Entomology Research Papers/Topics

Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of mosquito species during the dry season along the Mara River and its tributaries, in Kenya and Tanzania

Abstract/Overview Background: Vector-borne diseases are increasingly becoming a major health problem among communities living along the major rivers of Africa. Although larger water bodies such as lakes and dams have been extensively researched, rivers and their tributaries have largely been ignored. This study sought to establish the spatial distribution of mosquito species during the dry season and further characterize their habitats along the Mara River and its tributaries. Methods: In...

Presence and distribution of mosquito larvae predators and factors influencing their abundance along the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania

Abstract/Overview Among all the malaria controlling measures, biological control of mosquito larvae may be the cheapest and easiest to implement. This study investigated baseline predation of immature mosquitoes by macroinvertebrate predators along the Mara River, determined the diversity of predators and mosquito larvae habitats and the range of their adaptive capacity to water physico-chemical parameters. Between July and August 2011, sampling sites (n=39) along the Mara River were sele...

Laboratory tests of oviposition by the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, on dark soil as influenced by presence or absence of vegetation

Abstract/Overview Background Physical objects like vegetation can influence oviposition by mosquitoes on soil or water substrates. Anopheles gambiae s. l. is generally thought to utilize puddles over bare soil as its prime larval habitat and to avoid standing water populated with vegetation. In Kisian, Kenya near Kisumu, water often pools in grassy drainage areas both during and after periods of infrequent rains, when typical puddle habitats become scarce because of drying. This raised th...

Profiles of bacterial communities and environmental factors associated with proliferation of malaria vector mosquitoes within the Kenyan Coast

Abstract Background. Since Anopheles mosquitoes which transmit and maintain the malaria parasite breed in the outdoor environment, there is an urgent need to manage these mosquito breeding sites. In order to elaborate more on the ecological landscape of mosquito breeding sites, the bacterial community structure and their interactions with physicochemical factors in mosquito larval habitats was characterised in Kwale County (Kenya), where malaria is endemic. Methods. The physical characterist...

Insecticide resistant Anopheles gambiae have enhanced longevity but reduced reproductive fitness and a longer first gonotrophic cycle

Abstract Widespread insecticide resistance in African malaria vectors raises concerns over the potential to compromise malaria vector control interventions. Understanding the evolution of resistance mechanisms, and whether the selective disadvantages are large enough to be useful in resistance management or designing suitable control strategies is crucial. This study assessed whether insecticide resistance to pyrethroids has an effect on the gonotrophic cycle and reproductive potential of ma...

Isolation and Characterization of Bacteria from Lakes Olbolosat and Oloiden, Kenya

Abstract There is still unexplored reservoir of microorganisms from sediments and water within Lakes Olbolosat and Oloiden using culture dependent technique. The current study compares bacterial diversity within Lake Olbolosat a freshwater lake and Lake Oloiden a saline alkaline lake. Out of 60 isolates obtained from sediments and water samples, 35 were from Lake Olbolosat and 25 from Lake Oloiden. Microbial count ranged between 0-1.75× 10 5 cfu/ml from both lakes. There was a significant d...

Mitochondrial DNA variation of Bemisia tabaci (gennadius) (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) infesting cassava in Kenya

Abstract Bemisia tabaci is a widely distributed crop pest affecting the yield of a broad range of agricultural, fiber, vegetableand ornamental crops. It is an extremely polyphagous pest that causes direct damage and can act as a vector ofviral plant diseases. Populations of Bemisia tabaci that are morphologically indistinguishable and with differentbiological traits have been known to exist; they show differences in rates of development, host range, insecticideresistance and virus transmissi...

Effects of pea aphid secondary endosymbionts on aphid resistance and development of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi: a correlative study

Abstract In order to reduce parasite-induced mortality, hosts may be involved in mutualistic interactions in which the partner contributes to resistance against the parasite. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Hemiptera: Aphididae), harbours secondary bacterial endosymbionts, some of which have been reported to confer resistance against aphid parasitoids. Although this resistance often results in death of the developing parasitoid larvae, some parasitoid individuals succeed in develo...

Spatial distribution of Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), at the field and the regional level in Ethiopia

Abstract: Pheromone trap catches were used to study the spatial distribution of Diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella L., at both single field and regional levels. At the field level, the DBM population tended to remain within the cabbage field. At the regional level, DBM captures were highly influenced by geographic location and cropping systems. In highland areas, daily maximum temperatures positively influenced the aggregation index, whereas in the lowland areas, rainfall had a nega...

Cross Mating Studies among Five Fruit Fly Parasitoid Populations: Potential Biological Control Implications for Tephritid Pests

Abstract: The reproductive compatibility between four different species/populations of the tephritid parasitoid Psyttalia (Walker) species from Kenya and individuals of the morphologically identical Psyttalia concolor (Sze´pligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from a laboratory culture in Italy used in augmentative biological control of olive fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was assessed through cross mating tests using single-pair and group mating methods. Reciprocal cros...

Importance of Plant Physical Cues in Host Acceptance for Oviposition by Busseola Fusca

Abstract: Plant and surrogate stems exhibiting specific combinations of physical cues were used to determine which plant-related stimuli influence the oviposition of Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The number of eggs and egg batches laid per female increased with an increase in diameter of both natural and artificial stems. Direct observations of the oviposition behaviour (walking, antennating, and sweeping with the ovipositor) indicated that the female moths preferred ovip...

Comparison of five Allopatric Fruit Fly Parasitoid Populations (Psyttalia species) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Coffee Fields using Morphometric and Molecular Methods

Abstract: Morphometric studies of five allopatric parasitoid populations (genus Psyttalia Walker) from coffee plantations in Cameroon (Nkolbisson), Ghana (Tafo) and Kenya (Rurima, Ruiru and Shimba Hills) and one non-coffee population (from Muhaka, Kenya) were compared with individuals of Psyttalia concolor (Sze´pligeti), a species released in several biological control programmes in the Mediterranean Region since the 20th Century. Analyses of wing vein measurements showed the second submarg...

Is quality more important than quantity? Insect behavioural responses to changes in a volatile blend after Stemborer Oviposition on an African grass

Abstract: Plants subjected to insect attack usually increase volatile emission which attracts natural enemies and repels further herbivore colonization. Less is known about the capacity of herbivores to suppress volatiles and the multitrophic consequences thereof. In our study, the African forage grass, Brachiaria brizantha, was exposed to ovipositing spotted stemborer, Chilo partellus, moths. A marked reduction in emission of the main volatile, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (Z3HA),occurred followin...

Flight and Oviposition Behaviour of the African Stem borer, Busseola Fusca , on Various Host Plant Species

Abstract: The African stem borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is an important pest of maize and sorghum in sub-Saharan Africa. As in many other lepidopteran insects, the ability of B. fusca to recognize and colonize a variety of plants is based on the interaction between its sensory systems and the physical and chemical characteristics of its immediate environment. In this study, we tried to identify the behavioural steps of B. fusca leading to host selection and ovipos...

Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Combinations on Yields and Infestations of Maize by Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Humid Forest of Cameroon

Abstract: Field trials were set up in the humid forest zone of Cameroon to investigate the effects of combinations of different rates of nitrogen (N) (0, 60, and 120 kg N ha 1) and potassium (K) (0, 80, and 160 kg K ha 1) applied to the soil on the incidence and damage of the noctuid stemborer Busseola fusca (Fuller), and on maize, Zea mays L., yield. Each N/K combination had an insecticide control to assess yield losses due to borers. In contrast to N, K had no effect on plant growth and bo...

1 - 15 Of 178 Results