Nursing and Nursing Science Research Papers/Topics

Knowledge Attitude and Practices About Prevention of Transmission Hepatitis B Virus Among Nursing Students On Ward Placement at Kiu-Teaching Hospital

Abstract In Uganda, it was recently shown that 52% of the adult population have serological evidence of previous hepatitis B exposure and 10% are chronic carriers with infection rates varying across the country from 10% in the south west and 25% in the north east. To assess knowledge, attitude and practices of nursing students on ward placement at KIU-Teaching Hospital about prevention of hepatitis B virus, a descriptive crosssectional study design quantitative in nature was used to recruit 7...

Knowledge and Practice of HIV Positive Mothers Towards Infant Feeding Options at Serere Health Center Iv, Serere District

Abstract The study was carried out to assess the knowledge and practice of HIV positive mothers towards infant feeding options at Serere Health Center IV, Serere District. The study design was cross sectional and descriptive and it employed both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The study involved a total of 30 respondents. In conclusion, HIV positive mothers were not fully knowledgeable about infant feeding options as only half of the respondents 15 (50%) had heard about ...

Compliance to Medication Among Hypertensive Patients at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Southwestern Uganda

ABSTRACT Hypertension has become an essential public-health challenge globally and is estimated to cause 7.1 million deaths annually, accounting for 13% of all deaths globally. It’s noted that non adherence is the major cause of uncontrolled hypertension and its sequel. Purpose of the study: To assess the level of compliance to medication among hypertensive patients at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital (KIUTH), southwestern Uganda. Methods: A cross sectional study design w...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice On Voluntary Blood Donation Among Kampala International University Students Western Campus

ABSTRACT Blood can save millions of life and young people are the hope and future of safe blood supply in the world. There is a considerable shortage of blood with the supply being less than 50% of the requirement. A study was carried at Kampala international University western campus among the university students with the purpose of assessing the knowledge, attitude and practice of students on voluntary blood donation. A descriptive cross sectional study of quantitative nature was used and ...

To Assess Dietary Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Among Diabetic Patients Receiving Care at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital.

ABSTRACT The study to assess dietary knowledge attitudes and practices among diabetic patients was conducted at Kampala international university teaching hospital in Ishaka Bushenyi municipality, in western Uganda. Uganda is one of the 32 countries of the IDF African region. 415 million people have diabetes in the world and more than 14 million people in the AFR Region; by 2040 this figure will be more than double. [National adoption of the global monitoring framework NDCs 2015. The objectiv...

A Research Report Submitted to The Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Award of Diploma in Nursing Science

ABSTRACT Mental disorders are widely recognized as a major contributor (14%) to the global burden of disease worldwide. In Uganda only ten mental health units are available at regional level to treat 11,500, 000 mentally ill persons out of a population of 33, 000,000 and are manned by unqualified staff and poorly stocked with required medicines rendering them as good as useless. To assess knowledge, attitude and practices about the care of the mentally ill persons, a descriptive cross-sectio...

Factors Affecting Treatment Compliance Among Tb/HIV Coinfected Patients at Ruraho Mission Hospital, Mbarara District

Abstract A study was carried out at Ruharo Mission Hospital, MbararaDistrict to identify the factors affecting treatment compliance among TB/HIV co-infected patients. A descriptive design was employed and 30 (thirty) respondents were selected for the study using a stratified and convenient sampling procedure. Data was collected using a questionnaire. This study found out that respondents faced various social-economic factors affecting treatment compliance among TB/HIV co-infected patients. F...

Utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Among Adolescents At Asante Akyem North District

ABSTRACT Adolescents encounter general as well as sexual and reproductive health problems which if not resolved can affect them not only at this stage but in adulthood. Given this, globally, there is an increased concern about the sexual and reproductive health and adolescents’ development and Ghana is no exception. The purpose of the study was to explore the utilisation of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services among adolescents at Asante Akyem North district. The study was guided ...

Perceptions of Nurses On the Clinical Use of Herbal Medicine at Lekma Hospital

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions of nurses on the clinical use of herbal medicine at LEKMA hospital, in the Accra Metropolis. The study was guided by the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research at the University of Ghana. The study adopted a qualitative exploratory descriptive design which used the purposive sampling technique to recruit participants. Data was co...

Understanding The Nurse-Patient Interaction at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital: The Patients‟ Perspectives and Experiences

ABSTRACT The nurse–patient interaction, a core of professional nursing practice, shows the relationship that exists between nurses and their patients in the care encounter. This study set out to explore and understand the experiences patients go through during their interactions with nurses and to find ways of enhancing nurse-patient interactions. The study took place at the maternity, adult medical and surgical wards of the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), Kumasi, Ghana. The target ...

The Perspective of Midwives About Kangaroo Mother Care in The West Mamprusi District of the Northern Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Ghana currently does not have neonatal nurses. The care of the newborn is therefore the responsibility of the midwife. Due to scarce resources, the health sector is using cost effective measures that will help meet the health needs of people including the newborn. One of these is Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). KMC is the skin-to-skin contact between the mother and her newborn especially the preterm/premature and those with low birth weight. It therefore demands that the mid...

Patients’ Perceptions of Health Professionals’ Communication During Endotracheal Intubation at The Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana

ABSTRACT Communication is a vital and basic component of nursing. Nurse-patient communication is essential to establish trust, friendly working relationship and to discuss treatment methods. However, patients admitted to the intensive care units and given respiratory treatment, are unable to communicate verbally due to the insertion of artificial airways, tracheostomy or endotracheal tubes. Such patients therefore rely on nonverbal communication methods to express their needs which could be ...

Actors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among Persons Living with HIV in Accra Metropolis

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus that is a slowly replicating retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This is a condition in humans with progressive failure of the immune system that allows life threatening opportunistic infections and cancer to thrive (Douek, Koup, McFarland, Sullivan, and Luzuriaga, 2000). HIV/AIDS is now a chronic disease similar to other chronic illnesses such as diabetes an...

Barriers to Utilization of Research Findings by Registered Nurses Practicing in Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos, Plateau State.

ABSTRACT This study sought to identify barriers of utilization of research findings by registered nurses practicing in Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos. Among the specific purpose of the study were to identify common research findings used in the hospital by nurses, barriers of utilization of research findings and strategies to be used for effective utilization of research findings by nurses in the hospital. The adopted design was a descriptive research design. The study was carried...

Seminar on Blood Donation

At the end of this seminar, individuals should be able to: Discuss the concept of blood donationHave good knowledge on eligibility of blood donationExplain how blood donation is performedIdentify misconceptions about blood donationEnumerate factors affecting perception towards blood donationDiscuss ways of correcting misconceptions about blood donation 

151 - 165 Of 518 Results