Monitoring and Evaluation Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of Financial Management Control On Provision Of Health Care Services In Public Health Institutions, In West Pokot County, Kenya

Appropriate management of finance can guarantee that financial priorities are formed in line with the goals and objectives of the organization where spending is controlled and planned in line with priorities. This study sought to determine the influence of financial management controls on provision of health care services in public health institutions, in West Pokot County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: - to determine the influence of accounting on provision of heal...

Influence Of Technological Innovations On Projects Performance Of Non-governmental Organisations In Kenya: A Case Of Kenya Aids Non-governmantal Organisations Consortium

HIV has been an epidemic that has taken a toll on our communities and our country in general. There are 1.6 Million people in Kenya living with AIDS. This has led to the loss of lives amounting to 36,000 AIDS related deaths in 2016 and not to mention 62,000 new infections in the same year. General productivity of the country has also dwindled (WHO, 2019) because many are sick from HIV related infections. Kenya Aids Non-governmental consortium as a Non-governmental organization itself has...

Role Of Logical Framework Adoption On Project Success In Non-Governmental Organizations In Kenya: A Case Of Relief Non-Governmental Organizations In Nairobi County

In order for projects to be successful, certain methodologies and tools are incorporated. One of these tools recommended by majority of donors is the Logical Framework. The Logical Framework is a tool that is used to facilitate project planning, implementation and management. It originated from the United States Agency of International Development in late 1960’s. The agency developed it as a strategy to bolster the quality of planning and evaluation of its projects. However despite the reco...

Factors Influencing The Enactment Of Monitoring And Evaluation On Effective Public Service Systems In The Small Island Developing State Of Saint Lucia: A Case Of The Department Of External A

The purpose of this research was to identify factors influencing the enactment of monitoring and evaluation(M&E) required for enacting effective public service systems, Furthermore, this research was carried out in order to determine whether these factors are present within the Public Service of the Small Island Developing State (SIDS) of Saint Lucia, with a focus on the Department of External Affairs. The objectives of the research were in keeping with the independent variables of the resear...

Influence Of Monitoring And Evaluation Practices On The Performance Of Government-Sponsored Arts Projects In Namibia: A Case Of National Arts Council Of Namibia

The study identifies the Monitoring and Evaluation practices and performance of government funded arts projects within Namibia using the National Arts Council of Namibia as the case study. The core objectives of the research were to investigate the influence of M&E planning, control and communication practices on the performance of the artist’s projects that are funded by the government through the NACN. The study employed a mixed method approach of research; largely qualitative in nature w...

Factors Influencing The Performance Of Projects In Non Governmental Organizations In Kenya: A Case Of Ujamaa Africa

Non-Governmental Organizations need to measure whether the projects they implement are successful and they therefore need an effective system of managing and managing their performance. Performance is measured in different perspectives taking into consideration different stakeholder interests such as donors, beneficiaries’ interests and internal effectiveness. Managing and measuring performance in Non-Governmental Organizations can be used as a tool that assists organizations to evaluate im...

Influence Of Technological Innovations On Projects Performance Of Non-Governmental Organisations In Kenya: A Case Of Kenya Aids Non-Governmantal Organisations Consortium

ABSTRACT HIV has been an epidemic that has taken a toll on our communities and our country in general. There are 1.6 Million people in Kenya living with AIDS. This has led to the loss of lives amounting to 36,000 AIDS related deaths in 2016 and not to mention 62,000 new infections in the same year. General productivity of the country has also dwindled (WHO, 2019) because many are sick from HIV related infections. Kenya Aids Non-governmental consortium as a Non-governmental organization itsel...

Influence Of Monitoring Practices On Projects Performance At The Water Sector Trust Fund

ABSTRACT Globally Monitoring has become an important tool through which environmental, economic and social sustainability can be attained. Monitoring helps those interested with initiatives with determining that progress is being made in accordance with goals. The study generally determined how monitoring practices influence projects performance at the water sector trust fund. Specifically, the study focused on how monitoring planning, monitoring tools, monitoring techniques and adoption of ...

Factors Influencing The Enactment Of Monitoring And Evaluation On Effective Public Service Systems In The Small Island Developing State Of Saint Lucia: A Case Of The Department Of External Af

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to identify factors influencing the enactment of monitoring and evaluation(M&E) required for enacting effective public service systems, Furthermore, this research was carried out in order to determine whether these factors are present within the Public Service of the Small Island Developing State (SIDS) of Saint Lucia, with a focus on the Department of External Affairs. The objectives of the research were in keeping with the independent variables of ...

Influence Of Monitoring And Evaluation Practices On The Performance Of Government-Sponsored Arts Projects In Namibia: A Case Of National Arts Council Of Namibia

ABSTRACT The study identifies the Monitoring and Evaluation practices and performance of government funded arts projects within Namibia using the National Arts Council of Namibia as the case study. The core objectives of the research were to investigate the influence of M&E planning, control and communication practices on the performance of the artist’s projects that are funded by the government through the NACN. The study employed a mixed method approach of research; largely qualitative i...

Factors Influencing The Performance Of Projects In Non Governmental Organizations In Kenya: A Case Of Ujamaa Africa

ABSTRACT Non-Governmental Organizations need to measure whether the projects they implement are successful and they therefore need an effective system of managing and managing their performance. Performance is measured in different perspectives taking into consideration different stakeholder interests such as donors, beneficiaries’ interests and internal effectiveness. Managing and measuring performance in Non-Governmental Organizations can be used as a tool that assists organizations to e...

Influence Of Financial Management Control On Provision Of Health Care Services In Public Health Institutions, In West Pokot County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Appropriate management of finance can guarantee that financial priorities are formed in line with the goals and objectives of the organization where spending is controlled and planned in line with priorities. This study sought to determine the influence of financial management controls on provision of health care services in public health institutions, in West Pokot County, Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: - to determine the influence of accounting on provisi...