Applied Mathematics Research Papers/Topics

Crame´R-Rao Bound of Direction Finding using Uniform Circular Array And 2-Circle Concentric Uniform Array

Abstract Source direction-of-arrival estimation problem has received much attention in recent years following its significant role in array-signal processing and wide range of applications such as radar, wireless communication, sonar, seismology among others. Direction finding has been solved by several techniques such as Maximum likelihood estimator, MUltiple Signal Classification, Estimation of Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique and Cram´er- Rao bound using array of sensors in...

Cramér-Rao Bound of Direction-Finding using uniform Hexagonal Array

Abstract Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation is an important branch in the field of array signal processing. It can be applied in such fields as wireless communication, sonar, radar, biomedicine, and radio detection. This fact together with the development of the geometries used in the past years is the principal motivation of this research project. Although various studies have focused on the uniform hexagonal array for direction finding, there is scanty use of the uniform hexagonal array...

A Mathematical Model for the Transmission Dynamics of Malaria in Eastern Uganda: A case Study of Butaleja District

Abstract A deterministic mathematical model for studying the transmission dynamics of malaria in Butaleja district was developed using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) where hinnans and mosquitoes interact and infect each other. fhe model has live non - linear differential equa tions with two state variables for mosquitoes (S,~anc I,, ) and three state variables for humans (S~ I~ and A,~) The available literature on previous work in this area was reviewed. Susceptible humans (S, ) are i...

Implementation Of A Modified Procesi Algorithm To Compute Covariants Of Binary Forms Of Up To Degree Five And Their Relations

ABSTRACT In his book (Procesi,C., 2007), Claudio Procesi suggested a new algorithm for computing covariants of binary forms under the action of SL(2;C), based on an iterative computations of covariants of the simpler group U+. In Procesi book the computation was carried out only for binary forms of degree 3 and 4, but the _rst signi_cant test for the algorithm would be the computation for degree 5. In 2010 summer school in Algebra organized by ICTP in Kenya, Procesi suggested the implementati...

Stresses Resulting From Fluid Flow In Pipes

ABSTRACT The determination of the components of stress on a pipe made of either linearly elastic or non-linearly elastic material and subjected to internal fluid pressure is of immense benefit to engineers. Chung et al [2] worked on a class of non-linearly elastic type with some degree of success. This work seeks an improvement on [2]. It will do this by obtaining such components of stress in a form that engineers will find easy to use. Towards obtaining the required components, the radial d...

A Numerical Investigation Of Turbulent Natural Convection In A 3-D Enclosure Using K- Sst Model And Piso Method

ABSTRACT In turbulent natural convection transport mechanism, fluid motion is generated by buoyancy-induced density gradients resulting from internal body forces due to heating. The objective of this study was to conduct a numerical investigation of turbulent natural convection in a 3-D cavity using the k- SST model and the PISO method. The problem being investigated was computational study of turbulent natural convective flow using a primitive variable to solve time averaged momentum equatio...

Influence Of Inclined Magnetic Field And Thermophoresis On Heat And Mass Transfer Wedge Flow With Variable Thermal Conductivity

ABSTRACT In my study, I investigate the influence of thermophoresis and a constant inclined magnetic field on a fluid flowing over a porous wedge. The inclination is an acute angle to the horizontal axis. The effects of variable prandtl and thermal conductivity, Hartman number, wedge angle parameter, Schmidt’s number, thermophoretic concentration and a constant suction or injection on the fluid flow parameters are studied numerically by the collocation method since the Prandtl number is a f...

Effect Of Variable Fluid Properties And Thermophoresis On Unsteady Forced Convective Magnetohydrodynamics Boundary Layer Flow Along A Permeable Stretching/Shrinking Wedge

Abstract The study takes into account temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity as well as induced magnetic field in describing the fluid flow .The partial differential equations governing the unsteady flow are transformed to a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations by similarity transformation. The transformed differential equations are solved by collocation method. The numerical results for the flow variables: velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are...

Deterministic And Stochastic Model Of Dynamics Of Ebola Virus

ABSTRACT In this work a deterministic and stochastic model is developed to investigate the deterministic and stochastic model of dynamics of Ebola virus. The model includes susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined and removed or recovered individuals. The model used in this work is based on a deterministic model. The Chowell (2015) work on early detection of Ebola is modified by introducing an assumption that the quarantined class is totally successful and cannot infect the susceptible cl...

Constrained Controllability Of Linear And Semilinear Systems With Delay In State And Control

ABSTRACT In this work, sufficient conditions for the constrained controllability of linear and semi linear systems with delay in state and control are formulated and proved. For the linear delay system, necessary and sufficient conditions are developed by establishing the equivalence of a delay system without delay to show local relative controllability. For the semi linear delay system, sufficient conditions are also developed by using the associate linear dynamical system to establish ...

Analysis Of Magnetohydrodynamic Stagnation Point Flow Due To A Fluid Towards A Convectively Heated Permeable Stretching Sheet

ABSTRACT Stagnation-point flow of an electrically conducting fluid over a continuously stretching surface in presence of magnetic fields is significant in many industrial processes such as the metallurgy, polymer processing, glass blowing, filaments drawn through quiescent electrically conducting fluid subject to magnetic fields, cooling of metallic plate, hot rolling, wire drawing, aerodynamic extrusion of plastic sheets, crystal growing. In these applications of stagnation point flow, the d...

A Two-Small-Parameter Dynamic Buckling Analysis Of A Damped Quadratic-Cubic Nonlinear Structure

ABSTRACT The major goal of this research work is to determine the dynamic buckling load of a viscously damped imperfect quadratic-cubic elastic model structure, which is modeled by a nonlinear differential equation containing a load parameter. For a structure with small imperfections and subjected to step loading , the equation contains two small independent parameters, upon which asymptotic expansions are initiated. The nonlinearity is quadratic-cubic in nature and multiple-scaling two-timi...

A Comparative Study Of Interior Point, Simplex And Active Set Methods For The Solution Of Linear Programming Problems.

Linear Programming is a subset of Mathematical Programming that is concerned with efficient allocation of limited resources to known activities with the objective of meeting a desired goal of maximization or minimization of a function. Linear Programming determines the way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model, given some list of requirements as linear equations. Linear Programming can be applied to various fields of study - business...

Analysis Of Wave Exciting Forces On A Floating Rectangular Barge At Zero Forward Speed

ABSTRACT Surface waves have significant effects on the hydrodynamics of offshore bodies or structures on a fluid of finite depth. Wind, moving vessels, seismic disturbances of shallow sea floors (tsunamis) and the gravitational disturbances of the sun and the moon are factors responsible for generation of waves. Their influence is very crucial in engineering analysis, design, and optimization. Many researchers in the field of hydrodynamics have analyzed the effect that surface waves have on ...

Certain Geometric Aspects Of A Class Of Almostcontact Structures On A Smooth Metric Manifold

ABSTRACT The classication of Smooth Geometric Manifolds still remains an open problem. The concept of almost contact Riemannian manifolds provides neat descriptions and distinctions between classes of odd and even dimensional manifolds and their geometries. Among the classes that have been extensively studied in the past are the Hermitian, Symplectic, Khalerian, Complex, Contact and Almost Contact manifolds which have applications in M-Theory and supergravity among other areas. The dierential...

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