Medicine and Surgery Research Papers/Topics

Hepatitis B and C in doctors and dentists in Nigeria

ABSTRACT We surveyed a random sample (n=75) of doctors and dentists at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Evaluation of modified short course chemotherapy in active pulmonary tuberculosis patients with Human Immunodeficiency virus Infection in University College Hospital Ibadan Nigeria: A prelimi

ABSTRACT Over the period 1st October 1999 to 30th April 2002 a clinical trail of the modified short course chemotherapy in newly diagnosed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Ibadan, Nigeria was carried out.


ABSTRACT A prospective cohort study of infants admitted to the special care baby unit University College hospital Ibadan has revealed a 24.5 percent prevalence of patency of the ductus arteriousus among 97 infants who where admitted over a six month period.

Indigenous surgical practices in rural southwestern Nigeria: implications for disease prevention

ABSTRACT A qualitative, community-based study was conducted in the rural community of Ago Are in southwestern Nigeria to learn about indigenous surgical practices and their potential for disease transmission. Community leaders as key informants assisted in identifying two types of indigenous practitioner whose work involved blood contact, whose work was observed. The ol6lil are surgeons who specialize in circumcision and making traditional facial-markings, while the generic term for healer, o...


ABSTRACT Objective: Hepatitis B virus infection is common in Nigerians and its diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment and eradication. This study is aimed at highlighting the serological factors jeopardizing the diagnosis and treatment of the infection among Nigerians adults.


ABSTRACT A prospective study aimed at determining the relationship between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and serum ferritin in Nigerian patients with primary liver cell carcinoma (PLCC) was carried out at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan; Nigeria. The study involved 42 adult Nigerians made up of 14 healthy subjects as controls and 14 patients each with PLCC and liver cirrhosis (LC) who consented to participate in the study. The subjects were controlled for age and sex. The di...

Ocular complications of head injury in children

ABSTRACT Ocular complications occurred in 2g°Ic, or children with head injury. Neuro-ophthalmological lesions made up one-third or these complications, mostly involved the optic nerve, and were associated with other focal neurological signs more Frequently than non-neural ocular complications. Lesions or the posterior visual pathways were rare but tended to be permanent. 

Rigid retrograde endoscopy under regional aneasthesia: a novel technique for the early realignment of traumatic posterior urethral disruption

ABSTRACT Traumatic disruption of the posterior urethra usually occurs in association with pelvic fractures and may result in significant morbidity. The management of this injury remains difficult and controversial. Recently, early restoration of urethral continuity in these patients using either both antegrade and retrograde cystoscopy (with or without fluoroscopy), or flexible retrograde urethroscopy alone under general aneasthesia, has been reported with good results.

Management and Outcome of Peyronie's Disease in Nigeria- Initial Experience

ABSTRACT Peyronie's disease is characterized by the formation of fibrous plaques within the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa. It is a frustrating disease to the patient resulting in penile deformity and painful erection and erectile dysfunction. There is mixed response to medical therapy and the numerous surgical options implies no standardized procedure yet. The incidence appears to be increasing but this disease is rarely reported in Nigeria. We present three cases of dorsal and ve...

Survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian surgery trainees to HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients

ABSTRACT Background: The incidence of HIV infection and AIDS is rising in Nigeria. Surgeons are at risk of occupationally acquired infection as a result of intimate contact with the blood and body fluids of patients. This study set out to determine the knowledge, attitude and risk perception of Nigerian surgery residents to HIV infection and AIDS. Methods: A self-administered postal questionnaire was sent to all surgery trainees in Nigeria in 1997. Results: Parenteral exposure to patients' ...

Serum Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in Nigerian patients with acute Xcteric hepatitis

ABSTRACT Acute hepatitis is common In Nigeria and Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been a major aetiologicaI factor. However, the role of Hepa titis C Virus (HCV) infection b yet undetermined. Forty-five consecutive Nigerian patient with Acute Icteric hepatitis (AH) attending the Medical Clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria and 45 healthy adult Nigerians (controls) were studied for evidence of infection with both virus. Questionnaire on risk procedures which predisp...


ABSTRACT Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) has been strongly associated with various gastroduodenal diseases worldwide with only a few studies emanating from developing countries. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of serum lmmunoglobulin G (1gG) and underlying gastroduodenal pathology in Nigerian patients with dyspepsia and ascertain the usefulness of H. pyleri lgG screening in decreasing endoscopic workload in dyspeptics in Nigeria. Fifty-five patients with dyspepsi...

Palliative care needs evaluation in untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT AIM This study aimed to evaluate the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, in order to determine effective palliative care approach and therefore improve their quality of life when curative therapy is elusive. METHODS The modified Needs Evaluation Questionnaire (NEQ) on pain and psychological assessments, thoughts and feelings and spiritual concerns was administered to 205 consecutive patients with recently diagnosed hepatoc...

Strabismus in children ln Ibadan

ABSTRACT This study was initiated with the aim of finding out the prevalence and causes of childhoos squints. Over a 5 year period, all children under the age of 16 years who presented with different forms of strabismus at the University College Hospital were collected for this study. 80% of the patients (16 patients) had esotropia, 50% of which was due to hypermetropia (8 patients) and 31 % (5 patients) was due to perinatal problems. 2 patients had ocular causes for their exotropia, a traum...

Language Disorder in Stroke Patients

ABSTRACT Among the many "calamities" befalling a patient with cerebrovascular accident popularly known as a stroke, there is none as devastating as the loss of the ability to communicate, secondary to brain damage. Initially following a stroke, confusion prevails The normal activity of tile train is disrupted and communication difficulties are a common result. In addition to hindering some of the modalities of treatment required for other manifestations of stroke, the inability to express him...

16 - 30 Of 44 Results