Applied Geophysics Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT Wireline logging is a veritable tool for the determination of hydrocarbon beneath the subsurface, it is applied by prospecting companies hence, this work studies geological wireline logging and their application in oil and gas reservoir beneath the earth’s surface. Wireline logging is performed by lowering a logging tool of one or more instruments on the end of a wireline into an oil well and recording petro physical properties using a variety of sensors. This logging process is ai...

Geo Electrical Assessment of Groundwater Potentials of Some Parts of Orsu and Environs, South Eastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT In a bid to determine the groundwater potential of some parts Orsu and environs, which lies within latitude N5º53.858΄ to N5º47.572΄ and longitude E7º0.847΄ to E6º56.988΄, a total of ten (10) vertical electrical soundings were carried out. The study area belongs to the Anambra basin which is one of Nigeria’s most important hydrological basins. It is overlain   by   the Miocene to recent Benin formation and   Eocene Ameki formation.Equipment such as ABEM terrameter SA...


Lateral density changes in the subsurface cause a change in the force of gravity at the surface. The intensity of the force of gravity due to a buried mass difference (concentration or void) is superimposed on the larger force of gravity due to the total mass of the earth. Thus, two components of gravity forces are measured at the Earth's surface: first, a general and relatively uniform component due to the total earth, and second, a component of much smaller size that varies due to lateral d...