Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of Factors Influencing Child-Feeding Practices Among First-Time Mothers In Wekhomo Location, Luanda Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Improper child-feeding practices directly affect the nutritional status of under-fives and ultimately impact on their survival. Improving child-feeding practices of under- fives is critical to their overall health and developmental milestones. In 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended exclusive breastfeeding for 180 days a change from the previous proposal to introduce complementary foods at four to six months. Luanda Sub-County experiences massive population explosion...

Spatial Distribution And Schistosomes Infection Prevalence Of Biomphalaria Snails Along Lake Victoria Shoreline Of Mbita - Homa-Bay County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Intestinal schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni remains a major public health problem responsible for morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa despite availability of control programs. It is estimated that more than 6 million people in Kenya are suffering from schistosomiasis. Several species of Biomphalaria snails are obligatory intermediate hosts for transmission of S. mansoni. Mbita sub-county in Homa Bay County is one of the regions along the Lake Victoria basin in ...

Assessment Of Infection Prevention And Control Practices Among Health Care Workers In Public Health Facilities In Vihiga Sub County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Infection prevention and control is not only crucial in protecting patients, health care workers and visitors in health care settings from health care associated infections which are protracted cause of morbidity and mortality but also in preparation and response to communicable disease crisis. Despite the high burden of health care associated infections and need for enhanced prevention and control of these infections in Vihiga Sub County, factors influencing infection prevention and...

The Calculus of Disclosure of HIV Seropositive Status Experience of HIV positive Pregnant woman at a rural hospital manicaland Zimbabwe.

Table of contents Acknowledgement vii Declaration viii Abstract ix Chapter 1: Introduction and Background of the Study 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Background Overview of Strategic Planning Process in the Public Service of Namibia 1 1.3 Benefits of Strategic Planning 3 1.4 Statement of the Research Problem 3 1.5 Research Aim 4 1.6 Research Objectives 4 1.7 Research Questions 5 1.8 Significance of the Study 5 1.9 Structure of the Dissertation 6 1.10 Conclusion 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Intr...

An Investigation Into The Problems Faced In Construction Project Completion: Case Of Department Of Public Works Midlands Province

ABSTRACT  Delay is one of the major problems in Zimbabwe construction industry. Delays lead to many negative effects such as disputes between clients and contractors, increased cost, loss of productivity and revenue and termination of contract. The aim of this research was to investigate the challenges faced in construction project completions and find ways to minimize the project delays. A case study method was adopted for this research through primary data and secondary data. The data coll...

Prescription Awareness Among Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases At Moi Teaching And Referral Hospital, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes 30% of deaths globally and has been reported to be on the increase in sub-Saharan Africa. Medications prescribed for CVD are largely an ongoing lifetime commitment aimed to preserve optimal heart function for as long as possible and as a result patients must adhere to their prescription. However, prescription adherence is influenced to a large part by prescription awareness, which is having information about prescribed drugs and their side effects ...

Assessing The Influence Of Community Led Total Sanitation Approach On Diarrhea Occurrence In Households Living In The Intervention And Control Villages, Boro Division, Siaya County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an innovative way to achieve communities free from open defecation. Globally 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation and are at risk of diarrhea resulting in 2 million deaths annually. In Kenya 75.7 % population lack improved sanitation facilities and of these, 17.1% experience diarrhea cases. In Siaya diarrheal diseases are ranked third among the top ten diseases. Boro Division with latrine coverage 55%. However, there is still limi...

The Exploration Of Barriers To Uptake Of Hiv Counseling And Testing By Adult Tuberculosis Patients Attending Dots Clinic In Imo State

The Exploration Of Barriers To Uptake Of Hiv Counseling And Testing By Adult Tuberculosis Patients Attending Dots Clinic In Imo State

Factors Affecting Infant Survival In Hargeisa District, Maroodi Jeex Region, Somaliland

ABSTRACT Infant survival refers to a state of continuing to live or exist within the first year of life despite the difficult conditions, such as unhygienic conditions and infant complications. One of the significant indicators of infant survival is a country’s infant mortality rate (IMR). According to UNICEF report of 2016, the global IMR is estimated at 32 per 1000 live births. In Sub-Saharan Africa the IMR is estimated at 58 per 1000 live births, whereas in Ethiopia it’s estimated at 4...

Relationship Among Non-Modifiable Risk Factors For Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Pregnancy Weight Gain And Delivery Outcomes At Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Nairobi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ vi LIST OF APPENDICES ..............................................................................

Participation Of Households In Solid Waste Management In Kisii Municipality, Kenya

ABSTRACT The growing volume of household solid waste is a concern for public health. The world population in 2016 was 7.3 Million people with a growth rate of 1.14%. This has resulted to increase in consumption rate with a direct effect in the generation of household solid waste. The estimated quantity of Municipal Solid Waste generated worldwide is 1.7–1.9 billion metric tons per year, with 1.2kg/capita/day. In sub-Saharan Africa, generated solid waste is approximately 62 million tons per ...

Client Perception On Quality Of Health Care Offered To In-Patients In Public And Faith Based Hospitals In Kiambu And Nairobi Counties, In Kenya: A Comparative Study

ABSTRACT Quality is the ability to deliver services that satisfy the consumer’s needs whereas service quality is the ability to meet or exceed customer expectations, providing quality healthcare is an ethical obligation of all healthcare providers and receiving quality care is a right of all patients. Kenya has witnessed general deterioration in health indicators due to rapid population growth, child nutrition problems, poverty, HIV/AIDS, acute respiratory infections, malaria, diarrhea, and...

Factors Associated With Delayed Hiv Diagnosis In Infants In Tier Three And Four Public Health Facilities In Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is still a global challenge, with the bulk of infection in children being in sub-Saharan Africa. Six thousand six hundred and thirteen (6,613) new infections were reported in Kenya in 2015. In Kisumu County, HIV prevalence (19.9%) is 3.4 times higher than the national (5.9%). Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) coverage in the County is low (60%) with 19.7% children infected in 2015. In 2016, only 3,369 infants were less than 2 months...


ABSTRACT The prevalence of unintended pregnancy in Kenya continues to be high with 43% of all births reported as unintended. A fifth of these births are due to incorrect use of short-term contraceptive methods which are the most popular methods resulting in contraceptive failure. In contrast, studies have shown that Long Acting and Reversible Contraceptive (LARC) method which are least popular have the highest effectiveness, do not depend on users’ adherence and do not require frequent visi...


The prevention of rivers and other water sources from pollution and the protection of public health by safeguarding water supplies against exposure to pollutants and the spread of diseases are the two major foundamental reasons for treating waste water.The conventional methods of treatment are inefficient, costly, unsustainable, outdated and oftenly results in an effluent heavily loaded with pollutants. Excess nitrates and phosphates causes eutrophication of the receiving water bodies and whe...

556 - 570 Of 1838 Results