Public Health Research Papers/Topics

Tuberculosis Treatment Outcome And Associated Factors At The Tetteh Quarshie Memorial Hospital

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis threatens public health all over the world and affects persons mostly in their productive lives. The proportion of cases with successful treatment outcome is a key indicator to assess the effectiveness and performance of any Tuberculosis Control Programme. Effective treatment is a major element in reducing the transmission of infection and ultimately achieving elimination of the disease. The study was conducted to determine factors associated with treatment outcome and t...

Evaluation Of Ghana School Feeding Program: A Causal Mediation Analysis

ABSTRACT Introduction: School feeding programs (SFPs) deliver significant nutritional intervention during school children's critical growth period. Its effects on learning appear to work by both increasing school attendance and earning efficiency while at school. As part of the evaluation of the Ghana School Feeding Program (GSFP), the findings did not suggest any impact on the learning outcome, hence this research attempted to determine the mechanism by which the school feeding program (or n...

Knowledge Of People Living With Hiv And Its Effect On Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy In The New Juabeng Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: HIV remains one of the most devastating diseases in Africa. Even though antiretroviral therapy has been introduced the problem of non-adherence persists. High level of knowledge has been associated with a positive attitude towards treatment and consequently high level of adherence. Non-adherence can hamper interventions aimed at controlling HIV as a public health threat. There is therefore the need to explore gaps hindering adherence to treatment to effectively manage the...

Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice Among Formally And Informally Employed Nursing Mothers Attending Child Welfare Clinic At Mamprobi Polyclinic, Accra

ABSTRACT Background: Breastfeeding is the simplest and most reliable means of feeding infants to their maximum satisfaction and it reduces the likelihood of childhood illnesses such as pneumonia, diarrhoea. EBF in particular, promotes the optimal health of the infant in diverse ways. Although there is evidence on exclusive breastfeeding among professional working nursing mothers and mothers working in the informal sector, there has been no comparative studies between these two categories of w...

Malaria Prevention And Treatment Practices Among Mothers of Children Under Five Years in Adetan Municipality

ABSTRACT  Background: Malaria is endemic in Ghana, posing serious public health challenge to the development of Ghana. Currently, it is ranked number one among the causes of admission of children under five years; likewise the number one cause of death of children under five years in Ghana. Despite prevention strategies introduced, it maintains its top spot. This study assessed knowledge of mothers of children under five years in Adentan Municipality regarding malaria, their prevention metho...

Knowledge And Conception of Polycystic Ovarian Sysmtom Among Nurses Working At The LA General Hospital Accra

ABSTRACT Background: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the fourth gynecological disorder affecting women of reproductive age. The immediate cause of this syndrome is unknown however, abnormal hormonal levels, lifestyle factors are contributing factors to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is estimated that over 116 million are affected with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in the year 2012 worldwide. The Rotterdam criterion is the most common criteria used to diagnose the disease. Any patient presenting any ...

Socio Economic Burden of Type 2 Diabetics Among Patients Attending Patang Hospitals

ABSTRACT Introduction Type-2 Diabetes is fast attaining pandemic levels. Globally, it exerts a huge toll on patients and society, physical, financial and psychosocial burden. The objectives of the study include were the following: to estimate the direct treatment cost (consultation, lab test, treatments) of type-2 diabetes, to estimate the indirect treatment cost (working hours lost, lost wages) of type-2 diabetes, to determine intangible cost (physical pain, psychological pain, social isola...

The Use of Medric Mobile Application By Community Based Health to Monitor Pre And Post Pregnancy Status in Northern Ghana; A Case Study of Selected Districts

ABSTRACT Background: Skilled assistance to child birth in Northern Region is noted as the lowest (36.4 percent) as compared with national rate of 74 percent, yet over 80 percent of all maternal deaths occur around the period of delivery. Fortunately, various research on mHealth solutions have shown to contribute to an improved maternal health outcome. However, these mHealth applications have not been fully utilized for improved maternal health outcome. Objective: This study assessed the use ...

Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Contraceptive Use Among Adolescents in Senior High School in Ledzokuku- Krowor Municipality

ABSTRACT Background: Contraceptive use among adolescents is relatively high. This is crucial in view of the fact that a nation‟s growth and development depend largely on the current wellbeing of its adolescents. This study therefore, sought to explore the level of knowledge and attitudes of adolescent towards contraceptive use within the Ledzokuku Krowor Municipality within the Greater Accra region. Methodology: The study is a cross-sectional study using qualitative method and used in-dept...

Adherence To Anti-Retroviral Post Exposure Prophylaxis Following Needle-Stick Injury Among Healthcare Workers In Umuahia Urban Abia State

ABSTRACT The research study was conducted to assess the level of adherence to anti retroviral post exposure prophylaxis following needle stick injury among the different categories of HCWs (Doctors, Nurses and Medical Laboratory Scientists) in umuahia urban of Abia State South Eastern part of Nigeria. The study was a descriptive (cross-sectional) survey of qualified health care workers in all registered health facilities in Umuahia Urban. Abia State. The sample size of 222 was drawn from th...

Burden of Care giving On Informal Care Givers Of Stroke Survivors in The Western Region

ABSTRACT  Background: Stroke is a life-changing event which leaves the stroke survivors with varied degrees of disability requiring a lot of assistance from their informal caregivers who require substantial amounts of uncompensated time and energy to carry out their activities of daily living over a prolonged duration of time. The informal caregivers are therefore exposed to physical, psychological, social and financial problems, commonly reported as burden which affects their quality of li...

Social Barriers That Affect The Non-Use Of Contraceptives Among Adolescents In The Gomoa East District.

ABSTRACT The study set out to examine the social barriers that affect contraceptive non-use among adolescents in the Gomoa East district. The Gomoa East district was selected for the study due to its high rate of teenage pregnancies associated with high birth rates, and maternal morbidity. The study was carried out among 238 in-school and out of school adolescent males and females. Two secondary schools were purposively selected (one urban and one rural) and the out of school adolescents from...

The Role of HIV focal Persons in HIV and AIDS Education And Service Delivery; A Study of The Focal Person in Enterprises in Accra Ghana

 ABSTRACT People living with HIV and AIDS are likely to experience stigmatization and ostracism when they open up about their sero-status at work. The HIV Focal Point is a system where a staff member, referred to as a focal person is assigned to deliver HIV related services. It offers distinct opportunities and advantages as a key delivery point for HIV prevention, treatment and care programme for specific groups of people. Yet, many programmes do not explain the operational issues concerni...

Birth Preparedness Among Expectant Teenagers in Ledzorkuku Krowor Municipal Assembly (Lekma)

ABSTRACT  Introduction One of the strategies aimed at enhancing the utilization of skilled care in low-income countries is improving knowledge of obstetric danger signs and birth preparedness. SubSaharan Africa has the highest number of teenage women who are pregnant (20-40%). In Ghana, teenage pregnancy and early marriage contribute to high maternal and child mortality. This study sought to determine the level of birth preparedness and knowledge of obstetric danger signs among expectant te...

A Comparative Cross-Section Study On The Cognitive Function Of Perinatally Acquired Hiv-Infected And Non-Infected Children at Ridge Hospital, Accra

ABSTRACT Background It can be estimated that Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) continues to affect the health state of individuals worldwide. This study was a comparative study on the Cognitive function of perinatally acquired HIV-Infected and un-infected at Ridge Hospital. The study provides insight into the cognitive function of children infected with HIV perinatally so that appropriate psychotherapeutic or psycho-educational interventions ca...

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