Analytical Chemistry Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Soil Amendments And Soil Physicochemical Properties On Cadmium And Lead Uptake In Tobacco Grown In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tobacco is a heavy metal accumulator and it is estimated that 1.22 billion people are involved in smoking tobacco while about 1.45 billion people are predicted to be smoking it by 2045. Smoking tobacco results in 5 million premature deaths yearly as a result of tobacco related illness; with 70% of the deaths occurring in developing countries, Kenya included. Tobacco has heavy metals and carcinogens that make it a leading cause of deaths in the world. Tobacco easily uptakes heavy met...

Essential Trace Element Levels In Sesuvium Portulacastrum, Soil And Water Along Kwale County Coastline And Community Utilization Of The Plant

ABSTRACT Many underutilized indigenous foods contain high levels of essential trace elements some of which have immunological effect, and play important roles in many metabolic and enzymatic functions in man. Such elements include zinc, vanadium, selenium, chromium and iodine among others. If sustainably exploited, they would cost-effectively promote good health and thus reduce the medical bills. There is need therefore to analyze for these essential trace elements in foods, and especially t...

Assessment Of Levels Of Monosodium Glutamate, Aspartame And Sodium Benzoate In Some Chili And Tomato Sauces In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  Food additives are substances that are added to food or animal feeds during processing or storage. They are usually added to preserve or improve the quality of the food or feed. They include antioxidants, preservatives, stabilizers, coloring and flavoring agents. Food additives that are present in sauces include monosodium glutamate (MSG), saccharin, aspartame, sorbic acid and sodium benzoate. Chili and tomato sauces are extensively used by both young and old in processed foods suc...

Assessment Of Community Awareness, Physicochemical Parameters, Organic Contaminants And Toxic Metals Of Alcoholic Beverages In Muthithi, Murang'a County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Brewing is an ancient industry that dates back 9000 years and to date more than 100 billion liters of beer are consumed annually. In Kenya alcoholic beverages industry is more liberal with the previously referred to as ‘illicit alcoholic beverages’ being legalized in November 2010, by the passing of Alcohol Law (Mututho Law). Production and consumption of some alcoholic beverages has been on increase partly due to high cost of commercial alcoholic drinks. People have died, other...

Determination Of Selected Trace Elements And Beta-Carotene In Fresh And Dried Indigenous Vegetables As Potential Food Supplement From Kiambu, Kenya

ABSTRACT Population growth, shortage of food due to unpredicted weather coupled with HIV/AIDS has increased nutritional deficiencies in people living in developing world. Use of micronutrients presents a low-cost strategy for achieving large reductions in death caused by malnutrition. The indigenous green leafy vegetables are of much importance among food crops as they provide adequate amounts of vitamins, immune boosting trace elements and anti-oxidants. The nutritional value of the indigeno...

Assessment Of Levels Of Some Active Skin Lightening Compounds In Selected Facial Creams And Soaps In The Kenyan Market

ABSTRACT Cosmetics are generally used to improve the appearance by the removal or correction of blemishes and to treat diseases of the human skin and hair. Skin-lighteners which include hydroquinone, mercury, arbutin, kojic acid, ascorbyl glucoside, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate have been frequently used in skin lightening creams and soaps. However chronic exposure to mercury compounds in skin lightening creams and soaps may lead to various disorders such as nephritic, peripheral neuropathy, a...

Analysis Of Essential Trace Elements In Selected Medicinal Plants Used In Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya is endowed with nature where hundreds of medicinal plants are available. During photosynthesis and respiration process in plants, animals and other organisms, ions of metal elements play a major role with a few of the elements being essential to the body as nutrients. Trace elements Zn, Cr, V and Se with known immunological response and healing properties were analysed from selected medicinal plants available in Kenya. These plants were; Prunus africana, Urtica massaica, Mayten...

