  The use of browse tree fodder as supplements to ruminant feeding in the tropics is limited by lack of information on their nutritive potential. A study was carried out to screen eight browse species in Kongwa and Kiteto districts (Acacia mellifera, Acacia senegal, Acacia xanthophloea, Acacia tortilis, Boscia spp., Gliricidia sepium, Leucaena pallida and Melia azedarach) for potential chemical composition, concentration of minerals, and in vitro digestibility potential using chemica...

Aggregate stability of Nkpologu sandy loam soil under different soil and crop management systems

ABSTRACT A study was conducted in the runoff plots at the University of Nigeria Nsukka Teaching and Research Farm, in 2010 and 2011 to monitor the changes in aggregate stability, and some selected physicochemical properties of Nkpologu sandy loam soil under different cover and soil management systems. The management systems were bare fallow (BF), grass fallow (GF), legume (CE), groundnut (GN), sorghum (SM), and cassava (CA) cultivation. Following the characterization of the soil of the study...

Human-Crocodile Conflicts In Areas Adjacent To Lake Rukwa And Momba River, Momba District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Conflicts between human and crocodiles are increasing due to increase in human population. The conflicts have significant impacts on both human and crocodile populations. The study focused on assessment of human-crocodile conflicts in areas adjacent to Lake Rukwa and Momba River, Momba District, Mbeya Region Tanzania, for the period of 2003 to 2012. Cross-sectional research design and purposive sampling of villages were used in data collection. A total of 120 households were randoml...

16 - 30 Of 54 Results