Health Services Management Research Papers/Topics

Attitudes of Primary Health Care (PHC) Gatekeepers Towards Patient Referral Policy, Machakos County, Kenya

Abstract Primary Health Care (PHC) serves as the foundation for building a working healthcare system that provide good health outcomes. The quality of PHC delivery and the decision to refer patients depends on some behavioural factors (knowledge, skills and behaviour) of primary care providers. The study was conducted at 100 PHC centres sampled using Taro Yamane formula, in Machakos County, Kenya, from March to May 2015. It involved 8 gender-based focus group discussions (FGDs) with patients...

Effectiveness of the Devolved Primary Health Care Gatekeeper System in Machakos County, Kenya

Abstract The low health outcomes and inequities problems in developing countries are due to ineffective gate keeping at the Primary Health Care (PHC) level, non-adherence to policy and dysfunctional health infrastructure. This study was conducted at 100 PHC centres sampled using Taro Yamane formula, in Machakos County, Kenya, from March to May 2015. It involved 8 gender-based focus group discussions (FGDs) with patients and their caretakers. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected f...

Patient Perceptions on Primary Health Care (PHC) Nurses and Its Impact on Services Delivery at County Level, Machakos, Kenya

Abstract Background: Patient perceptions on services delivered by nurses are crucial when assessing the quality of health services. These are most attributable to their knowledge, competent skills and other personal characteristics. These can be described in how effective they handle clients when performing their nursing duties and their effectiveness including their ability to utilize a variety of communication skills and their attitudes at their regular work place. Methodology: This is a c...

Are we there yet? Unbundling the potential adoption and integration of telemedicine to improve virtual healthcare services in African health systems

Abstract: Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the attention has now shifted towards universal vaccination to gracefully lift strict COVID-19 restrictions previously imposed to contain the spread of the disease. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing an exponential increase of infections and deaths coupled with vaccines shortages, personal protective equipment, weak health systems and COVID-19 emerging variants. Some developed countries integrated telemedicine to reduce the impacts of the shortage of...

Integrated Review of Management of Hypertension by Lifestyle Changes, Yoga, Exercise, Acupressure, Plant/Herbal and Allopathic Medications and Newer Interventions

Hypertension is a global epidemic with prevalence almost similar in urban and rural populations and it is a significant modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal diseases. Although many modalities of treatment are available, a large percentage of patients don't have their blood pressure (BP) under control, hence, the management of hypertension has become a vital issue. We do find very few integrative reviews considering all feasible modalities of treatment for h...

Health Workers Brain Drain - The Ghanaian Perspective

Abstract The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the demand for front-line medical staff in Ghanaian hospitals and other developing nations. According to Herzberg's Two Factor Theory, which was applied in the study, the majority of the studies reviewed demonstrate that there is a brain drain of health professionals from Ghana, which was attributed to motivation and hygiene factors. Since the majority of the studies were conducted in developed nations before the COVID-19 pandemic,...

Uptake Of Cervical Cancer Screening Services And Its Association With Cervical Cancer Awareness And Knowledge Among Women Of Reproductive Age In Dodoma, Tanzania: A Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Background: There is a close link between an individual’s knowledge about a given disease and uptake of screening and ultimately treatment. This study aimed to determine the link between knowledge levels and awareness and uptake of cervical cancer screening among women of reproductive age (15 to 49 years) in Dodoma, Tanzania. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 1,587 women aged between 15 and 49 years was conducted in Dodoma City, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire, adapted fro...


ABSTRACT Between a crime commission and its prosecution in a criminal court lies a process of investigation, detection and case preparation.

Revitalising the Nigerian Adolescents: A Consideration of Rights and Attendants Responsibilities

ABSTRACT According to the United Nation Population Fund (UNPF) and the Action Health Incorporated (AHF), (2002) over 3 billion young people exist in the world today.

Sexual behavior and experience of sexual coercion among secondary school students in three states in North Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Background: Interest in the reproductive health of adolescents continues to grow throughout the world. Few studies had explored the reproductive health knowledge, sexual behavior and experience of sexual coercion among secondary school students in North Eastern states of Nigeria. The objectives of this descriptive survey were to collect data to plan appropriate interventions that meet the reproductive health knowledge, service and skills needs of students in Bauchi, Borno and Gombe s...

Knowledge of AIDS and HIV risk-related sexual behavior among Nigerian naval personnel

ABSTRACT Background: The epidemic of HIV continues to grow in Nigeria. Personnel in the military are at increased risk of HIV infection. Although HIV-risk related sexual behavior of Nigerian police officers has been studied, little is known about the sexual behavior of their counterparts in the Navy. This study describes knowledge of AIDS, and HIV-risk sexual behavior of naval personnel in Lagos Nigeria. Methods: Four hundred and eighty personnel of the Nigerian Navy completed a 70-item ques...

Emergency Contraceptive Pill Knowledge, Attitudes and Dispensing Practices of Pharmacists in Ibadan and Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Use of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) is desirable in Nigeria where there is high rate of unwanted pregnancy. Pharmacists are expected to play important role in promoting use of ECP but few studies have assessed their knowledge, attitude and dispensing practice of this product in Nigeria. A total of 211 randomly selected pharmacists practicing in Ibadan and Lagos metropolis completed a questionnaire that assessed knowledge about ECP, attitude towards this contraceptive and actu...