Environmental & Physical Sciences

Environmental & Physical Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Silvicultural Requirements For Conservation Of Plukenetia Conophora (Mull Arg) In Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Plukenetia conophora, a liana with economic potentials is threatened by extinction. Ex-situ conservation of the species which requires knowledge of its early growth and vegetative propagation has the potentials to enhance its sustainability. However information on the silvicultural requirements for the early growth of this species is scanty. Hence, in this study, seed germination, seedling growth, macro and micropropagation of Plukenetia conophora in Southwestern Nigeria were investi...

Assessment Of Ecological Impact And Restoration In The Former Refugee Camps In Kibondo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT There is growing concern on environmental degradation and human population displacement. This study adopted multiple models that consider the variables linking human population displacement and local environmental degradation. The main concern of this study is tied on refugee ecological impacts as consequence of spatial and temporal changes in land use and land cover. The study adopted a combination of descriptive research design and integration of RS and GIS techniques in underscor...

Seed Production, Viability And Germination Of Citrullus Lanatus At The King Nehale Conservancy In Namibia

ABSTRACT Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsumura & Nakai seeds are valued for their oil for both household consumption and in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry. The immense monetary value offered for its seeds has resulted in over-exploitation of C. lanatus. This study investigated the ethnobotany, seed production, germination and viability of C. lanatus under controlled greenhouse and natural field conditions. An ethnobotanical study was carried out were resource users and key informant...

Assessing The Effects Of Bush Encroachment On Species Abundance, Composition And Diversity Of Small Mammals At The Neudamm Agricultural Farm, Khomas Region, Namibia.

ABSTRACT Bush encroachment is the conversion of open savannas to tree-dominated shrub lands. Bush encroachment results in habitat degradation and the loss of resource productivity. In this study, small mammals were used to investigate the effects of bush encroachment on biodiversity. The main aim of this study was to assess the effects of bush encroachment on the species abundance, diversity and composition of small mammals. The study was conducted in selected bush encroached and non-bush en...

Impacts Of Large Herbivores On Vegetation And Soils Around Water Points In Waterberg Plateau Park, Central Namibia

ABSTRACT Provision of artificial water points to large herbivores leads to range deterioration and degradation, especially in semi-arid and arid ecosystems. This is a cause for concern in both protected and private lands in Namibia and elsewhere. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the impact of large herbivores on soils and vegetation around water points in the Waterberg Plateau Park (WPP). Five artificial water points were selected for the study. Four line-transects sta...

Mobility Challenges And Transport Safety Of People With Disabilities (Pwd) In Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Disability is a growing problem worldwide. The challenges facing people with disabilities are being exacerbated by poor and inadequate transport. This paper assessed the mobility challenges and transport safety of disabled people in Ibadan Metropolis. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A structured questionnaire was administered on 388 respondents (crippled and blind) in 2 major motor parks, designated bus stops and road terminals along corridors where peopl...

Land Use Activities Among Forest Environments’ Dwellers In Edo State, Nigeria: Implications For Livelihood And Sustainable Forest Management

Abstract Although urbanization may be increasing globally, over 75.0% of Nigerian populations are still living in rural areas. Extensive rainfed farming used to sustain this population is limited by loss of forest biodiversity, climate change and exposure of fragile soil. This study reports the socio-economic background of Edo State forests environments dwellers in relation to their land use activities with a view to positively harnessing the synergy of the two variables for improving human l...

Potentials of cemeteries as urban tree conservation areas in Ibadan metropolis

Abstract A cemetery, because of its presumed sanctity, is less disturbed from other land use activities in the urban areas and thus serves in many cases as the last remnant for greenery and conservation of trees in many large cities. However, there is little information on the population, diversity and management of trees in cemeteries located in the Ibadan metropolis. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the potentials of cemeteries as urban tree conservation areas. Eight cemet...

Marketing System Of Non-Timber Forest Products:-The Case Of Palmyra Palm In North-Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated the marketing system of Palmyra Palm products in North-eastern Nigeria to; identify its marketable products, channels of distribution and roles of market participants, and also assess its marketing facilities in North-eastern Nigeria. Data were generated through market surveys and interviews on 203 respondents selected randomly from Adamawa, Bauchi and Yobe markets. The generated data were analysed using descriptive statistics where appropriate. Marketing syst...

Genetic admixture of Kruger National Park black rhino (Diceros bicornis minor): conservation implications

Abstract Black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) have been extirpated from most of their historic range with the remaining individuals (ca. 5200) living in geographically isolated populations. Management priorities include creating new populations whilst maintaining genetic diversity and promoting gene flow between existing isolated populations. Such objectives are however currently hindered by a lack of comparative/reference data on levels of diversity, relatedness and inbreeding in a large, f...

The Impacts Of Different Fire Frequencies On Vegetation Characteristics In The Hamoye State Forest, Kavango Region, Namibia.

Abstract In Namibia, large areas burn each year with a distribution of burn relating to the rainfall gradient. As a result fires are widespread and frequent in the north, especially in the northeast. In these areas more than 2 million hectares of forested land burn each year. Fires, amongst other factors, have negative effects on biodiversity. These effects have not been fully assessed. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of different fire frequencies on vegetation ...

The Influence Of Acacia Mellifera On Soil Fertility, Herbage Quality And Composition On Sandy Soils In Camel-Thorn Savannas Of Namibia

Abstract Acacia mellifera is viewed negatively due to its invasive nature to the extent that farmers tend to remove it from their farms without really considering that it may have beneficial effects. Thus the study looked at the role it plays on soil fertility, herbage quality, and botanical composition with reference to N-fixation. Soil and grass samples were collected at Corsica Resettlement farm at 6 distances within three sub-habitats from bases of five A. mellifera trees outwards. The n...

The Influence Of Different Land Use Types On Plant Species Diversity, Composition And Vegetation Structure In The Kalahari Woodlands Of Salambala Conservancy, Northeast Namibia

ABSTRACT Human societies have, for centuries, impacted and altered the natural environments through different land use practises. Unsustainable land use practices are seen as one of the major threats to biodiversity around the globe. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the impacts of different land use types, mainly grazing and browsing by wildlife and livestock; land clearance for cultivation and wood harvesting on plant species diversity, composition and vegetation st...

A Description Of Reproduction, Diet, Nematode Infection And Sexual Dimorphism In Agama Anchietae And Pedioplanis Undata Undata (Reptilia: Lacertilia) In Namibia

Abstract The objectives of this study were to describe reproduction, diet, nematode infection and sexual dimorphism in Agama anchietae and Pedioplanis undata undata, two Namibian lizard species with wide geographic distributions for which such baseline ecological information is still lacking. The specimens used in the study came from the preserved Herpetological Collection of the National Museum of Namibia. Agama anchietae occupies rocky areas and the findings were as follows, reproduction: ...

Agroforestry As An Adaptation Strategy To Climate Change In The Kassena Nankana West District, Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT  This thesis explored agroforestry as an adaptation strategy to climate change in the Kassena Nankana West District, Upper East Region.  Climate change poses a serious threat to agricultural activities in agrarian economies, such as Ghana, which requires adaptation. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess how farming communities are using agroforestry to be able to adapt to the negative consequences of climate change. Specifically, the study assessed farmers’ understa...

1576 - 1590 Of 2176 Results