Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Archaeological Investigations In Ogbodu- Aba (Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, Anambra State) Using Electrical Resistivity Methods

ABSTRACT E l e c t r i c a l r e s i s t i v i t y p r o f i l i n g was conducted around Ogbodu-Aba t o l o c a t e suspected s u b s u r f a c e c a v i t i e s of a r c h a e o l o g i c a l i n t e r e s t . The method employed was t h e Wenner e l e c t r o d e system and t h e t r i p o t e n t i a l t e c h n i q u e , which involved measuring 3 r e s i s t a n c e s (at a s t a t i o n ) corresponding t o t h r e e d i f f e r e n t e l e c t r o d e arrangements: CPPC, CCPP and CP...

Alkylation Of [Pt2(Μ-S)2(Pph3)4] With Boronic Acid Derivatives By Pressurized Sample Infusion Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (Psiesi- Ms) Technique

ABSTRACT This project work present the alkylating reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with boronic acid alkylating agents.The reactivity of the metalloligand [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with the boron-functionalized alkylating agents BrCH2(C6H4)B(OR)2 (R = H or C(CH3)2) was investigated by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) in real time using the pressurized sample infusion (PSI). The macroscopic reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with one mole equivalent of alkylating agents BrCH2(C6H4)B{O...

Problems Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Benue Trough, Nigeria

ABSTRACT There are large areas of Nigeria and probably of West Africa that have never been visited or studied by a geologist or geophysicist. Not so in the region surrounding the Benue Trough. This area has repeatedly attracted a lot of attention in the past, and with the advent of plate tectonics the available geological and geophysical data from the region have been interpreted in various ways to suit different tectonic models. No attempt is made here to review the relevant published work o...

Mineralogical Compositions and Metamorphic Intensities of Contact Aureoles of Igneous Intrusive from the Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria

Abstract - Igneous intrusives of basic to intermediate (syenilic) compositions in the Lowcr Bcnue Trough had produced contact cffccts which ro.lge from the lowcr albite- cpidotc hornfels to the cordierite hornfels facies on the host sedimentary rocks which vary mainly from pelitic to calcareous pelitic types. Contact effects of low intensity and size were produced by three smaller igneous bodies of basic composition whose thicknesses range from 1 to 3 m. The mineral assemblages of the aureole...

Ordinal Logistic Regression Model On The Factors Affecting Students Perfomance In Statistics: A Case Study Of Maasai Mara University

ABSTRACT As a result of poor performance in statistics introductory course among the students in the universities; the study wanted to find out the factors that influence the performance of students. The purpose of the study was to conceptualize and empirically test ordinal logistic model on the factors affecting students’ statistics performance in public universities. Students’ performance was indicated by the grades they scored in the past statistical courses they undertook. The predict...

Determination Of Antimicrobial Resistance Of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Rastrineobola Argentea And Water Samples From Lake Victoria - Kenya

ABSTRACT Many strains of Escherichia coli can be pathogenic leading to diarrheal diseases. The occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria is increasing in aquatic environments infecting fish which are later consumed by humans when not well cooked posing a major problem in the management of bacterial infections. Rastrineobola argentea is food for many people livingaround Lake Victoria due to its nutritive value and highprotein content. Sun dried R. argentea retailed in Kisumu city markets ...

Bound State and Scattering Phase Shift of the Schröndinger Equation With Modified Trigonometry Scarf Type Potential

ABSTRACT The approximate bound state of the nonrelativistic Schrӧdinger equation was obtained with the modified trigonometric scarf type potential in the framework of asymptotic iteration method for any arbitrary angular momentum quantum number l using a suitable approximate scheme to the centrifugal term. The effect of the screening parameter and potential depth on the eigenvalue was studied numerically. Finally, the scattering phase shift of the nonrelativistic Schrӧdinger equation with ...

46 - 53 Of 53 Results