Entomology Research Papers/Topics

Insect Pest Incidences And Yields Of Tomatoes Grown In High Tunnel And In Open Field In Mwea Division, Kirinyaga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, is a major horticultural crop grown in many areas in Kenya. The main constraint to tomato production is insect pests with farmers relying heavily on chemical pesticides to control them. This has led to several problems such as contamination of farm produce and pollution of the environment among others. There is need therefore need for alternative methods to control insect pests. A study was carried out in Mwea region of Kirinyaga County to assess the...

Effect Of Pineapple (Ananas Comosus L. Merrill) And Papaya (Carica Papaya L.) Fruit Extracts On Sericin Removal From Silk Moths Cocoons In Kenya

ABSTRACT Sericulture (Silk farming) is the rearing of silk moths for the production of raw silk. Silk farming originated from China where it was secretly practiced for many years before spreading to other parts of the world. Silk moths are grouped into mulberry silk moths (domesticated) and wild silk moths. Silk moth cocoon has a double filament made of insoluble protein known as fibroin which is embedded in a water soluble protein called sericin. Prior to processing cocoons, are boiled in st...

Farmers’ Knowledge, Effects Of Their Practices And Soil Amendments In The Management Of Sweetpotato Pests In Southwestern Kenya

ABSTRACT Sweetpotato is a major food security crop grown in Kenya. Its production is however limited due to high prevalence of pests and diseases among other factors. Cultural control appears to be the most promising strategy in curbing this problem. However, the recommended cultural control practices are based on farming practices in Asia and United States of America that may not be appropriate for subsistence farmers found in Kenya. This study sought to establish farmers’ knowledge on swe...

Effects Of Insect Growth Regulator Pyriproxyfen On Dragonfly Nymphs As Predators Of Anopheles Mosquitoes At Mahanga, Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Malaria in sub-Saharan Africa is transmitted mainly by Anopheles gambiae Complex mosquitoes. One way of controlling these vectors is by targeting their aquatic stages, which is anticipated to cause significant reduction in adult vectors, hence in malaria transmission. Use of insect growth regulator, Pyriproxyfen, is one potential way of controlling malaria vectors. This study set out to determine the nymphocidal activity of Pyriproxyfen on non-target aquatic dragonfly nymphs during i...

Risk Factors Among Children in Shendi City, River Nile State- Sudan

Abstract This cross-sectional study was conducted in Shendi city, River Nile State- Sudan to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection and their associated risk factors among children during the period from March 2018 to March 2019. The study was conducted on 272 children, 137 (50.4%) were males and 135 (49.6%) were females. Fecal samples were taken from all children included in the study, in addition to the epidemiological and parasitological data were obtained and recorded...

The Pathosystem Of Napier Stunting Disease In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Napier stunting (Ns) disease, caused by Rice Yellow Dwarf (RYD) phytoplasma, is a big threat to Napier grass production and food security in Kenya. The disease destroys fodder completely, with a devastating impact on livestock farmers. To control the disease, this study described the four components of Ns-disease pathosystem; phytolasma itself as the causative pathogen, the host plant susceptible to phytoplasma, the insect as a competent vector, and the alternative sources of phytop...

Chemical Composition Of Cupressus Lusitanica, Miller And Eucalyptus Saligna, Smith Essential Oils And Bioactivity Against Lepidopteran And Coleopteran Pests Of Stored Grains

ABSTRACT The chemical composition of C. lusitanica and E. saligna essential oils was determined and leaf essential oils evaluated for contact and fumigant toxicity, repellence and reproduction inhibition effects against S. cerealella, A. obtectus, S. zeamais and T.castaneum. Bioassays were carried out at temperature of 28±2oC and relative humidity of 65±5% and laid out in CRD with four replicates per treatment. In all bioassays, essential oils were applied at 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20...

Insecticide Resistance In Diamondback Moth, Plutella Xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeuhdae) From Selected Cabbage Farms Associated With Pyrethroid And Organophosphate Use In Southern Ghana

Over dependence on insecticides for the control of diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L ) has resulted in development of resistant strains and health hazards due to toxic residues in cabbage. The present study was undertaken to evaluate resistance in DBM and to assess the contribution of residues of insecticides used for DBM control on resistance development. A preliminary survey conducted in Accra and Mampong-Akuapem, revealed inappropriate agronomic practices as the main cause of ...

