Epidemic & Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation of the Use of Antibiotics among Patients Attending Dental Clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Antibiotics are the most used medicines in dental practice (Lewis, 2008)and are used regularly for the management of oral and dental infection that originates from odontogenic infections (Dar-Odeh NS, et,al., 2010), however there is inappropriate use of antibiotics that result into gastrointestinal disturbances to fatal anaphylactic shock and development of resistance. Methods used The sampling was done at KIU-TH, employing simple random sampling; informed consent was ...

Prevalence of Teenage Deliveries, And The Subsequent Maternal and Neonatal Out Comes Among Women Delivering from Bwera Hospital, Kasese Uganda

Table of ContentsDECLARATION: ........................................................................................................................................2SUPERVISOR’S APPROVAL........................................................................................................................3DEDICATION............................................................................................................................................4ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................

Use Of Malaria Preventive Measures By Pregnant Women In Enugu

ABSTRACT Malaria in pregnancy is a major public health problem in Nigeria leading to increase in the risk of maternal mortality, low birth weight and infant mortality. Malaria accounts for about 11% of all maternal deaths in Nigeria, and indirectly contributes to additional 11% of maternal deaths mainly by being a leading cause of anaemia in pregnancy.Prevention tools such as use of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) with Sulphadoxine-py...

Work Environment Noise Levels And Auditory Status Of Generator Users In Agbowo And Ajibode Areas Of Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The increasing use of electric generators in small scale businesses is predicated on the erratic and inadequate power supply in Nigeria. Electric generators produce noise at levels capable of inducing hearing impairment. Hitherto, few studies have assessed the auditory status of generator users in Nigeria. This study was designed to compare the work environment noise levels and auditory status of generator users in two areas where generators are used in Ibadan. A comparative cross ...

Assessing The Effects Of Socio-Cultural Factors On Maternal Health Care Delivery In The East Mamprusi District Of Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT  Socio-economic inequalities in basic maternal health interventions exist in Ghana, yet little is known about health-seeking of poor households. Further understanding of issues surrounding availability, affordability and quality of maternal health services among the poor is crucial to eliminating inequalities in maternal health coverage in Ghana especially in rural communities. The study was carried out to assess the effects of socio-cultural factors on maternal health care delivery...

Evaluating The Trend Of Caesarean Section From (2011 - 2016) In The Kasena Nankana Municipality, Ghana

ABSTRACT The trend of caesarean section (CS) rate continues to increase worldwide. This trend of increasing CS has raised a lot of concerns among health professionals and countries world over. The World Health Organisation in 2007 reached a consensus around the world with the recommendation of an acceptable Caesarean Section rate of 10---15% among countries. This study evaluated the trend of Caesarean Section in the KassenaNankana Municipal of the Upper East Region, Ghana. The study evaluated...