Environment and Resource Management Research Papers/Topics

The Impacts Of Chiyadzwa - Marange Diamond Mining Activities On Water Quality.

ABSTRACT Chiyadzwa under Marange tribal trust land which is located between Save and Odzi South of Mutare city is rich in diamonds. There are 5 diamond mines which are currently operating in Chiyadzwa whose mining activities have brought a myriad of environmental problems . In light of the above the research sought to establish the types of contaminants and analyse the causes of water pollution on both upper Odzi and Save catchment areas. The research was carried out using both qualitative an...

Community Participation in the Renewable Energy Sector in Tanzania

ABSTRACT Community participation (CP) is emphasized in the planning and implementation of various projects and sectors. The Renewable energy (RE) sector just like other sector requires community participation for its effectiveness and efficiency. This review aims at exploring the community participation in the renewable sector in Tanzania. A seven-step model was used to review various kinds of literature and five identified themes were analyzed: (i) access to information on RE resources; (ii...

The Potential Of Acacia Karroo Leaf Meal As A Protein Supplement For Fattening Goats

Abstract Acacia karroo is one of the most widespread and abundant indigenous tree legume species in Southern Africa. The tree possesses positive attributes such as high growth rates, drought tolerance, adaptation to acidic infertile soils and resistance to large temperature variations. In the recent past, A. karroo was deemed to be a severe encroacher, which adversely affected land utilisation and rangeland productivity. Research attention has been diverted from its riddance as a weed to its ...

Woody Plant Species Diversity And Anthropogenic Disturbances On Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve, Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT Sustainable forest management is threatened by the ongoing human activities. A study was conducted at Mahungu Green Belt Forest Reserve (MGBFR) of Dodoma Municipality, Central Tanzania in 2015 based on the following specific objectives: (1) to identify woody plant species (2) to determine woody plant species dominance (3) to identify human activities conducted, and (4) to assess ecosystem goods and services provided by MGBFR. Systematic random sampling was used whereby 36 plots of 2...

Contribution Of Tourism On Locals Communities Livelihoods: A Case Of Udzungwa Mountains National Park

ABSTRACT The study to assess the contribution of tourism to communities, took place in Kisawasawa, Mang‟ula A, Mang‟ula B and Sonjo villages adjacent to Udzungwa. The study employed several methods including interviews, a questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and secondary data. Quantitative data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0 review to come up with several findings, while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. Findin...

Informal Land Conflicts Management Institutions On Common Pool Resources: The Case Of Tarangire Plains, Kondoa District

ABSTRACT This study was done in Kondoa District to explore informal land conflicts management institutions in CPRs of Tarangire plains. The study identified types of land conflicts, examined forms and causes of land conflicts and explored patterns of informal institutions used to manage land conflicts. A cross section research design was adopted. Sampling techniques such as Sampling Frame, Sampling procedure (Simple random and purposive sampling) Sampling unit and Sample size were used. The ...

Determination of The Concentration of Pollutants From Warri Refinery Effluent And its Impact on Water Quality of Ubeji River

Abstract This study investigated the effects of effluent discharged from Warri Refinery on the water quality of Ubeji River, Warri Delta state. Water samples were collected from upstream, point of discharge of effluent and downstream sections of the river. Physicochemical parameters (turbidity, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total suspended solid, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, oil and grease), concentrations of polycyclic ...

The Influence Of Acacia Mellifera On Soil Fertility, Herbage Quality And Composition On Sandy Soils In Camel-Thorn Savannas Of Namibia

Abstract Acacia mellifera is viewed negatively due to its invasive nature to the extent that farmers tend to remove it from their farms without really considering that it may have beneficial effects. Thus the study looked at the role it plays on soil fertility, herbage quality, and botanical composition with reference to N-fixation. Soil and grass samples were collected at Corsica Resettlement farm at 6 distances within three sub-habitats from bases of five A. mellifera trees outwards. The n...

211 - 218 Of 218 Results