Nursing and Nursing Science Research Papers/Topics

Midwifery Students’ Experiences of Mentorship at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

ABSTRACT Mentorship is a critical process that supports mentee learning and skills acquisition during clinical practicum. It has been adopted by many high-income countries to assist students in clinical placements. The number of experienced midwives continue to diminish while the midwifery student who is the future frontline health worker is left to stand alone. Benefits of mentorship which include knowledge and skills acquisition and career satisfaction, prepare the student for the delivery...

Pre-Hospital Management of Diarrhoea among Caregivers with Children Under Five at Princess Marie Louise Children Hospital, Accra

ABSTRACT  The study sought to assess pre-hospital management of diarrhoea and factors affecting it among caregivers with children under five at the PML Children Hospital in the Greater Accra Region. Diarrhoea remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children under five at PML Children Hospital despite the undeniable success of interventions such as ORT, appropriate drug therapy, optimal breastfeeding practices over the years. Proper home management can reduce morbid...

Perception Of Patients/Family And Healthcare Practitioners On Palliative Care As Alternative To Dialysis In The Treatment Of End-Satge Kidney Disease In Kumasi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The main aim of this study was to establish patients/family and healthcare practitioners’ perception on palliative care as alternative to dialysis in the treatment of End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) in Kumasi Metropolis. A descriptive qualitative with phenomenological overtone research design was used for this study. A purposive sampling technique was used to obtain 17 participants (8 health care practitioners, 6 patients and 3 family members) out of 30 healthcare practitioners and...

Nurse Managers’ Leadership Styles And Turnover Intention Among Nurses In Brong Ahafo Region - Ghana

ABSTRACT Turnover intention is the conceived idea by nurses to leave one hospital for another or to quit the nursing profession for another job. The shortage of nurses in healthcare organizations is a global concern. Retention of nurses can be ensured with effective leadership and managerial practices resulting in quality health care delivery. This study investigated the leadership styles of Nurse Managers and its influence on the turnover intention of nurses in Hospitals in the Brong Ahafo R...

Influence of Nurses Management Leadership Styles on Staff Outcome in Easter Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT Leadership is a critical determinant of success in any field of endeavour. Nursing is a peoplecentred profession and therefore the issue of leadership is crucial for success. Nurse Managers‘ leadership styles are believed to be important determinant of nurses‘ job satisfaction, retention and productivity. In the wake of a global nursing shortage, maldistribution, increasing healthcare cost and expanding workload, it has become imperative to examine the role of Nurse Managers‘ ...

Exploring The Attitude, Knowledge and Experiences of The Youth Towards HIV Counseling and Testing

ABSTRACT  The study explored the attitudes, knowledge and experiences of the youth regarding HIV counseling and testing in the Jirapa district of the Upper West Region of Ghana. The study aimed at finding out the knowledge of the youth about HIV infection, transmission, the beliefs and attitudes toward undergoing HIV test and their experiences at the HIV counseling and testing centres. An exploratory qualitative design was used to explore the youth experiences. The sampling method employed w...

Leadership Behaviours Of Nurse Managers As Perceived By Nurses In The 37 Military Hospital Ghana

ABSTRACT The perception of nurses about the leadership behaviours of their Nurse Managers is essential in determining the kind of leadership behaviours Nurse Managers adopt, what influences these leader behaviours and their effectiveness. This study investigated the leadership behaviours of Nurse Managers as perceived by nurses in the 37 Military hospital Ghana. A quantitative crosssectional approach was used to collect data from 205 nurses who met the inclusion criteria took part in the stud...

Experiences of women with Obstetric fistula in the Bawku East District of the Upper East Region

ABSTRACT The experiences of women who developed obstetric fistulae as a result of complication of labour at the Bawku District Hospital were investigated. An explorative descriptive research methodology was employed to conduct in-depth one -on -one interview with the ten participants between the ages of 20 and 70 years, recruited by purposive sampling. The interv iews were audio taped and transcribed verbatim, after which systematic content analysis was done to identify the themes and their c...

Determinants Of Nursing Students’ Satisfaction With The Clinical Learning Environment In The Kumasi Metropolis

ABSTRACT The clinical learning environment (CLE) is beneficial to the trainee nurse in acquisition of the requisite skills, attitudes and values for future professional practice. Students’ satisfaction with the CLE makes the student dedicated, motivates them to learn and also prepares them adequately for future professional practice. Satisfaction assessment has been linked with graduate competency and student retention in the nursing programme. Using the Expectancy Disconfirmation Model as ...

Assessment Of Tuberculosis Infection Prevention And Control Practices Among Healthcare Workers In Tema General Hospita

ABSTRACT This study investigates knowledge and practices of Tuberculosis infection prevention and control among health workers in Tema General Hospital. Two hundred and twenty nine (229) randomly selected (stratification) health workers were administered a 54-item questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised sections designed to provide relevant information of concern to the study such as knowledge of Tuberculosis infection prevention and control, practices and challenges. Results showed that h...

An Analysis Of Characteristics Of Labour And Outcome Before And After The Introduction Of The Partograph In A Hospital In Ghana.

A B S TR A C T The main purpose o f th is re tro s p e c tiv e com parative stu dy o f random ly selected women was to assess the partograph as an aid to p a rtu ritio n and to p ro vid e fu rth e r inform ation to s u p p o rt more w idespread use o f th is instru m ent and id e n tify any areas w here im provem ent could be made. Two g ro up s o f women expecting th e ir f ir s t babies were stu die d. The p re -p a rto g ra p h group comprised 65 women who d elivered in 1988 before the p a...

Experiences of Pregnant Women Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS; A Study at Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT  Women who test positive for HIV during pregnancy continue to increase in Ghana. The experiences of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV during antenatal clinic visit were explored. The descriptive qualitative design was used to obtain narrative accounts on test experiences, coping strategies and availability of support for HIV positive pregnant women. Respondents were purposively selected from Ridge Hospital in Accra. Required data saturation was attained with a sample size of 10 res...

Experiences Of Spouses Of Women With Mastectomy Resulting From Breast Cancer In The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Breast Cancer is the leading cause of death and most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. The most common treatment is surgery in the form of mastectomy. Breast Cancer (BC) and mastectomy does not affect the well-being of only the woman but also that of the husband or partner. Breast cancer is therefore referred to as a couple‟s disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of spouses of women with mastectomy as a result of their wives‟ BC in the Accra Metropol...

An Analysis Of Characteristics Of Labour And Outcome Before And After The Introduction Of The Partograph In A Hospital In Ghana

A B S TR A C T The main purpose o f th is re tro s p e c tiv e com parative stu dy o f random ly selected women was to assess the partograph as an aid to p a rtu ritio n and to p ro vid e fu rth e r inform ation to s u p p o rt more w idespread use o f th is instru m ent and id e n tify any areas w here im provem ent could be made. Two g ro up s o f women expecting th e ir f ir s t babies were stu die d. The p re -p a rto g ra p h group comprised 65 women who d elivered in 1988 before the p a...

Knowledge And Practice Of Blood Transfusion Among Nurses In Ghana: Experiences From The Cape Coast Teaching Hospital, Cape Coast

ABSTRACT Blood transfusion saves lives but can result in poor client outcome when it is associated with errors. This study aimed at examining the knowledge of blood transfusion and practice errors among nurses in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. The study utilized a descriptive cross-sectional design approach using 140 registered nurses who were selected purposively. A modified Routine Blood Transfusion Knowledge Questionnaire (RBTKQ) was used to collect information in two sections. First ...

391 - 405 Of 518 Results