Analytical Chemistry Research Papers/Topics

Ethernal Conversion to Butanol over Small Coinage Metal Clusters: An Experimental and Computational Study

Abstract We illustrate the mechanism for the C–O, C–H and O–H bond activation in the coupling of ethanol to butanol over small coinage clusters (copper, silver and gold). It is found that charge transfer interactions between the clusters and the alcohol initiate their reactions allowing a chemisorption step. The binding energy is calculated, whereby ethanol adsorbs very strongly on Au in comparison to Ag and Cu. The nature of bonding is investigated using natural bond orbital (NBO) ana...


The pharmaceutical develops, produces, and markets drug licensed for use as medications. They are subjected to variety of laws and regulations of the government regarding the patenting, testing, pricing and ensuring safety and efficacy and marketing of drugs. The study of sorption of rifampicin in the leaching to contaminate the under-ground water has been the concerns of researchers in the world and many results and finding has been put in place. The environment is increasingly being recogni...

Comparative Determination of the Extracting Efficacies of Hexane and Ethanol on Phytochemical Parameters of Momordica Charantia Leaves and Stems

Green leaves and stems have a quite high quantity of water and it’s difficult to obtained an accurate solvent to extract the constituents from the aqueous cells. So the choices of solvent to be used may determine the success of the extraction. In this research work two different solvents were used to extract photochemical parameters in Momordica charantia leaves and stems. The phyto constituents extracted by the solvents from the leaves and stems of M.charantia was compared. In a nutshe...

Comparative Study on the Influence of Grilling Height on the Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) and Some Toxic Metals in Grilled Foods

Abstract: A comparative study was carried out on the effect of grilling height on the extent of accumulation of the 16 US EPA priority PAHs and some volatile (As and Hg) and non-volatile (Mn, Cu, Pb, Cr, Cd and Ni) heavy metals in two kinds of roasted foods; yam (Dioscorea Rotundata ) and plantain (Musa Paradisiaca) commonly consumed in Nigeria. Yam and two variants of plantain (unripe and ripe) were considered for this study. Two grilling heights (10 cm and 20 cm) were employed on each of th...

Impact of Cooking Methods on the Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Chicken Meat

Abstract: This study investigated the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the different cooking methods of chicken. The levels of 16 PAHs compound were determined in raw and cooked chicken meats. The chicken was cooked with different methods, i.e. boiling, frying, barbequing and roasting. The uncooked sample served as the reference. With the aid of the 16 PAHs reference standards, the levels of the PAHs were determined using gas chromatography - flame ionization detector (...

Assessment of Surface Water Contamination and Effect of Textile Effluents on Ibeshe River, Ikorodu, Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT An increased concern in recent times has been the effect of industrial effluent discharge into the water bodies. Surface water samples of Ibeshe River were studied to find out the pollution load of wastewater generated from the textile industry and its impact on the quality of the receiving river. Water samples were collected at four (4) different points for each of the three (3) steam divisions (the upstream, the midstream and the downstream) bimonthly within one year; 3 months rep...

Impact of Textile Wastewater on Whole Plants of Corchorous olitorius, Telfairia occidentalis, Celosia argentea and Amaranthus hybridus Cultivated within Farmlands in Ibeshe, Ikorodu, Lagos St

Abstract Soil contamination with heavy metal due to discharge of untreated or incompletely treated industrial effluent is a threat to the ecosystem and human well-being. The effect of textile waste effluent on four vegetable plants (Corchorous olitorius, Telfairia occidentalis, Celosia argentea and Amaranthus hybridus) cultivated within farmlands located along the Abuja River in Ibeshe town near Ikorodu, Lagos State was investigated. Their heavy metal levels were determined using atomic abso...

Essential Oils and Fatty Acids Composition of Dry Fruits of Tetrapleura tetraptera

ABSTRACT: The composition of essential oil and fatty acids of dry fruits of Tetrapleura tetraptera were analyzed by GC/MS. Forty-four compounds representing 98.5% of the essential oil were characterized. The essential oil was dominated by acetic acid (34.59%), 2-hydroxy-3- butanone (18.25%), butanoic acid (8.35%), 2-methyl butanoic acid (7.58%), 2-methyl butanol (7.45%), butanol (4.30%), 2-methyl butenoic acid (3.65%) and Nerol (3.25%). The fatty acid was dominated by palmitic acid (49.44%), ...