Studies On The Biology And Chemical Control Of Amblyohha Variegatum' (Fabricius, 1794) Ticks On The Accra Plains Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In a study of the life cycle of Amblyomma variegatum under laboratory conditions of 72%±2 RH and temperature of 28°C±2, the feeding periods of larvae and nymphs on rabbits were 6-9 days and 6-13 days respectively, while that of adults on sheep was 17-19 days. The mean unfed weights of larva, nymph and adult were 0.149 x 10-3g, 0.906 X 10-3g and 28.5 x 10-3g respectively, while their mean fed weights were 2.14 x 10-3g, 48.6 x 10-3g and 2874 x 10-3g respectively. The moulting perio...

On- farm evaluation of candlewood zanthoxylum xanthoxyloides (lam.) On two stored product pests.

ABSTRACT The biological activity of dry, ground plant parts (dust) and tablets of Zanthoxylum xanthoxyloides (Lam.) was assessed in both the laboratory and on the field against the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Dry ground leaves, bark and roots were prepared in various proportions of 60% leaves and 40% roots; 70% leaves and 30% roots; 80% leaves and 20% roots; 90% leaves a...

Effects Of Temperature On The Effectiveness Of The Triple Layer Hermetic Bag Against The Larger Grain Borer Prostephanus Truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) And Maize Weevil Sitophilus Zeama

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of temperature on the effectiveness of the triple-layer hermetic bag in controlling P. truncatus and S. zeamais damaging maize in the store and how the temperature affects the tensile strength of the polyethene material used. The specific objectives include the determination of the moisture content, oxygen depletion rate and seed viability of the maize. Five (5) kilogrammes of local maize variety (Abrodenkye) with the initial moisture content of 14.6% w...

Morphometrics of Macrotermes bellicosus (African mound termite) (Blattodea:Termitidae) and the Impact of its Saliva Amylase on the Strength of Termitarium Soil

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology of Macrotermes bellicosus present on some parts of the University of Ibadan and to determine the effect of the saliva of termites on the strength of termitarium. Termites were collected from 8 termitaria on Parry Road, University of Ibadan and characteristics morphometrics were measured using stage graticules (10mm) on Microscope. Amylase analysis was conducted to determine the activity of the saliva content in the termitarium ...

Evaluation of The Toxicity And Anthelminthic Effect of Methanol Extract of Duranta erecta Fruits

ABSTRACT The chemotherapy of gastrointestinal helminthiasis relies mainly on the use of anthelmintics. However, concerns over drug resistance have encouraged the search for new drug leads. This project report focused on evaluating the toxicity and anthelminthic effect produced in vitro and in vivo by the methanol extract of Duranta erecta fruits. From the study, the plant extract was found to contain several chemical components including flavonoids, tannins, polyuronides, saponins, glycoside...

Effects Of Variety And Processed Forms Of Cassava Chips On The Development Ofprostephanhs Truncates (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrchedae) And Araeceriis Fa Sc 1c Ula Tl Fs (Degeer) (Coleoptera Ant

ABSTRACT Studies were earned out on the effects of variety and processed form of cassava chips on the development of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) and Araecerus fasciculatus (Degeer) (Coleoptera: Anthribidae). Additionally, changes in the nutrient composition of the chips due to infestation, and the influence of major nutrients on the population parameters of these insects were also studied Statistical analysis of insect preference to the processed chips in a choice...

Assessment Of The Damage Caused By Corcyra Cephalonica (Stainton) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) And Araecerus Fasciculatus (Degeer) (Coleoptera: Anthribidae) To Stored Cocoa Beans In Ghana

ABSTRACT The damage caused by Corcyra cephalonic a and Araecenus fasciculatus to cocoa beans was studied at the Research Department o f Quality Control Division o f COCOBOD, Tema. The study included breeding o f the two insects on cocoa beans to investigate the biology, fecundity and progeny production o f the two insect species. The free fatty acid level o f cocoa beans was also determined and the change in this level due to insect damage was calculated with respect to undamaged ones. The co...

301 - 315 Of 382 Results