Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Caregiver home based practices for managing children aged (0-59 months) with diarrheal disease in busia county, kenya.

ABSTRACT Globally, diarrhea remains the second leading cause of reported mortalities among children (0-59 months) and a cause of significant morbidity, especially in developing countries. In Kenya, diarrhea accounts for 16% of deaths among children (0-59 months). It’s a major cause of mortality in children below five years after malaria and pneumonia in Busia County. Many of the children die due to poor home-based management of diarrhea. The main aim of the study was to explore the differe...

Assessment Of Nutritional And Health Interventions On Hiv Infected Children Under Five Years In Mathare North Health Centre, Nairobi

ABSTRACT About 33.4 million people were living with HIV as of 2008 globally; 2.1 million of them were children under 15 years, and about 15.7 million were women. In certain parts of the world, HIV infection has significantly affected child survival. The World Health Report 2005 estimated that HIV infection contributed 3% to the global mortality among children younger than 5 years of age in 2005. According to UNAIDS and WHO 2004, there were more than 1.3 million people infected with HIV and A...

Factors Contributing To Delay In Seeking Treatment Among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients In Kibwezi District, Kenya

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is a major global public health problem. The disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Kenya. TB control has remained a major challenge for the National Leprosy and TB Control Programme (NLTP) especially in this HIV/AIDS era and the emergence of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB). Early identification of cases and commencement of effective chemotherapy is an effective method to control the spread of TB. Reliance by NLTP on passive case finding means th...

Determinants Of Latrine Quality In Primary Schools In Transnzoia County Kenya: The Case Of Healthy Environmental Children Alliance Program

ABSTRACT Many developing countries including Kenya are struggling to provide proper sanitation to their population with most reporting less than 50 percent adequacy in sanitation. Different research works indicate sanitation is worse in schools compared to the general population despite the fact that schools hold a significant 26 percent proportion of the entire population. Provision of quality latrines in schools is critical in dealing with sanitation and health challenges. Healthy Environm...

Utilization Of Knowledge On Prevention Of Mother-To-Child Transmission Of Hiv Among Pregnant Women Attending Selected Health Faclities In Embu District, Kenya

ABSTRACT According to KAIS 2007, nearly 1 out of 10 pregnant women in Kenya are infected with HIV (9.6 percent). The objective of the study was to investigate the impact of utilization of knowledge on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among pregnant women attending selected public health facilities in Embu District. In this study, utilization of knowledge on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, utilization of providerinitiated counselling and testing and the com...

Effects Of Agricultural Pesticides And Nutrients Residue In Weruweru Sub-Catchment, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This research presents the agrochemical residues analysis on the study conducted in Weruweru River Sub-catchment, Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. Agrochemicals have negative consequences on watershed management in the sub-catchment. It compromises water quality and environment, and thus causing threat to human health and aquatic organisms. This study was undertaken to assess the effects of agricultural pesticides and fertilizers and their residue levels in water and sediments sample...

Contribution Of Underutilised Cereals And Tubers Towards Urban Household Food Security And Dietary Diversity In Ruiru, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Underutilized cereals and tubers can contribute to food security and in addition provide nutritional balance in the diet as they form a ready source of essential nutrients yet they have been neglected as the dependence on maize, rice and wheat as main cereals increases. The objective of this study was to assess the consumption of underutilized cereals and tubers in urban households and their contribution towards household food security and dietary diversity. A cross sectional analyti...

Utilization Of Contraceptives Among Secondary School Adolescent Girls In Karuri, Kiambaa Sub-County, Kiambu County

ABSTRACT Despite high sexual activity among adolescent girls in Kenya, contraceptive uptake is very low with only about 26 percent sexually active adolescent girls currently using a contraceptive method. This exposes them to HIV infections and unplanned pregnancies which consequently lead to school dropouts, unsafe abortions, and lack of employment opportunities. The study aimed at assessing the utilization of contraceptives among secondary school adolescent girls in Karuri Town Council, Kiam...

Sexual Abuse Among Boys In Public Primary Schools In Mukuru Kwa Njenga Slum, Nairobi County-Kenya

ABSTRACT  Sexual abuse among children has long history in Kenyan schools. Recent evidence however points out on underreported cases of boy child sexual abuse; rise in incidence of reported crimes of sexual nature and sporadic occurrence of such inhumane treatment of children outside and within learning institutions attest to threatened sexual safety and future reproductive health of children. The study aimed at assessing prevalence and risk factors of sexual abuse among boy child in public p...

Utilization Of Immunization Services Among Children Aged Under Five In Kirinyaga County, Kenya

Abstract Immunization is a key approach that can be successfully employed to reduce deaths and illnesses among children. Immunization presently averts an estimated 3 million deaths annually for children aged under five. Kenya Expanded Program on immunization has a stipulated immunization schedule guideline that should be adhered to for effective utilization of immunization services for improved health outcome. The study was prompted by the alarming statistics on morbidities related to vaccin...

Status And Challenges Of Hazardous Waste Management among Handlers At Thika Level 5 Hospital, Thika Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Hazardous wastes are wastes that pose danger both to the public and the environment. Of the total waste generated in health care facilities, approximately 20% is hazardous. These wastes have both immediate and long term health effects including kidney problems, asthma, cancers and other diseases. Hazardous Waste Management (HWM) is a challenge both in the developed world and developing countries where wastes generated are not segregated at the point of generation. Hazardous waste re...

Care Of Prostate Cancer Patients In Selected Urology Clinics In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Prostate cancer is an adenocarnoma of significant reproductive health burden in the world. Of the thirteen million cancer cases in the world, prostate cancer accounts for nine hundred thousand cases translating to 13.6% of the total cases and ranks as 5th most common cancer. The mortality rate among black population is 19 per 100,000 while among the Asian populations is 2.5 per 100,000.In Africa, of the six hundred thousand cancer cases reported, prostate cancer accounts for thirty ...

Drivers, Decision Making Processes And Outcomes Of Unsafe Abortion In Four Districts Of Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Unsafe abortion is a major public health problem causing 13% and 30% of maternal deaths globally and in Kenya respectively. Despite this, the drivers of the practice in Kenyan communities are scarcely documented. Further, little is documented about the decision making process for women who chose unsafe abortion and whether social networks have a role on this. In addition, not much is known about the methods unsafe abortion providers use and the outcomes of the methods. The objective...

Assessment of newborn resuscitation practice by nurses in Machakos level 5 hospital, Machakos county, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The first minute after birth is usually referred to as the golden minute, and the baby should be able to initiate spontaneous breathing, failure to which birth asphyxia ensues. Globally, approximately 5% to 10 per cent of newborns require resuscitation. In subSaharan Africa where over one third of all intrapartum related neonatal deaths occur, the rates of skilled attendance at birth are very low. In Kenya neonatal mortality remains at 22/100,000 live births, majority associated wit...

Male Partner Involvement In Promoting Skilled Attendance At Childbirth In Matayos Sub-County, Busia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Male partner involvement in women's Reproductive Health has recently garnered considerable attention. Encouraging men to promote skilled attendance during delivery is a big step in increasing the proportion of births being attended by skilled professionals hence contributing to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4 and 5 which aim to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health respectively. In investigating for male involvement in promoting deliveries by skilled h...

331 - 345 Of 1838 Results