Biodiversity Management Research Papers/Topics

Abundance, Structure And Uses Of Baobab (Adansonia Digitata L.) Populations In Omusati Region, Namibia

ABSTRACT This study sought to determine the biology and the uses of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) populations in Outapi and Onesi constituencies in Omusati Region, Namibia. As one of the important Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)-providing species of ecological and socio-economic significance, there is need to have a better understanding of the biology and local uses of the species before its full potential and sustainable harvesting is realized. A comparison of densities, distribution pat...

The Influence Of Land Use On Plant Species Diversity In The Biosphere Area “Schwäbische Alb”, Southwest Germany

Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the relations between the intensity of land use and the characteristics of different habitat types within the grassland ecosystem in the Biosphere Area “Schwäbische Alb” in Germany. Data has been collected based on 50 examination plots (4×4 m) of the Biodiversity Exploratories project. These plots represented different land use types and levels of intensity which are 1) grazed, ungrazed 2) once, twice, three times mowed, 3) fertilised, unf...

Age Determination And Growth Rate Of The Northern Benguela Sardine (Sardinops Sagax)

Abstract The main objective of this study was to determine sardine age by counting rings on otoliths and to analyse the length, age and growth through regression and Von Bertalanffy Growth models. Otoliths amounting to 826 pairs were collected from the annual sardine research survey of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources in October 2013. A total of 713 sardine otoliths were mounted on black Perspex plates and aged by means of counting rings using a Zeiss microscope at a magnificati...

Assessing Grevy's Zebra (Equus Grevyi) And Livestock Interactions Through Satellite Tracking And Community Involvement In Samburu County (Kenya).

Abstract The study's purpose was to delineate seasonal space use variations of the endangered Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi), and to determine the extent of overlap of these areas with livestock grazing zones in order to identify core areas suitable for conservation efforts. E. grevyi requires protection as their population size severely decreased in the last century and they continue to suffer from habitat loss. Additional importance lies in reconciling interests of wildlife protection and liv...

Multi-Scale Assessment Of Habitat Use By Black Rhinos (Diceros Bicornis Bicornis Linnaeus 1758) In Northwest Namibia

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents i List of figures vi List of tables viii Acknowledgments ix Abstract x Declaration xi CHAPTER 1 1 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General introduction 1 1.2 Problem statement 3 1.3 Specific objectives 4 1.4 Key questions 4 1.5 Research predictions 5 CHAPTER 2 8 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 8 ii 2.1 Background on black rhinoceros 8 2.2 Distribution of black rhinoceros: historical and current range 9 2.3 Conservation and management 10 2.4 General ecology and habitat preferences 12 2.5 ...

Impact Of The Tsumeb Smelter Waste On Plant Species Diversity And Structure In Tsumeb, North-Central Namibia.

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the smelter waste on plant species diversity and structure in the Tsumeb area. The most important sources of contamination are solid and gaseous emissions from the Tsumeb Smelter, airborne particles from the Tsumeb tailings pond and airborne particles from slag mill waste. Six sites: Inside Smelter Site, Outside Smelter Site, Abattoir Hill Site, Transnamib Site, Nomtsoub Site and Airport Site were selected and ten 10 m x 10 m...

Quantification Of Charcoal Supply In Dodoma Urban: Implication For Plant Conservation In Semi Arid Region

ABSTRACT This research was carried out to quantify supply of charcoal in Dodoma Urban. Specifically, the study intended to (1) quantify the amount of charcoal that pedestrians bring in Dodoma Urban daily, (2) identify species of plants mostly used to make charcoal, (3) determine the source areas where the charcoal production is carried out, (4) analyze the charcoal prices from the source area and at the market place. Point count technique was used to enumerate amount of charcoal brought to D...

