Environmental Health Science Research Papers/Topics

A Survey of Solid Waste Management Services in Woldya Town (Ethiopia): Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement.

In different cities and towns of Ethiopia, solid waste is a major environmental problem. Woldya town also face the challenges of solid waste management. Effective and efficient solid waste management in a town is a mandatory to ensure human and animal health and also to ensure clean and sound able environment in urban development. The aim of this study is to assess challenges and opportunities for improvement of solid waste management services in Woldya town. Interviews, questionnaires and ob...


A quality management system (QMS) is a set of policies, processes and proceduresrequired for planning and execution (production/development/service) in the core business area of an organization. (i.e. Areas that can impact the organization’s ability to meet customer requirements. The term "Quality Management System" and the acronym "QMS" were invented in 1991 by Ken Croucher, a British management consultant working on designing and implementing a generic model of a QMS within the IT indust...

Occupational Health and Safety

An organization’s activities can pose a risk of injury or ill-health, and can result in a serious impairment of health, or even fatality, to those working on its behalf; consequently it is important for the organization to eliminate or minimize its OH&S risks by taking appropriate preventive measures. An organization’s OH&S management system can translate its intentions to prevent incidents into a systematic and ongoing set of processes (supported by the use of appropriate methods and too...


1,277 patients were diagnosed and treated (July – September, 2017) for malaria, typhoid or co-infection at the University Health Services; 34.06% of the patients were diagnosed and treated in July; 32.58% in August; and 33.36% in September, 2017. The study reveals that the prevalence or incidence of malaria, typhoid and co-infection is higher in males (53.80%) than females (46.20%).  7.75% of the study population had blood cultures confirming only typhoid infection; 31.95% had blood cul...


Increased agricultural and domestic activities around and within aquatic ecosystem could poseserious threats to the habitat quality and ichthyofauna diversity. Nigeria is a country notablefor the alarming rate of water pollution. On the other hand, increased human populace aroundthe Apodu Reservoir has led to an intensifying rate of pollutants’ influx into the water body.To date, there is limited information on the habitat quality and associated genotoxic effectsof pollutants on physiology...

Hydrochemical Evolution of Ground and Surface Water within the Amansie and Adansi Districts

Source–rock deductions of major ions and saturation states of minerals in groundwater were employed to determine the origin of dissolved ions and the thermodynamic controls on the groundwater composition respectively in groundwater within the Amansie and Adansi Districts. The main objective of this study is to characterize groundwater and delineate soil-water-rock interactions responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater within the districts. Fifty-nine boreholes, twelve wells and ...

A comparative study of the pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons in Ghana

The pollution status of Sakumo II and Muni Lagoons and Mamahuma and Gbagbla Ankonufeeder streams, which feed Sakumo II along the coast of Ghana, were assessed and compared.As expected of saline waters, pH values of both lagoons fell within a slightly neutral to salinerange whilst, the feeder streams were moderately saline. Conductivity distribution also showedsaline (.5.0mScm21) characteristics of the lagoons, while, the feeder streams are brackish(1.5–5.0mScm21). DO concentrations in both ...

Levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in selected irrigated urban agricultural soils in Accra, Ghana

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous organic pollutants in urban environmentsincluding urban soils. Elevated concentrations of PAHs in urban soils are caused by incomplete combustion of petroleum and coal. This study assesses 16 individual PAH compounds in a total of 112 surficial soil samples. The objective was to assess and compare the levels of contamination as well as examine the main sources of PAHs in four urban agricultural soils using molecular ratios of some specifi...

Hydrochemical appraisal of groundwater evolution within the Lower Pra Basin, Ghana: a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) approach

The most relevant controls on groundwater quality within the Lower Pra Basin in Ghana were assessedusing Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The objective was to determine the chemical characteristics of the various water groups and subgroups responsible for the groundwater evolution and identify the groundwater recharge and discharge zones within the basin. The Q-mode HCA have characterized hydrochemical data from a total of sixty-eight (68) boreholes and two (2) streams within the b...

Origin of major dissolved ions in groundwater within the Lower Pra Basin using groundwater geochemistry, source-rock deduction and stable isotopes of 2H and 18O

Hydrochemical and stable isotopes (18O and 2H) analyses of groundwater samples were employed toestablish the origin of major dissolved ions in groundwater within the Lower Pra Basin. Results showed that, the major processes responsible for chemical evolution of groundwater include: silicate (SiO4)4- dissolutions, ion exchange reactions, sea aerosol spray and pyrite (FeS2) and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) oxidations. The groundwater is strongly acidic to neutral, with pH generally range from 3.5 to 7....

Hydrochemistry of groundwater in the Savelugu–Nanton District, Northern Ghana

Calcite (CaCO3), dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2], silicatedissolution, ion-exchange and reverse ion-exchangereactions are the predominant processes influencinggroundwater quality in the Savelugu–Nanton District. Themain objective of this study is to characterize groundwaterand delineate water–rock interactions responsible for thechemical evolution of groundwater in the District. Eighty-one (81) boreholes were sampled for quality assessment.Results showed that, the pH of the boreholes are slightly a...

Phyto-Accumulation of Lead and Chromium in Common Edible Green-Leafy Vegetables Consumed in Dutse Metropolis, Jigawa State, Nigeria

Abstract Several researches have shown that the accumulation of heavy metals in green-leafy vegetables is of increasing concern due to food safety threat and potential health risks. Therefore, the aim of this research was to analyze the amount of heavy metals  accumulated in three green-leafy vegetables consumed in Dutse metropolis, Jigawa state, Nigeria. Three (3) samples of each  of the vegetables were collected randomly from two (2) different markets in Dutse Metropolis. The sample coll...

Interdisciplinary Environmental Education: Communicating and Applying Energy Efficiency for Sustainability

This paper demonstrates that interdisciplinary alliances on environmental education projects can effectively address the gap between complex environmental problems in the real world and disciplinary curricula in a university. We describe an alliance between an advanced communication course and a general science course wherein we addressed interconnections of energy efficiency, economics, and global climate change with respect to their impact on individuals, local businesses, and society. This...

Solar Photovoltaic Energy for Mitigation of Climate Change: A Catalytic Application of Catholic Social Thought

This paper explores an application of Catholic theology to mitigate the current destruction of God's creation underway due to global climate destabilization. Specifically it describes the possibility of the U.S. Catholic Church adopting a systematic plan to catalyze the world energy market to shift to solar photovoltaic energy, a non-polluting renewable energy source. The science behind the ecological crisis and climate change in the context of the Catholic basis for environmental stewardship...

Environmental and Economic Assessment of a Greenhouse Waste Heat Exchange

As the economic costs of energy and the negative externalities associated with the combustion of fossil fuels threaten the economic viability of greenhouses in northern climates there is a renewed interest in the use of waste heat. This paper presents a technical and economic methodology to determine the viability of establishing waste heat greenhouses using the waste heat from industrial processes in northern climates. A case study is presented of an exchange between a tomato greenhouse and ...

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