Computer Science Research Papers/Topics


CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYGeneral Hospital calabar. The hospital provide qualitative Health care services but maintains that they do not just heal mere physical illness which attacks the human body, but a much deeper and holistic healing of the entire human person.These service areas include all the wards (medical and surgical for male and female, pediatrics, chest unit and the maternity section as a whole. Other departments are out patient department (OPD), laboratory dep...

Impact of Continuous Assessment On Students Academic Performance in Selected Public Secondary Schools in Mbale Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL HDEDICATION ll~ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENT VLIST OF TABLES ViiABSTRACT ViiiABBREVATIONS ixCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the Study 11 .2 Statement of the Problem 41.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4 Objectives of the Study 41 .5 Research Questions 41.6 Significance of the Study 51.7 Scope of the Study 51.7.1 Content Scope 51 .7.2 Time Scope 51 .7.3 Geographical Scope 6CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 72.1 Homework and Student’s ...

Centralized Information Management and Data Base System Case Study: Bukoto Market Vendors Savings and Cooperative Society

TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGECHAPTER ONEDeclaration iApproval iiDedication iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of contents vAbstract ix1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Problem statement 31.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 The Scope of the Study 41.6 Significances of the study 4CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction 62.1 Information systems 62.1.2 Management Information Systems 72.1.3 Benefits of Management Information Systems 92.1.4 Challenges/Barriers Associ...

Design and Implementation of Optimized Features in A Local Area Network for Improved Enterprise

TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... ivLIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................... vTABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................. viABSTRACT ..................................................................................

Early Pregnancy and School Dropout in Secondary Schools in Kiboga District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .1APPROVALDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VABSTRACT VIICHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background 11.3 Problem Statement 11.4 General objective 21.5 Specific objectives 21.6 Research Questions 21.7 Significance ofthe Study 21.8 Scope of the Study 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Causes of early pregnancy 42.3 Dangers of Teenage Pregnancy 62.4 Sex education 72.5 Measuresto overcomechild marriages 8VCHAPTER T...

Asynchronies Distributed Real Estate Property Profile Management System of Eastland’s Agency

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTS ivLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLESABSTRACTCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 Background1.2 Problem statenient 21.3 Objectives 31.3.1 General objects 31.3.2 Specific objectives 31.4 Justifications1.5 Scope ofthe st~idy 3CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW2.0 Introduction2.1 Tn formation systei~s 4Related systei~s2.2 Management Information Systems 62.2.1 Benefits of management information system 72.2.2 Barrier of management information system 7...

Teacher Motivation and Academic Performance of Pupils in Universal Primary Education Schools in Baitambogwe Sub County, Mayuge District Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATIONAPPROVAL .IiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST OF FIGURES ixDEFINITION OF TERMS xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE 11 .0 Introduction 1I . I Background of the study 11.1 .1 Historical perspective 11 .1 .2 Theoretical perspective 2.1 .3 Conceptual perspective 21 .1 .4 Conceptual frame work 3I .2 Problem statement 31.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41.4.1 General objectives 41.4.2 Specific objectives 41 .5 Research questions 41.6 Hyp...

Computer Based Information System Of Patient’s Medical Records Case Study: Webuye District Hospital

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEGEMENTS ivACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESTABLE OF CONTENTSDEFINITIONS AND TERMSAbstract1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31.3 Objectives 31.3.1 General (main) objective 31.3.2 Specific objectives 31.4 Justification of the project 31.5 Scope of the project 41.6 Conclusion 4CHAPTER 2 5LITERATURE REVIEW 52.0 Introduction 52.1 Issues related to the study title 52.1.1 Information s...

Design and Implementation of an Information System for A Transport Company Using Visual Basic and Microsoft Access 2003 Case Study: Uganda Taxi Operators and Driver's Association (Utoda)

ABSTRACT This Uganda Taxi Operators and Drivers Association (UTODA) database is developed to show the efficiency of the company to the employees or staff. It's again developed with an aim of enhancing its activities such as file management. The database is involved in access of vital information about the company. Compilation of views from users who get access to use it and this facilitates the decision making process. Hence increasing chances of donors to facilitate the company. Transpmt In ...

An Analysis of Computer Forensic Activates in Data Network

ABSTRACT The report summarizes that in this Information Technology age, the needs of law enforcement are changing. Some traditional crimes, especially those concerning finance and commerce, continue to be upgraded technologically. Paper trails have become electronic trails. Crimes associated with the theft and manipulations of data are detected daily. According to the website w~~v.cyber an attack is defined as any kind of malicious activity targetted against computer system resourc...

Impacts of Information and Communication Technology On Students’ Learning (A Case Study of Gulu University)

ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of ICT on students’ learning by taking the case of Gulu University. It sought to establish the relationship between ICT and student’s learning particularly looking at the availability, accessibility and user-ability of the ICT resources in Gulu University. The study was prompted due to the persistent report that students in Gulu Universi~ are getting difficulties in their studies due to limited access and use of ICT resources It was conducted thr...


CHAPTER ONEGENERAL INTRODUCTION1.1 INTRODUCTIONHousing generally refers to the social problem of ensuring that members of a society have a home to live in, whether it is a house, or some other kind of dwelling, lodging or shelter. Many government sector have a department that deals with housing, such as the United State Department of Housing and Urban Department.Public Housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a government authority, which may be central or local. ...


CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1     Background of studyThe design of websites by individuals, corporate organizations, institution and Government of different countries has increased tremendously. It is importance and relevance of integrating and narrowing world into a global village cannot be over emphasized. The World Wide Web is an integral, important and  exciting part of the internet. The internet is a broad to computer that links together small network of computer equipme...


AbstractQR Based Merchant Payment using android as the name states is used for QR code scanning for the transactions between a consumer and a merchant go Cashless.  This System deals with the liquid cash transactions between a merchant and consumer enhancing the reliability and the quick monitory transactions on both the ends. This System works in a different fashion when the Merchant scans the QR code from the consumers app the amount is transferred into the merchant’s wallet and he c...

Design And Implementation of Android Crime Reporting System

AbstractAny member of the society who is found guilty of breaking the law has measurable penalties in an ideal society ruled by laws. Members of society are traditionally expected to report any instances of law and order violations to the proper law enforcement authorities. Reporting crimes in the society (Nigeria) used to need visiting to any of the law enforcement agencies' offices (e.g., police, neighborhood corps) to file a report, which made anonymity nearly impossible. However, as techn...

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