Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Papers/Topics

Cervical cytology service in Nigeria: providers’ perspective

ABSTRACT It has been noted that efforts to organise an effective screening programme in developing countries will have to find adequate financial resources, develop the infrastructure, train the necessary manpower and elaborate surveillance mechanisms. In our study, we set out to determine (a) just how frequent is cervical cancer, to warrant the investment of funds in screening programmes; (b) what proportion of surveyed health facilities offer a cervical cytology screening programme; and (c)...

Haematological profile of healthy pregnant women in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria

ABSTRACT There is a dearth of information on the reference values for haematological indices particularly according to the relevant trimesters of pregnant women in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to provide reference values for Nigerian pregnant women. The study took place at the Adeoyo Maternity Hospital and the University College Hospital, both in Ibadan. This descriptive study was carried out over a period of 8 months. Subjects were apparently healthy pregnant women that satisfied...

Fetal macrosomia at the University College Hospital, Ibadan: a 3-year review

ABSTRACT The study aimed to determine the maternal characteristics and contribution to obstetric morbidity of infants presenting with fetal macrosomia at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. This was a retrospective study. Obstetric data of the mothers were extracted from the casenotes and analysed. Fetal characteristics such as sex and weight, and perinatal complication were also analysed. The maternal characteristics that were significantly different in the study and control groups were...

Dyslipidemia in ART-Naive HIV-Infected Persons in Nigeria—Implications for Care

Abstract Aims: This study aimed to describe the prevalence and pattern of lipid abnormalities among antiretroviral therapy (ART)- naive HIV patients, understand if there is any relationship to virologic and immunologic status, and discuss the implications for care. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which baseline demographic, clinical, and laboratory data of all ART-naive HIV-infected individuals recruited into the adult ARV clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan, between Janu...

Anemia in pregnancy at two levels of health care in Ibadan, south west Nigeria

Abstract Background: In Africa, anemia in pregnancy contributes to non-attainment of the MDG goals 4 and 5. This study examined the prevalence and some risk factors for anemia at two levels of health care in the Ibadan metropolis. Methods: This was a retrospective study of the booking records of pregnant women at the University College Hospital (UCH, a profi t-making tertiary institution) and Adeoyo Maternity Hospital (AMH, a secondary level institution offering free services) in Ibadan, Se...

Complete hydatidiform mole co-existing with a twin live fetus

Abstract Twin pregnancies can occur in which one twin is a normal gestation (46 chromosomes: 23 maternal and 23 paternal in origin) and the other twin is a complete hydatidiform mole (46 chromosomes all of paternal origin). Cases have been reported in which a normal fetus was delivered at term (Miller et al., 1993). This report is of a patient who presented with a live twin co-existing with a molar pregnane y. 

Knowledge of, Perception of, and Attitude towards Uterine Fibroids among Women with Fibroids in Lagos, Nigeria

Objectives. The study was to assess the level of knowledge of, perception of, and attitude towards uterine fibroids among women diagnosed with the condition. Methods. It is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out among women diagnosed as having uterine fibroids in two gynaecological clinics in Lagos, Nigeria. Eligible women were recruited and a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect the required information. Statistical analysis of data was done using...

Acute anaphylaxis in the postpartum period caused due to herbal oils used for body massage: A Case Report

Abstract The use of alternate therapy of medicine like Ayurvedic or Herbal is usually believed to be closer to nature and without many additives and is sometime chosen as the first line treatment for a lot of medical conditions. Aromatherapy or ayurvedic oil massage is considered an important treatment alternative in treatment of alleviation of pain or even as past partum rehabilitation before resorting to allopathic medication, which is considered stronger. The reporting of having allergic ...


  ABSTRACT     Objective: To examine whether antepartum x-ray pelvimetry reliably predicts the likelihood of vaginal birth after one previous caesarean section (VBAC). Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Nigeria. Population: Patients with one previous caesarean delivery without prior vaginal delivery who had x-ray pelvimetry done at term. Methods: Medical records of 207 patients with previous vaginal...

Perinatal Mortality In Nigeria The State Of The Nation

Nigeria, despite its rich oil wealth has one of the poorest perinatal statistics in the world with perinatal mortality rates ranging from 39 to 130 per 1000. The aim of this review is to describe the state of the Nigerian nation with respect to perinatal deaths, causes of the high perinatal deaths, present interventions in place and ways to reduce this alarming perinatal statistics. Keywords: Perinatal mortality, Nigeria. INTRODUCTION. Perinatal mortality is the death of a fetus in utero af...

61 - 71 Of 71 Results