Diversity, Structure And Dynamics Of An Acacia Erioloba Woodland In The Windhoek Area: Insights For The Management Of Urban Habitats

ABSTRACT  Acacia erioloba, a tree species of great ecological and economic importance is threatened by urban expansion and a lack of sustainable management in the Windhoek area. The overall objective of this study was to determine the diversity and structure of an Acacia erioloba woodland and the influence of herbivory, wood harvesting, fire and physical soil properties on vegetation structure. Forty quadrats 625m2 in size were demarcated in pairs on alternative sides of a transect line to s...

Population Structure And Recruitment Patterns Of The Indigenous Mussel Perna Perna And The Alien Mussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis On The Central Coast Of Namibia

ABSTRACT Invasive species disrupt ecosystems and may consume resources and eventually replace indigenous species. This has been well documented for the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis throughout the world. This study assessed the spatial and temporal variation of population structure, recruitment patterns, condition index and abundance of the indigenous mussel Perna Perna and alien mussel M. galloprovincialis at three different sites on the central Namibian coast. Sampling too...

Seed Production, Viability And Germination Of Citrullus Lanatus At The King Nehale Conservancy In Namibia

ABSTRACT Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsumura & Nakai seeds are valued for their oil for both household consumption and in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The immense monetary value offered for its seeds has resulted in over-exploitation of C. lanatus. This study investigated the ethnobotany, seed production, germination and viability of C. lanatus under controlled greenhouse and natural field conditions. An ethnobotanical study was carried out were resource users and key informant...

Assessing The Effects Of Bush Encroachment On Species Abundance, Composition And Diversity Of Small Mammals At The Neudamm Agricultural Farm, Khomas Region, Namibia.

ABSTRACT Bush encroachment is the conversion of open savannas to tree-dominated shrub lands. Bush encroachment results in habitat degradation and the loss of resource productivity. In this study, small mammals were used to investigate the effects of bush encroachment on biodiversity. The main aim of this study was to assess the effects of bush encroachment on the species abundance, diversity and composition of small mammals. The study was conducted in selected bush encroached and non-bush en...

Impacts Of Large Herbivores On Vegetation And Soils Around Water Points In Waterberg Plateau Park, Central Namibia

ABSTRACT Provision of artificial water points to large herbivores leads to range deterioration and degradation, especially in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. This is a cause for concern in both protected and private lands in Namibia and elsewhere. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the impact of large herbivores on soils and vegetation around water points in the Waterberg Plateau Park (WPP). Five artificial water points were selected for the study. Four line-transects sta...

The Impacts Of Different Fire Frequencies On Vegetation Characteristics In The Hamoye State Forest, Kavango Region, Namibia.

Abstract In Namibia, large areas burn each year with a distribution of burn relating to the rainfall gradient. As a result fires are widespread and frequent in the north, especially in the northeast. In these areas more than 2 million hectares of forested land burn each year. Fires, amongst other factors, have negative effects on biodiversity. These effects have not been fully assessed. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of different fire frequencies on vegetation ...

The Influence Of Different Land Use Types On Plant Species Diversity, Composition And Vegetation Structure In The Kalahari Woodlands Of Salambala Conservancy, Northeast Namibia

ABSTRACT Human societies have, for centuries, impacted and altered the natural environments through different land use practises. Unsustainable land use practices are seen as one of the major threats to biodiversity around the globe. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the impacts of different land use types, mainly grazing and browsing by wildlife and livestock; land clearance for cultivation and wood harvesting on plant species diversity, composition and vegetation st...

A Description Of Reproduction, Diet, Nematode Infection And Sexual Dimorphism In Agama Anchietae And Pedioplanis Undata Undata (Reptilia: Lacertilia) In Namibia

Abstract The objectives of this study were to describe reproduction, diet, nematode infection and sexual dimorphism in Agama anchietae and Pedioplanis undata undata, two Namibian lizard species with wide geographic distributions for which such baseline ecological information is still lacking. The specimens used in the study came from the preserved Herpetological Collection of the National Museum of Namibia. Agama anchietae occupies rocky areas and the findings were as follows, reproduction: ...

16 - 30 Of 35 Results