Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Willingness To Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Male Homosexuals At The Sex Workers Outreach Program Clinic

ABSTRACT The use of antiretroviral agents in an HIV negative person before engaging in coitus with a HIVpositive partner is termed as pre-exposure prophylaxis. The objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing acceptance and willingness to use of pre exposure prophylaxis as a prevention strategy in a group of men who have sex with men. This study sought to examine the participant’s knowledge on HIV transmission, explore the attitudes and behaviors related to HIV among Male ...

Utilization Factors Of Surgical And Antibiotic Treatments For Potentially Blinding Trachoma In Loodokilani Ward, Kajiado County, (Household Survey)

ABSTRACT A number of studies carried out in the county show that poor utilization of eye treatment services is seen as lack of confidence by the community for the eyecare professionals. Various reasons for not accessing eye checkups are multifaceted, although some can be easily addressed than others. This study focused on tertiary (surgical) and secondary (antibiotics) levels of prevention of trachoma. The scope of this study was consistent with the Andersons health utilization model. The st...

Relationship Between Low Birth Weight And Maternal Periodontitis: A Case Study Of Kiambu County.

ABSTRACT Periodontitis is defined as a long-term inflammatory disease of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone occurring as a response to bacterial plaque. Periodontal diseases are estimated to affect more than 95% of the adult population in Kenya. Low birth weight is defined by the World Health Organization as neonatal birth weight of 2500 g or less, regardless of gestational age. It is estimated to contribute 60 to 80 percent of all neonatal deaths The Kenya Demographic Health Survey ...

The Effect Of Mobile Phone Technology In Bridging The Gaps In ARV Uptake Care Service Delivery In Kenya: A Case Study In Kibera, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT The Kenyan constitution seeks to guarantee every citizen the right to quality healthcare services but is hampered geographical location, socio-economic statuses, and education among other factors of intended recipients. The country has a high mobile phone penetration rate and mobile devices have revolutionized the way people interact. Digitalization of the healthcare sector is a vital aspect that contributes to effective delivery of care services. This study set out to assess about ...

Awareness Of Health Risks As A Result Of Consumption Of Raw Milk In Arusha City And Meru District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was conducted in Arusha city and Meru District Council, Tanzania, from October to December 2012, to assess the awareness of smallholder dairy farmers, milk vendors and milk retailers to milk quality and health risks associated with raw milk consumption. A total of 105 respondents were interviewed and milk samples collected for laboratory analysis. Laboratory assessment included physical and microbial quality using standard procedures and antibiotic residues u...

Molecular Studies Of Brucellosis In Selected Wild Animal Species In Serengeti Ecosystem, Northern Tanzania

ABSTRACT Brucellosis is a contagious bacterial zoonotic disease worldwide of public health and economic importance. The disease affects all species of livestock, wild animals and humans leading to severe economic losses in animals and permanent injury, disabling sequel and financial loss in humans. A cross-sectional study was carried out in the Serengeti ecosystem between November 2017 and June 2018 to explore the occurrence and magnitude of Brucella infection and circulating Brucella strain...

Assessment Of Antibiotic Residues In Raw Cows’ Milk Produced By Small Scale Dairy Farms In Bagamoyo District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross-sectional study was conducted in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania between October, 2013 and March, 2014 to assess the antibiotic residues in raw cows’ milk produced by small-scale dairy farms. One hundred and ten small-scale dairy farmers were interviewed at household level on the handling and use of veterinary drugs, access to and availability of veterinary services, livestock diseases frequency and means of treatment, most commonly used antibiotic, awareness of drug residues ...

The Use Of Complementary And Alternative Medicine Among Adults Hiv Patients In Esut Teaching Hospital, Parklane Enugu

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Since the first case of HIV/AIDS was reported in Nigeria in 1986, HIV/AIDS has continued to penetrate the fabrics of all sectors of the Nigerian population and the complex health and social issues associated with living with HIV has made the people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) to often turned to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to compliment their management with antiretroviral therapy (ART). This study was to explore the prevalence of complementary and alter...

Apopo’s Tuberculosis Research Agenda: Achievements, Challenges And Prospects

Abstract: This article describes Anti-Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Product Ontwikkeling (APOPO) recent use of specially trained African giant pouched rats as detectors of pulmonary tuberculosis in people living in Tanzania. It summarizes the achievements and challenges encountered over the years and outlines future prospects. Since 2008, second-line screening by the rats has identified more than 2000 tuberculosis-positive patients who were missed by microscopy at Direct Observation of Treatment...

Assessment Of Milk Handling Practices And Bacterial Contaminations Along The Dairy Value Chain In Lushoto And Handeni Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Contaminated milk is responsible for up to 90% of all dairy-related diseases of humans. A cross sectional study was carried out in Lushoto and Handeni districts of Tanga, Tanzania to determine the milk handling practices, bacterial contamination and selected milk-borne zoonotic pathogens along the dairy value chain. A total of 93 respondents were interviewed and 184 milk and milk product samples were collected. Laboratory analysis of total and coliform plate counts, detection of Esc...

Effect Of Pirimiphos-Methyl On Esterase Activities In Oreochromis Niloticus In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Actellic Super (pirimiphos-methyl) in Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) in Mvomero District, Morogoro, Tanzania. Field surveys using questionnaire interviews were used to collect sociological data from households that own fish ponds. The response of Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and Pseudocholinesterase (BuChE/PChE) activities in O. niloticus as a result of Organophosphates (OPs) and carbaryl waterborne exposure was determined i...

Prevalence And Risk Factors For Brucellosis Transmission In Goats In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that causes a great socio-economic as well as a public health concern worldwide. Limited studies have been conducted to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in small ruminants kept in the pastoral and agropastoral grazing systems of Tanzania. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Brucella infections and risk factors for its transmission to human in Morogoro region, Tanzania. A cross sectional study was conducted in nine wards of...

Perceptions of sexual coercion: learning from young people in Ibadan, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study explored the problem of sexual coercion from the perspectives of 77 young people aged 14- 2 7 in Ibodan, Nigeria, the behaviours they perceive to be sexually coercive and the con texts in which these occur through four narrative workshops. Participants were drawn from two secondary schools and 15 apprentice workshops. All four groups identified similar coercive behaviours and developed narratives of the events that typically lead up to them. Behaviours included rape, unwan...

Assessment And Characterization Of Food Types Consumed By Hadzabe Hunter-Gatherer Nomads In Northern Tanzania

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess and characterize the food types consumed by Hadzabe hunter-gatherer nomads in Karatu and Meatu districts, northern Tanzania. A total of 259 respondents from the target districts were involved in the study. Through cross-sectional study design, the data were collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires to investigate the temporal patterns for the availability of food types consumed. Micronutrients (Cadmium, Copper, Chromium, Ferrou...

Assessment Of Nutritive Value Of Commiphora Swynnertonii And Its Effects On Cholesterol Levels In Rattus Rattus

ABSTRACT Experimental studies to determine the chemical composition of the Commiphora swynnertonii as well as its effect in plasma cholesterol levels and weight changes in Rattus rattus. A total of 24 rats were used in the dose and time dependent experiments of resin, C. swynnertonii at (0 mg/kg, 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) on daily basis for 21 days. Six samples of root and stem bark were used in the proximate, selected minerals and heavy metals analysis by using AOAC (1995). Weekly ...

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