
Law Research Papers/Topics

Welfare Of Children And Disposal Of The Matrimonial Property Upon Divorce: A Legal Analysis

Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 BACKGROUND TO STUDY .................................................................................................... 1 1.3 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ........................................

Save SSA Research 60 PAGES (16099 WORDS) Law Thesis
Interaction Between Islamic Law And Customary Law Of Succession Among The Yoruba People

ABSTRACT The issue of legal pluralism has been with Nigeria since the inception of British rule in the country in the middle of the 19th century. The 1979 Constitution merely affirms the existence of different systems of Courts. It will appear from Sections 226 242 and 247 of the Constitution that a great recognition is being given to both the Sharia (i.e. Islamic Low) and the Customary Law, but on the whole, the general law which, in the context of this thesis, md is the received English law...

Domesticating Cairo And Beijing: Prospects And Opportunities For Legal Obligations To Reproductive Rights In Nigeria

ABSTRACT   This thesis analyses the prospects and opportunities for law to protect reproductive and sexual rights in Nigeria, and the willingness and capacity of the legal system to promote women's reproductive health within the domiciliary region. It finds that the entrenchment of reproductive and maternal health clauses in state laws and government policies are indications that the Nigerian legal system has the capacity to domesticate international obligations and protect reproductive and...

Division Of Taxing Powers In Nigeria – A Paradigm Shift

ABSTRACT The prolonged military rule in Nigeria has bequeathed an over centralized structure under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 whereby the Federal Government generates about 90 percent of the country‟s tax revenue. While the need for decentralization and diversification of Nigerian revenue base from oil is self evident, the critical roles of division of taxing powers in achieving these laudable objectives are yet to be articulated and mainstreamed in public di...

Realisation of Socio-Economic Rights Through Devolution in Africa. The Case of Kenya and Zimbabwe

Abstract The importance of devolution as a preferred system of governance in Africa cannot be further stressed. History shows a continent that has been marred by underdevelopment, socio-economic marginalisation and hence an unacceptable disregard of socio-economic rights. These challenges have been identified as some of the most stubborn shortcomings of a centralised government. As such this has been the unfortunate common experience of a centralised government that has been shared by Kenya ...

"It Takes Two To Tango”: Libraries Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Preservation Of Indigenous Knowledge On Textile Craft Making (Adire) Among Women

Abstract Indigenous Knowledge (IK) serves as a basic input to sustainable development, perhaps due to its distinctive nature in the knowledge economy. Despite the several benefits of IK to sustainable development, many African nations have lost their cultural and customary knowledge due to inadequate attention of heritage institutions especially libraries, in ensuring that IK constitutes part of their collections. Women are at the forefront of using IK to improve livelihoods in areas such as...

Asset Securitization In Nigeria: Legal Challenges And Prospects

Abstract Asset securitization is one of the new methods of financing beyond the horizon of the traditional equity and debt financing and it is still untested waters in Nigeria. This study is set against the background of possible utility of asset securitization in Nigeria and adequacy or otherwise of the existing law in structuring asset securitization given the peculiarities of the transaction. It adopted the analytical research approach involving analysis of case law and statutory provisio...

The Right To Inclusive Education For Children With Visual Impairments In Primary Schools Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT This study ventures into the right to inclusive education for children with visual impairments in primary schools of Zimbabwe. This will be done to establish whether or not Zimbabwe is in conformity with the international standards set by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) to which Zimbabwe is a party. The study explores the international and regional frameworks on the right to education. The study further explores the national framework of Zimbabwe on ...

Unjust Enrichment And Restitution: Challenges And Prospects For The Nigerian Legal System

ABSTRACT In recent years unjustified enrichment and restitution has been one of the most intellectually vital areas of private law all over the World except in Nigeria. The thesis examines this principle which has been recognised in other jurisdictions as an independent body of law, either as law of restitution or law of unjustified enrichment different from any other legal obligations or subjects such as contract, tort and property law and which is very effective, more encompassing and bet...

An Analytical Analysis Of Abortion Laws In Zimbabwe From A Human Rights Perspective

Abstract Access to abortion is necessary to respecting women’s reproductive freedom. Reproductive rights refer to those rights which protect the health and well-being of both men and women.8 Reproductive rights are most fundamental to women as they demand respect for their bodily integrity and decision-making requiring access to voluntary, quality and sexual health services. These rights connote the principle that a woman must be able to control her reproductive and sexual life and entitle ...

Edu Frontiers 47 PAGES (14724 WORDS) Law Project
The Troubled Relationship Between The International Criminal Court And Africa: A Diagnosis

ABSTRACT The debate around the relationship between the International Criminal Court and African states has gained more prominence over the past decade, especially in light of the ever increasing atrocities not only on the African continent itself but around the globe as amply demonstrated on the increasing cost of civilian life in Georgia Syria and Gaza just to mention a few. Unfortunately, the debate has only been largely centred around two clear and entrenched positions, that is the Court...

“Rethinking Sexual Minority Rights In The Context Of The Zimbabwean Constitution

ABSTRACT  The subject of sexual minority rights is a very controversial issue in the African society. The conventional understanding of sexual minority rights draws its inspiration from culture and religion to the effect that such conduct is unnatural, taboo and has no place in the African social system. Zimbabwe mirrors this conceptualisation of sexual minority rights and both laws and jurisprudence have depicted this intolerance, opting to be associated with the conventional view that shun...

Edu Frontiers 79 PAGES (25289 WORDS) Law Project
The Right To Fair Hearing And The Criminal Process In Nigeria: A Study Of The Lagos Metropolis

ABSTRACT A system of justice that offers the citizens irrespective of gender, place of origin, social standing and circumstances of birth equal access to justice and fair hearing in criminal cases is indispensable in a democratic dispensation. This is highly desirable in Nigeria, particularly after long years of military rule that disregarded human rights and due process, This thesis is concerned with the right to fair hearing and the criminal process in Nigeria, with Lagos Metropolis as the ...

The Right to Strike in Zimbabwe’s Labor Law: A Liability or a Trap at Worst?

Abstract Strike action commonly referred to as “strike” occupies a central position in labour relations in that it seeks to strengthen the bargaining power of employees than would otherwise be the case if it were a matter of each employee facing the employer on their own. In other words, strike action is concerned with the need to bring about equilibrium in industrial relations between two competing interests; labour and capital1 . Strike action refers to the collective and concerted with...

The legal regulation of children recruitment and participation in armed conflict under international humanitarian law.

ABSTRACT This dissertation explores the legal regulation of children recruitment and participation in armed conflict under international humanitarian law (IHL), addressing how IHL protects children aged between 15 and 18 years. It assesses whether IHL has done so in a manner which proffers adequate legal protection such that there is no need for other branches found international law to chip in to close gaps or weaknesses. This dissertation interrogates the IHL regime as well as other discou...

1081 - 1095 Of 1434 Results