Private and Property Law Research Papers/Topics

The Case for Weaker Patents

This Article provocatively asserts that lawmakers should weaken patents significantly—by between 25% and 50%. The primary impetus for this conclusion is the underappreciated effects of new and emerging technologies, including three-dimensional printing, synthetic biology, and cloud computing. These and other technologies are rapidly decreasing the costs of each stage of the innovation cycle: from basic research, through inventing and prototyping, to marketing and distribution. The primary e...

Intellectual Property as a Strategic National Industrial Weapon: the Case of 3D Printing.

There is some consensus between such disparate voices as the Economist  on the right and Jeremy Rifkin  on the left that 3D printing, a form of additive manufacturing, represents the “next industrial revolution”. 3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material. It can be used to make everything from expensive scientific  and engineering tools  to nove...

Understanding the Role of Legal Practitioner in Property Acquisition

The role of a legal practitioner in property acquisition can not be over emphasized. The article sheds light on the roles legal practitioner take to ensure a hitch free property acquisition in Nigeria. Real estate is by far one of the thriving and popular investment options not only in recent times but as far back as anyone could remember. This article aims at shedding light on the role legal practitioners take in acquisition of real property. Before you buy or sell a landed property it is im...