Computer Science Research Papers/Topics

A Fuzzy-Oriented Framework For Service Ranking And Selection In Cloud E-Marketplaces

ABSTRACT Despite the successes of commercial cloud service e-marketplaces, opportunities still exist to improve user experience as these e-marketplaces do not yet enable dynamic composition of atomic services to satisfy complex user requirements. More so, the platforms employ keyword-based search mechanisms that only allow the selection of atomic services. The elicitation mechanisms do not consider user’s QoS requirements, nor support the elicitation of these requirements in ways akin to s...

A Hybrid Semi Automatic Approach For The Design Of Datawarehouse Conceptual Model

ABSTRACT Organizations strive to build data warehouses (DW) to support their decision making process. The studies show that the most important task for organization‟s manager is to take the right decision in the right time. Hence, the decision-making process is considered among the main important goals to be achieved by competitor enterprises. The design process of a DW raises many problems and is considered as a complex and tedious task. DW designers follow different levels concerning the...

An Aspect-Oriented Sentiment Analysis Of Arabic Tweets Using Language Pattern and Semantic Analysis Techniques

ABSTRACT Sentiment analysis of the Arabic language has gained the attention of many researchers because of the increasing number of Arabic internet users, and the exponential growth of Arabic content online. Despite the language‟s popularity, there are limited annotated resources for sentiment analysis, including a comprehensive dataset, labelled corpora, and polarity lexica, and also reliable NLP tools. This is the source of motivation for the study - the need to develop an opinion corpus...

Color And Texture Fusion Based Method For Content Based Image Retrieval

ABSTRACT Since the last decade, Content-based Image retrieval was a hot topic research. The computational complexity and the retrieval accuracy are the main problems that CBIR system have to avoid. In this study the method was proposed to overcome these problems by using the combine of color moment and texture features. The color feature was extracted by color moment where the images will be in the HSV color space. The textures features extracted by applying Gabor function where the images w...

Enhanced Three Dimension Playfair Algorithm For Image Encryption

Abstract In this research, a new modified version of Tree Dimension Playfair (3D-Playfair) cipher algorithm is introduce to encrypt image. The new method is create (16 X 4 X 4) matrix based on the key being entered by the user to become more secretive, and then manipulate image data the algorithm work on trigraph rather than using digraph, and to increasing complexity of the algorithm the key is used to generate a mask that is subsequently Exclusive OR (XORed) with the scrambled image after e...

Enhanced Scheme for Video Transmission over Mobile Ad hoc Networks based on Optimized Link State Routing Protocol

Abstract A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less wireless network which allows a group of mobile devices to connect wirelessly without centralized administration. MANETs are useful when rapid deployment in infrastructure-less locations is required, or under emergency situations where communication is not available. Video conferencing over MANET is challenging due to features that characterize this type of network. This thesis proposed an enhanced scheme based on tuning, mod...

Classification of Diabetic Patients using Computational Intelligent Techniques

Abstract Diabetes Mellitus is one of the fatal diseases growing at a rapid rate in de- veloping countries. This rate is also critical in the developed countries, Dia- betes Mellitus being one of the major contributors to the mortality rate. De- tection and diagnosis of Diabetes at an early stage is the need of the day. It is required that a classifier is be designed so as to work efficient, convenient and most importantly, accurate. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques mimic ...

A Proposed Automatic Speech Recognition Model For The Sudanese Dialect

Abstract Nowadays, speech recognition plays a major role in designing a natural voice interface for communication between human and their modern digital life equipment. It is presenting an easy way to cross the language barrier between monolingual individuals. But the obvious problem with this field is the lack of wide support for several universal languages and their dialects; while most of the daily interaction is done using them. This research comes to ensure the viability of designing the...

Sudanese Vehicles License Plate Recognition

ABSTRACT Vehicle license plate recognition is a computer vision method that aims to automatically recognize the vehicle’s identification number from the vehicle image. Therefore, it is an important component for automating many control and surveillance systems, such as: road traffic monitoring, private and public entrances, highway electronic toll collection, red light violation enforcement, and theft control. Although, considerable researches have been carried out for vehicle license plate...

A Model For Detecting Information Technology Infrastructure Policy Violations In A Cloud Environment

The pervasiveness of the internet and available connectivity solutions brought about by cloud computing has led to an unprecedented increase in technologies built based on information technology infrastructures. This has improved the number of cloud users and substantially increasing the number of incidents related to the security of infrastructure and data in the recent past. Most organizations consider the deployment of different types of protection systems to curb various malicious ac...

Customization Of CMMI Model For Small Enterprises In Sudan

Abstract Sudanese software enterprise which categorized as small enterprises need frameworks and models for process improvement . Capability Maturity Model integration (CMMI ) which is designed for large scale enterprise is not suitable for Sudanese enterprise and need to be customized to suit small enterprise . The current study aims to investigate software process improvement in Sudanese software enterprise and to customized process improvement. Capability Maturity Model integration (CMMI ...

Implementing Integrating Enterprise Systems In Sudan -Using Enterprise Service Bus (Esb)

Abstract The main objective of this research is to implement an enterprise system integration using an enterprise service bus (ESB) in Sudan. The research questions are; what framework to be used to complete the integration? And what are the mechanisms that will be used to make sure that the integration process is successful? Finally, how to choose the workflow engine and what are the criteria for the choice. To achieve the research objectives, different approaches to integrate enterprise sy...

Multiclassification For Medical Images Using Voting Method

Abstract Breast cancer is the disease most common malignancy affects female population and the number of affected people is the second most common leading cause of cancer deaths among all cancer types in the developing countries. Nowadays, there is no sure way to prevent breast cancer, because its cause is not yet fully known. But there are things you can do that might lower risk such as early detection of breast cancer can play an important role in reducing the associated morbidity and m...

AUN Safeshop

ABSTRACT Trust is a major factor in the internet business. This is not surprising as it is very convenient for cyber criminals to swindle unsuspecting customers. AUN SafeShop is an online store for the American University of Nigeria (AUN) Community. AUN SafeShop is a platform for AUN staff, students and faculty to buy and sell new or fairly used items among themselves. This platform is a lot safer for members of the AUN Community because it will be a near transparent system and it will be ve...

Improving Vision Impaired Users Access To Electronic Resources In E-Learning Environment With Modified Artificial Neural Network

ABSTRACT Assistive Technology (ATs) provide means through which persons with visual impairment are empowered with adaptive devices and methods for accessing multimedia information. However, the degree of sensitivity and specificity values for access to electronic resources by visual impaired persons varies.  Existing ATs were designed as “one model fits all” (static calibration requirements), thereby limiting the usability by vision impaired users in an e-learning environment.  The stu...

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