
Law Research Papers/Topics

A Critical Analysis Of The Data Protection Act 2019 Viz-A-Viz The Right To Privacy Under Article 27 Of The 1995 Constitution.

ABSTRACT Uganda enacted the data protection Act in February 2019 which is organized into eight parts with 40 sections regulating data protection and privacy of data users. Right to privacy is enshrined under various provisions of the constitution like Article 27 which explains that no person shall be subjected to unlawful search of the person, home or other property of that person or unlawful entry by others of the premises of that person. The law on data protection of 2019 provides for many...

The Effectiveness Of The Occupational Safety And Health Act In Protecting Employees In Uganda

ABSTRACT The study is an exploratory design carried out in Uganda which sought to; analyze effectiveness of the law governing occupational safety and health in protecting employees; establishing the circumstances that lead to the abuse of the rights of employees at the workplace; to examine the legal challenges experienced in addressing occupational safety and health issues of employees; to suggest ways to counter the weaknesses and excesses in addressing occupational health and safety in th...

Gender Inequality, An Examination Of Law And Practice In South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study "Gender Inequality, an examination of law and practice in South Sudan" was carried out in the three states of South Sudan, that is Lakes State, Central and Eastern Equatorial States with the aim of examining all circumstances which rise to gender inequality by considering loopholes and ineffectiveness of the law to provide maximum protection to women, the study analyzed the various cultures of South Sudan and how they are inconsistent with the legal system of South Sudan ...

An Examination Of The Law Relating To Election Malpractices In Uganda.

ABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii SYNOPSIS ............................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................

A Critical Examination Of Institutional And Legal Framework Governing Freedom Of Assembly And Association In A Multi-Party System Of Governance In Uganda

ABSTRACT "This study investigates the effectiveness of the freedom of assembly and association in a multi-party Uganda by examining the legal frame work governing it at national and international level. The study is based on the objectives of examining the importance of the freedom of assembly and association, the effectiveness of the law governing it and how it has been conducted using desktop where library research was much used together with internet searching. The research entails f...

Domestic Violence Act 2010: Examinil1v G 1fh'e "C' Hallenges In Enforcement In Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval .......................................................................................................................... i Declaration ....................................................................................................................... ii Dedication ........................................................................................................................ iii Acknowledgement ..................................................... : .....

A Legal Analysis Of The Right To A Clean And Healthy Environment In Uganda. (A Case Study Of Kampala Capital City Authority)

The gist of this thesis is that the right to a clean and healthy Environment is a fundamental human right although it is of recent origin. The right is closely related to the concept of human rights namely the dignity inherent to all the members of the human family The right to both an individual right as well as a co!leotive right in the sense that is enforceable by an individual or by a group (collectivities on their own behalf and on behalf of future generations. Many international instrum...

A Legal Analysis Of Motor Vehicle Third Party Insurance In Uganda

This is a descriptive cross study on motor vehicle third party insurance in Uganda carried out on 7 insurance companies and 70 motor vehicle owners. The study basically looks at a legal analysis of motor vehicle third party insurance in Uganda. Study focuses on the meaning of motor third party insurance under the motor vehicle insurance (third party risks) Act Cap 214. The study looks at the history of motor vehicle third party insurance right from the birth of a car until it came into force ...

The Role Of Police In The Criminal Justice System: A Case Study Of Kampala District

ABSTRACT The above research was caiTied out in Kampala District within the Republic of Uganda with an intention of examining the role of the police in administration of criminal justice in the republic aforesaid. The research attempts to trace the history of Uganda Police Force citing its developments from the pre-colonial era to post-colonial times. It addresses the legal establishment and categorization of the force in different departments. The research critically looks at the roles of the...

Criminality In Kenya Curbing Illegal Sects, The Law And Policy In Kenya Case Study Kenya, Sect In Issue; The Mungiki Sect In Kenya.

ABSTRACT The outlawed mungiki sect crept into our society with very noble goals, however few years later, the sect turned out to be the Kenyan worst night mare, so the purpose of this dissertation will be to look at how the said, group can be controlled and if possible be completely eradicated in our country. Thus this work have looked at how the group emerged and gained audience in our community, the ways they used to convince young men/youths to join it and the positive promises they promi...

The Institutional And Legal Framework Of Electoral Democracy In Uganda

ABSTRACT The thesis analyses the institutional and Legal Framework of the Electoral Democracy in Uganda due to the impact followed by an examination of areas thereof requiring reform particularly in view of both national laws and international treaties which have introduced change in the democracy rights. It therefore seems pertinent to deal with the institutional and legal framework of the Electoral Democracy in Uganda under the current laws and in the light of recent development as far as d...

The Enforcement Of Intellectual Property Rights; Trademarks And Copyrjghts, In Kenya And Uganda: A Comparative Approach.

ABSRACT  CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................. 1 1. 0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY .................................................................... 1 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .................................................................. 6 1.3 PURPOSE ....................................................................

The Use Of Information Technology In Dispensation Of Justice In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Dar Es Salaam

TABLE OF CONTENTS APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. iii LIST OF ABREVIA TIO NS .......................................................................................... V LIST OF...

The Rights Of Lawful And Bonafide Occupants On Mallo Land And How Such Rights A-Re Violated In Uganda

ABSTRACT Tl1is stUd) '"" ahtlUt the rights ol' Ia\ l'ul and bonafide occupants on iVilo land and h011 such rights \ere illl~lh."d in l 1 gnnda. This \cts carried out in Uganda\ ith spcci lie aims of examining: the rights ol' l:n1 1i ~mel borwlidc occupants on iVlailo land: the abuse ol'the rights ol.the honalidc occupants on fvlailo land: the effectiveness of the Jaw governing bonalide occupancy on fvilo l:>nrl: and suggesting improvements that can be made on bonafide occupancy rights on f...

Examination Of The Law On Sex Tapes, Nude Pictures; Case Study On Ugandan Female Celebrities.

The emergence of new information communication technologies (ICTs) like compact disc (CD) and digital versatile/video disc (DVD) players, computers, Internet and mobile phones, has focused debates among development experts on the opportunities, uncertainties and challenges of using these technologies in behaviour change campaigns. Heeks (1999) defines ICTs as electronic means of capturing, processing, storing and communicating infmmation. The older ICTs have analogue systems and these in...

856 - 870 Of 1432 Results