Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of Rifapentine plus isoniazid compared with isoniazid monotherapy in preventing active tuberculosis in HIV positive adults

Background Tuberculosis is the highest cause of death in persons infected with HIV hence the need for prevention. The gold standard of self- administered isoniazid for 6 to 12 months is effective but adherence is poor and causes more adverse events. Rifapentine plus isoniazid for 3months administered under DOTS have limited treatment duration and may result in higher adherence and reduced adverse events. Objectives To determine the effectiveness of Rifapentine plus Isoniazid compared with i...

The Mismatch of Students Anthropometric Data with Ergonomic Designs of Learning Workstation is a Risk Factor for Musculoskeletal Disorders

Abstract: This study examined the relationship between anthropometric data of Nigerian Students in Higher Academic Institutions, the ergonomic design of classroom furniture and the risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). A total of one hundred and seventy five (175) students, aged between 17-34 years, in thirty one (31) randomly selected classrooms participated in the research. Students' anthropometric data were collated by measuring various body dimensions such as sitting elbow height, sho...

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students Towards Tobacco Smoking

The concept of tobacco smoking has various aspects but this research focused on the cigarette kind. The findings showed that a large number of the students had poor or low knowledge of the health risk associated with smoking with students of TSU having means score of 10.16 and those of OOU having a mean score of 5.3 out of 16 point rating scale. The attitude varied based on the particular knowledge they exhibited but due to the poor knowledge the attitude gave room for more practice. 


1.Anatomy and physiology of breast cancer 2.the lymphatic system of the breast 3.structure of the breast 4.Breast development 5.classification of breast cancer 6.Hormone status of breast cancer 7.Area of the breast where cancer grows


Abstract School Health Program (SHP) is a coordinated activity which contributes to the understanding, maintenance and improvement of the health of school population. Structures for effective school health program has collapsed, teachers and schools are not motivated to implement school health program. This study evaluates the perceived impact of school health program in various secondary schools in the Samaru community, through physical, mental and social wellbeing assessment of the stu...


ABSTRACT Introduction: High fertility has now been identified as threat to public health because of its negative effect on maternal and child health. Globally, human population is increasing at an average rate of 1.1% per year and it has been predicted that it will be about 9.6 billion by year 2050 (Debebe, Limenih, and Biadgo 2017). In Nigeria, high population growth rate has been identified in many studies as one of the major causes of maternal and child mortality. Several multivariate tec...

A Study on Management of Healthcare Waste in Health Care Facilities in Nakuru East Sub-County, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT The proper handling of medical wastes is very imperative. There are defined set rules for handling medical wastes, unfortunately, laxity and lack of adequate training and awareness in the execution of these rules leads to injuries and diseseses spread by improper handling of these wastes. The study conducted was on management of healthcare wastes in health care facilities in Nakuru east sub-county, Nakuru county. Objectives of the study were to identify major types of wastes generate...

Knowledge and Attitude of Patients Towards the Privacy and Confidentiality of Their Health Information Attending the Medical Outpatient (MOP)

INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background to the Study People generally assume all communications between them and their doctor or other health professionals will remain private ,and the law generally reflects this expectations .If it were not so, some people might feel reluctant to seek medical treatment, patients may be less honest in describing their ailments , patients may give inaccurate or incomplete information in their medical histories, ask their physician not to record embarrassing inform...

Effect of Improper Documentation of Health Records

ABSTRACT Documentation in medical record is the basis for communication between health professionals which inform the care provided, the treatment rendered, care planned and the outcome of that care as a continuous and existing record. Health information documentation is a document about healthcare services that is provided to an individual patient. If documentation doesn’t give a clear presentation of a patient’s history, it is termed improper documentation. Thus, this study aims to dete...

Theoretical Underpinning of Alcohol Use and Misuse in the UK

Abstract Alcohol use and misuse is one of the serious epidemics confronting public health institutions around the world, in recognition of its damaging effect to health. This study therefore considers the influence of alcohol in the UK. It uses three theories of addiction which include psychopathology theory, learning behaviour theory and WHO biopsychosocial theory to evaluate the impact of alcohol consumption. It finds that young adults in the UK are vulnerable to alcoholic consumption in...


SUMMARY Avian influenza H7N9 virus is a single stranded, negative sense, enveloped and segmented RNA virus that belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family. This virus first appeared in march 2013 and it models a pandemic threat to man because of the segmented nature of its genome which makes the virus prone to mutations. This virus if not properly managed may acquire the gene for sustained human to human transmission and pandemic, hence close monitoring and surveillance of the virus is imperative...


                     ABSTRACT Malaria  is  entirely  preventable  and  treatable  vector-borne  disease  which  account  for  an estimated 219 million cases globally, killing about 660,000 people, mostly children under five years of  age. The synergistic effects of nutrition in malaria infection were observed in mice fed with different nutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and grower mash) compounded diets for eight weeks prior to infection. All the experimental mice were ...

Identification and Evaluation of Immuno-modulatory Properties of Prebiotics Extracted from Vernonia amygdalin

ABSTRACT Vernonia amygdalina leaves, commonly called bitter leaf is widely consumed in Africa especially in Nigeria. The leaf extract has been reported to have prebiotic potentials but limited information is available on the immune-modulatory effects. This study evaluated the immuno-modulatory properties of the leaf extract and identified the prebiotic components. The aqueous extract was separated into fractions by Liquid-liquid fractionation and the prebiotic compounds were identified th...


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Diabetes Mellitus has proved to become a global public health issue, given the growing burden of the disease (prevalence) and associated metabolic diseases. Empirical evidence from clinical studies demonstrates the influence of insulin biochemistry (parameters) – insulin resistance, insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity – in the development of Diabetes Mellitus; however, the factors underlying the biochemical behaviour these insulin parameters and their associated...

Effect of Culture on Family Planning among Women of Child Bearing Age in Oloku Community

ABSTRACT Contraception play an important role in the life of men and women and is viewed in the wider work context of sexual and reproductive health. Family planning is the arrangement, spacing and limited wishes and socio - circumstance of the parents. But due to their culture, people of Oloku do not always agree to family planning method. The reason for this work was to collect information relevant to the aim of study. Know factors which hinder knowledge and support of family planning, corr...

1756 - 1770 Of 1838 Results