Geography Research Papers/Topics

The Impact Of Microfinance Credit On Microenterprises’ Performance And Entrepreneurs’ Livelihoods: A Study Of Businesses Managed By Members Of Self-Help Groups In Kakamega County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Shortage of capital is a major constraint in the development of microenterprises (MEs) among entrepreneurs who are members of self-help groups (SHGs) in Butere, Mumias, Matungu and Khwisero Sub-Counties of Kakamega County. Shortage of capital is occasioned by inability of entrepreneurs in the informal sector to access credit from mainstream financial institutions. Thus, a number of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the study area provide credit to members of SHGs operating MEs so ...

Tridecadal Assessment Of Mangrove Cover And Cover Change In The Transboundary Areas Of Kenya And Tanzania Between 1986-2018

ABSTRACT Mangrove forests are among the most threatened ecosystems on earth. Some of these forests transverse national boundaries complicating their management due to differences in governance structures between countries. In order to improve the management of transboundary mangroves and associated biodiversity, regular monitoring of status and conditions of these forests is essential. The aim of the study was to create a better understanding of transboundary mangrove cover/ change and the c...

An Assessment Of Factors Affecting Levels Of Awareness On Safety And Health In Use Of Agro-Chemicals Among Large Scale Flower Farm Workers In Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Flower farms play an important role in the horticulture industry which contributes about 10% of agricultural produce in Kenya. They create employment, earn foreign exchange through exports and improve infrastructure in the world. Despite these achievements agro-chemicals used in these farms to increase production pose a great danger to the health of the farm workers and the surrounding environment. The broad objective of this study was to perform an assessment of factors affecting l...

Effectiveness Of Seasonal Climate Forecasts In Agricultural Decision-Making Among Smallholder Farmers In Semi-Arid Voi Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate change and variability greatly affect many human activities particularly agriculture. Various adaptation strategies to climate variability have been used over the years with little attention to the vital role played by seasonal climate forecast (SCF) in providing information on the expected climatic conditions to adapt to. Despite dissemination of SCF information to varied users by Kenya Meteorological services (KMS) before rain seasons, it still remains unclear whether the ...

Carbon Stocks And Cover Change In The Mangrove Forest Of Mtwapa Creek, Kenya

ABSTRACT Most ecological assessments often focus on one ecosystem without investigating the integrity of contiguous ecosystems and implications thereof on the habitat of interest. From a conservation perspective, ignored ex situ processes may counteract management interventions in an ecosystem of interest if the former aren’t taken into account. This study sought to assess land-use cover change and its potential relationship or impact on the integrity of contiguous mangroves downstream. Car...

Factors Influencing Maize Crop Production Among Small-Scale Farmers In Kuria East Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Maize is the main staple food crop in Kenya and is of vital concern to agricultural policy decisions, food security and overall development of the sector and the economy. It is also the dominant staple food crop in Kuria east sub-County. However, there has been a declining trend in maize production among farmers in the study area threatening household food security. This study was conducted in Kuria east sub-County using cross sectional survey research design and sought to achieve th...

Effects Of Changes In Agricultural Land Use Practices On Household Food Security In Bureti Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Shortage of food in the world today has resulted from changes in agricultural land use practices among other factors including climate change, population growth and urbanization. In Kenya, over the past four decades there has been reducing number of people practicing agriculture in the country. Though agriculture is the main economic activity in the country, the increasing population and human settlement into the agricultural regions has led to the sub-division of the rural agricult...

Agricultural Land Use And Its Implications On Household Food Security In Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agricultural land is an important resource for farm households as it forms the base for their livelihoods. Therefore, the manner in which households utilize this resource influences to a large extent their food security situation. This study sought to establish the impact of agricultural land use on household food security in Kisii Central sub-County, Kisii County. To achieve this objective the study focused on the following; examination of the various land use activities, assessment...

Use Of Seasonal Climate Forecast And Drought Effects On Livestock Assets In Baringo County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Increased frequency, severity and duration of drought events in arid and semi-arid regions (ASALs) of Kenyan increase scarcity in water and pastures that support livestock assets. This destabilizes the livelihood base dependent on livestock assets. Use of seasonal climate forecasts (SCFs) can provide early warning of the drought events and inform actions to reduce vulnerability of pastoral households to drought effects. This study assessed trends and severity of drought events, their...

Effects Of Drought On Household Livelihoods And Adaptation Strategies In Laikipia West Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Prolonged and severe droughts have affected many parts of sub-Saharan Africa, increasing cases of crop failure, hunger and destruction of habitats. Kenya has experienced worse droughts since the turn of the 20th century, with increased frequency in the recent decades. This study assessed effects of drought on household livelihoods and adaptation strategies in Laikipia West sub-County. The specific objectives of the study were to: analyze temporal drought trends in Laikipia West ...

Land Degradation And Environmental Change In Ondo State Coastline, South-West Nigeria

ABSTRACT Understanding the science and management of the environment and the nexus between environmental change, human livelihoods and vulnerability to hazards is fundamental for sustainable natural resources use. Natural resource degradation has implications for rural livelihoods and poverty, natural resource management, and vulnerability to disasters. The coast of Ondo State, Southwest Nigeria qualifies for description as a hotspot of ecosystems changes and natural resource degradation. Thi...

Impact Of Climate Change On The Spread Of Malaria Among Children Under Five Years In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Vihiga County for a long time has been known to be an endemic malaria region. The presence of many rivers and high temperatures, is ideal for mosquitoes breeding and maturity. However, the impact of changing climate and increasing malaria prevalence in the region have received little attention. Temperatures have increased over the past decades and rainfall decreased. Mosquitoes are temperature sensitive whereby high temperatures exacerbate their breeding. Therefore, this study aimed ...

Development Of Mapping In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Maps are an important tool for the development planning of a nation and it is necessary to study the development of mapping with a view to evaluating the extent to which it has been geared towards the satisfaction of the requirements of national development planners and various other users. Official mapping was started in Nigeria by colonial administrators in the first decade of the 20th century eventhough several maps of Nigeria had been drawn by explorers, navigators, scientists an...

An Evaluation Of The Locations Of Intercity Luxurious Bus Terminals In Metropolitan Lagos

ABSTRACT This study attempts an empirical evaluation of the location of inter city luxurious bus terminals in Metropolitan Lagos. The impacts of these locations in the areas of delays, congestion and pollution were the main foci of this work. Logistic S-shaped curve was used to evaluate the growth pattern of the luxurious bus firms in Metropolitan Lagos. The delays at the terminals were evaluated through direct measurement from the field. The Post-Hoc Test and Least Significance Difference we...

The Application Of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) To Property Rates Administration In Lagos Mainland Nigeria

ABSTRACT Property rate is one of the major sources of internally generated revenue to the Lagos Mainland Local Government (LMLG). However, presently property rate is poorly administered in the area. This is largely as a result of certain human, logistic, technical, environmental and data/information management problems. Consequently, the Local Government loses a significant amount of money, since the annual revenue yield from property rates is often notably low. In this research a computer-ba...

31 - 45 Of 153 Results