Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research Papers/Topics

Factors and Common Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Post-Caesarean Wound Sepsis at Hoima Regional Referral Hospital, Uganda

ABSTRACT Background: Post-caesarean wound sepsis is among the most common problem for patients who undergo caesarean section. It remains a common and widespread problem contributing to morbidity and mortality; this could be due to an increase in antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens. Therefore, a study to identify and document the factors associated with wound sepsis and common bacterial pathogens can provide solution to prevent incidence and establish microbiological mapping, and this ...

A Survey Of Preference Of Parturients In Labour

ABSTRACT Background: There is a growing concern among parturient women to have labour management modified to accommodate some of their preferences based on their previous experience of information obtainedfrom others. Objecti i ms: As service care providers, we sought to identijy women's attitude to some important aspects of childbirth, namely: the preferred place or environment of delivery; reasonsfor dislike of modem labour management; as well as attitudes (cognitive, affect and behaviour) ...

Cornrnuruty Gate Keepers' Awareness and Perception of Prevention of. Motherto- Child Transmission of HIV Services in Ibadan,Nigeria

ABSTRACT Each year, around half a miilion children aged under 15 become infected with HIV and more than 90% are the result of mother-to-child transrnission. Services to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) are therefore important entry pomts for HIV / Al[:',; P' evention, treatment and care services for women, their children and families. The study aimed at identifying level of awareness and knowledge of PMTCT services that can be utilized in improving access. The methodology cons...

Sixty-one day twin to twin birth interval in a low technology setting

ABSTRACT  Multiple pregnancy, whether spontaneous or from artificial reproductive techniques, is regarded us high risk. Limiting the twin-twin birth interval to with,in 30 minutes has been widely practised. However, conservative management of the retained live, immature second twin »iay be worthwhile. We report a case lasting sixty-one days in a low technology selling

Knowledge and utilization of malaria control measures by pregnant and newly delivered mothers in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract Background: The World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for the control of malaria during pregnancy include prompt and effective case management of malaria combined with prevention of infection by insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp). Despite this the uptake is poor. Objective: To describe the malaria prevention measures utilized by these women in this environment. Methods: Information was obtained from consented pregnant and ne...

Prevalence and pattern of violence in pregnancy in Ibadan, South-west Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Violence against women is embedded in most cultures with pregnancy associated with higher rates. This study assessed the pattern of violence in pregnancy in two maternity centres in Ibadan, Nigeria. This was a cross-sectional study of antenatal clinic attendees, between 1 and 31 March, 2007 at the University College Hospital (UCH) and the Adeoyo Maternity (AMH). By systematic random sampling, 404 women were interviewed. Analysis was done by means, w2-test (at 5% level of significa...

Routine Antenatal Syphilis Screening In South West Nigeria- A Questionable Practice

ABSTRACT 1 Background: Untreated maternal syphilis is strongly associated with adverse birth outcomes, especially in women with high titre syphilis. The WHO recommends routine serological screening in pregnancy. Some workers have advised a reappraisal of this practice, having demonstrated low sero-prevalence in their antenatal population. In view1 of this, the aim of this study was to determine the sero- prevalence of syphilis in the antenatal population presenting at a major hospital in sout...

Acceptability of counselling and testing for HIV infection in women in labour at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract Background: Many patients are referred to labour ward as emergencies, and therefore do not benefit from the antenatal HIV counselling and testing and treatment offered to registered patients. Objective: To assess the acceptability and suitability of offering HIV counselling and testing to women of unknown HIV status presenting in labour. Methods: A cross-sectional study comprising counselling and obtaining consent for HIV testing among 104 unregistered patients who presented in labou...

Severe Pre-Eclampsia, Eclampsia: Clinical Presentation And Fetal Maternal Outcome Of Patient Admitted At Mnazi Mmoja Hospital Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Background: severe pre eclampsia, eclampsia is responsible for a significant proportion of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Mnazi mmoja Hospital, clinical experience has shown that severe pre eclampsia, eclampsia are common, the overall fetal maternal outcomes and various forms of clinical presentations of severe pre eclampsia, eclampsia is still largely unknown. Objective: To determine clinical presentation and fetal maternal outcome of severe pre eclamp...


AB5TRACT In the search for the etiology of carcinoma of the cervix uteri, various factors have been implicated by various workers, The disease has been shown to have a venereal origin, following on its significant association with coital characteristics. These include early Initiation into hetero-sexual acts and frequency o f coitu3, multiplicity of coital Partners, multiparty, low socio-economic Standards, venereal diseases and circumcision. Extensive epidemiologic studies have indicated tha...