Assessment Of Heavy Metal Pollution In Soils And Water Of Samburu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Heavy metal pollution in soil and water arising from anthropogenic sources continue to pose a great challenge to human and animal population. In Samburu County conflicts arising from cattle rustling, military trainings in the county which have led to heavy use and disposal of arms, a growing population without proper sewerage facilities, increase in the number of aging automobiles and fertilizers from the wheat and barley farms in the highlands of Lorroki are the biggest contributors...

Medicinal Plants Of Chuka Community In Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya And Some Of Their Selected Essential Elements

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants are essential components of primary health care, especially for rural communities indeveloping countries. The medicinal plants contain essentialelements that are beneficial therapeutically. For example zinc plays a vital role in wound healing, nervous system, reproductive system and immune system. Chromium helps in metabolism and management of type-2 diabetes. Sodium is the chief extracellular ion and helps to maintain the body’s fluid balance while potassium is th...

Levels of physicochemical parameters and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, soils and sediments from a section of river nzoia, kakamega county-kenya.

ABSTRACT Water pollution is an overbearing environmental challenge due to increasing anthropogenic activities from industrial, agricultural and domestic fronts. While data on the water quality such as heavy metals and physico-chemical parameters is enormous, that onpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) presents a research gap. The 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment have increasingly become a health risk as a result of anthropogenic activities. The study was unde...

Effect Of Room Temperarure Storage On The Levels Of Carotenoids, Total Phenolic Content And Antioxidant Activity Of Lycopersicon Esculentum And Citrullus Lanatus

ABSTRACT Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases are economically burdening, causing more deaths worldwide than all other causes of death combined. The global burden of these diseases is projected to increase tremendously with an estimated global death of 75 % by 2030. Unhealthy diets, tobacco use, exposure to environmental carcinogens and physical inactivity are documented as the major causes of NCDs. The major contributing fact...

Quantification Of Lycopene And Its Analogues In Different Varieties Of Papaya Grown In Tharaka Nithi County

ABSTRACT Carotenoids are a group of naturally occurring phytochemicals, many of which are important in human nutrition and health. In particular, lycopene and its analogues may have potent antioxidant properties to protect cells and tissues from oxidative stress and free radicals, and thus contribute to enhancement of immune functions of the body. These antioxidants may also prevent damage to cells and DNA, as well as stimulate the repair of oxidative damage to DNA. Diets rich in these p...

Determination Of The Levels Of Selected Heavy Metals In Soil And In Khat (Catha Edulis Forsk) Grown In Kenya

ABSTRACT Heavy metal pollution is among the leading health concerns all over the world because of their long-term cumulative effects. Consumption of food crops contaminated with heavy metals is a major food chain route for human exposure. Khat (Catha edulis forsk), a plant used as a stimulant is grown in certain areas of East Africa and the Arab Peninsula. In Kenya, it is cultivated in Embu and Meru counties and distributed to consumers in other counties who include young children. Due to inc...

Assessment Of Selected Essential Micronutrients In Some Indigenous Fruits In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Fruits are a good source of micronutrients, yet they are less consumed. Kakamega County has various types of fruits either planted or growing wildly. Most of the fruits consumed are exotic such as avocadoes, mangoes, pawpaw, oranges, passion fruits and pineapples while the wild and indigenous fruits are usually neglected, seen as weeds and food for children and very poor rural people. In Kakamega County the indigenous fruits are well distributed among the rural areas and members of ...

Use Of Maize Cobs Derived Products For Removal Of Selected Inorganic Ions, Colour And Turbidity From Contaminated Water

ABSTRACT Majority of Kenyans lack access to clean water due to increased population growth, high rate of industrialisation and poor waste management. The situation may worsen if immediate measures are not taken. Lead and cadmium are the main heavy metals in contaminated water and their harmful effects such as lung cancer, mental retardation and nerve disorder cannot be underestimated. Available methods for removing these metal ions from water such as use of activated carbon are very expensive...

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