Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Papers/Topics

Determinants of Diarrheal Cases among Children under five Years in Households using Domestic Water in Kangemi, Nairobi County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Gastrointestinal illnesses known as diarrheal diseases cause loose, watery stools to flow more than three times each day. Inadequate sanitation and hygiene, tainted drinking water, and other factors contribute to the estimated 4 billion cases of diarrhea that occur annually around the world. The situation is even worse in Kenya, where youngsters in Nairobi's slums are exposed to unhygienic conditions. The main goal of this study was to identify the factors that contribut...

Factors Influencing the Satisfaction with the Family Planning Services among Women of Reproductive Age Seeking Family Planning Services at Health Facilities in Siaya County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Client satisfaction is one of the desired outcomes of health care, and it is directly tied to health service consumption. It reflects the disconnect between the service's expectations and the client's experience with it. Client retention is currently one of the most serious issues in health facilities, and this problem has been largely related to a lack of sufficient and satisfying service to clients. The goal of this facility based, cross-sectional study was to find out...