Human Nutrition Research Papers/Topics

Basal Metabolic Rate And Energy Cost Of Performing Farm Activities In Magubike Village, Kilosa District, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Determination of basal metabolic rate (BMR), energy cost of various farm activities, physical activity level (PAL), total energy expenditure (TEE), nutritional status and work capacity (VO2 max) was done to examine their influence on farmer’s productivity. A cross sectional study involving 64 farmers was conducted on randomly selected households. Energy expenditure measurements were determined using the Douglas bag technique, VO2 max was measured by the Rockport fitness test and nu...

Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Attitudes And Perceptions On Food And Nutrition In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT The present study was undertaken to understand socio-cultural factors influencing attitudes and perceptions on food and nutrition of adult men and women residing in Morogoro Municipality. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the socio-cultural factors influencing attitudes and perceptions on food and nutrition; to assess the influence of socio-cultural factors on dietary pattern in the study area; to evaluate household decision making on food accessibility; and to assess the ...

Effect Of Childcare Practices On The Nutritional Status Of Children Aged 6-24 Months In Morogoro Urban And Kilosa Districts

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of childcare practices on the nutritional status of children aged 6-24 months in Kilosa and Morogoro Urban districts. A sample of 300 mother-child pairs was randomly selected and interviewed using a structured, pre-tested questionnaire. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The study revealed that, some of the socio-economic characteristics such as marital status, family size, educ...

Modified Diets To Improve Iron, Vitamin A And Protein Intake Among Children In Banana-Based Farming Systems Of Kagera Region, Tanzania.

ABSTRACT Micronutrient and protein deficiencies are among the major public-health concerns in Tanzania. These deficiencies mainly affect children below five years of age and pregnant women. Malnutrition is a preventable problem if nutrition education and food-based approach strategies are effectively emphasised from the village to the national levels. The banana-based farming system of Kagera region of Tanzania has good edible food diversity. However, households mainly consume monotonous diet...

Modified Diets To Improve Iron, Vitamin A And Protein Intake Among Children In Banana-Based Farming Systems Of Kagera Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Micronutrient and protein deficiencies are among the major public-health concerns in Tanzania. These deficiencies mainly affect children below five years of age and pregnant women. Malnutrition is a preventable problem if nutrition education and food-based approach strategies are effectively emphasised from the village to the national levels. The banana-based farming system of Kagera region of Tanzania has good edible food diversity. However, households mainly consume monotonous diet...

Quality Of Care For People Living With Hiv/Aids In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Assessment of the quality of care services provided to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) was undertaken in Morogoro Municipality whereby a cross sectional survey approach was adopted. Ninety people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) from two NGOs that are well known to support PLWHA in Morogoro Municipality were involved. The two NGOs were namely Faraja Trust Fund (FTF) and Wanaoishi na Virusi vya Ukimwi Morogoro (WAVUMO) which is an association of people living with HIV/AIDS in Morogoro...

Self-Care Practices And Psychosocial Distress For People With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Nutritional intake and modification of lifestyle are the cornerstones for management of Type 2 diabetes. It has been recognized that, in order to achieve satisfactory metabolic control, adoption of self-care skills by the diabetic person is crucial. The aim of this study was to determine self-care practices and diabetes related emotional distress for people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. A cross sectional survey involving 121 people with Types 2 diabetes wa...

Efficacy Of Plumpy Nut In Improving Nutritional Status Of Hiv Positive Pregnant Women In Temeke Municipality

ABSTRACT A six month study was done to investigate the efficacy of Plumpy nut in improving nutritional status of 108 HIV positive pregnant women aged between 15-49 years and who were attending Private and Government Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) clinics at Temeke Municipality. Seventy three (73) subjects received Plumpy nut made from Nutriset, France and thirty five (35) subjects received maize meal made from Azam, Tanzania. The subjects who received Plumpy nut, consumed a sachet of 92 ...

Assessment Of Diet Quality And Dietary Diversity Of Overweight And Obese Adults In Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy. It is one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century. This study was carried out to determine diet quality and dietary diversity among overweight and obese adults aged 40 years and above working in public and private institutions in Morogoro Municipality. A cross sectional study was conducted in which data ...

Nutritional And Sensory Quality Of Extruded Peanuts-Soybeans-Cassava Composite Flakes For Rehabilitating Acutely Malnourished Children

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional and sensory quality of extruded peanuts-soybean-cassava composite flakes for rehabilitating acutely malnourished children. The product was formulated from peanuts, soybeans and cassava flour to achieve the desired levels of protein and energy as recommended by FAO/WHO/UNU. The peanuts-soybeans-cassava mixture was extruded to flakes which were then analyzed for nutritional and sensory qualities. Results showed that, extruded peanut-...

Implementation Of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture In The Central Province Of Zambia

ABSTRACT The Central Province of Zambia contains the majority of the nation’s malnourished children, despite being the most productive province in terms of Agriculture. Most studies focused on household food consumption rather than the linkages between agriculture performance and nutrition outcomes of the population. In light of this knowledge gap, this study focused on the linkage between nutrition and agriculture. The study assessed the extent to which the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambi...

Prevalence And Determinants Of Undernutrition Among 6-59 Months Children In Lowland And Highland Areas In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Undernutrition is the most dominant form of malnutrition among children in developing countries including Tanzania. Despite several studies on prevalence of undernutrition among children of 6-59 months old in Tanzania there is limited information on the differences in prevalence between the highland and lowland areas. This study aimed to assess nutritional status and its determinants, dietary intake as well as nutrients content in food consumed by children aged 6-59 months in the low...

Assessment Of Iodine Status Of School Children, Pregnant And Lactating Women In Mufindi And Kilosa Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess iodine status of school-aged children, pregnant, lactating and normal women in Rungemba, Kitelewasi, Kinyanambo and Berega villages. Data were collected by using a structured, pre-tested questionnaire. Urine and salt samples were collected and analyzed to determine iodine concentrations. Anthropometric measurements including weight and height and records of age, sex and gestation age for the pregnant women were also taken. Data were analysed by usin...

Reproductive Age In Madizini Township And Its Hinterland Villages

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess household dietary diversity and nutritional status of children and women in Madizini township and its surrounding 3 hinterland villages of Manyinga, Lungo and Mhonda. A total of 160 women with their children between 12-59 months old were randomly sampled from village registers. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. A 24-hours recall on household dietary intake was conducted from which dietary diversity score (DDS) was calculated u...

Sweet Potato-Based Complementary Food for Infants In Ghana

ABSTRACT            Background: In an effort to reduce the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition among Ghanaian infants after the period of exclusive breastfeeding when complementary food (CF) is introduced, Weanimix, which is a blend of non-dehulled maize, groundnut and non-dehulled soyabean/cowpea, was introduced in Ghana, in 1987 through collaboration between the Nutrition Division, Ministry of Health, Ghana and the United Nations Children’s Fund. Weanimix is an improvemen...

61 - 75 Of 98 Results