Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Research Papers/Topics

Molecular phylogeny and evolution of the Ectemnorhinus group of weevils in the Prince Edward Islands

Abstract: All previous taxonomic studies on the Ectemnorhinus group of weevils have been based primarily on morphological data. While these studies are invaluable, some questions can only be addressed adequately through molecular studies. This is especially true when studying the genetic relationships and phylogeograpic patterns of taxa endemic to the South Indian Ocean Province (SIP) biotas that have long been controversial. The Ectemnorhinus group of genera is a monophyletic unit of weevil...


Abstract: Chickpea proteins are appreciated due to their high biological values, well balanced amino acid content and low content of anti-nutritional factors. The present study was undertaken to investigate enzyme Characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of protease extract from chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.). The chickpea seed and leaf samples collected from farmer’s field were used for protease enzyme extraction. The protein concentration was determined by Lowry method. P...

Occurrence and Interactions of Mycobiomes with the Anopheles gambiae Host

Abstract: Anopheles mosquitoes are colonized by diverse microorganisms that may influence hosts‟ biology and vectorial capacity. Resident Anopheles bacterial symbionts isolated from these hosts are known to influence traits such as generational fitness, survival, host seeking,and infectivity of pathogens such asPlasmodium falciparum.Eukaryotic symbionts such as fungi residing in the gut of Anopheles gambiaecould confer similar phenotypes, but are undexplored. It was hypothesized that fungi...

Diversity of the Gut Microbiome of Chicken Fed With Black Soldier Fly Larvae -Based Feeds

Abstract: Industrial rearing of insects, especially the black soldier fly, is gaining momentum in recent years because of the increase in food and feed insecurity, high prices of animal feeds and animal proteins, and population growth. This in turn has led to increased global demand for alternative sources of protein apart from traditional livestock products. This study focused on evaluating the gut microbial community dynamics of both the layer and broiler chickens that have been fed on BSF...

Development and Utilization of Multiplex pcr - high Resolution Melting (hrm) assay for Detection of Arboviral Pathogens

Abstract: Arthropod borne viruses (arboviruses) are transmitted by blood sucking arthropods. Disease outbreaks caused by arboviruses are sporadic and unpredictable. Arboviral disease outbreaks in Kenya have confirmed the presence of a number of arboviral diseases within the human and animal populace. Currently, there are no approved or specific therapies for arboviral infections; treatment is limited to palliative care. Early detection and vector control are important strategies in control o...

Characterization of Maize chlorotic mottle virus and Sugarcane mosaic virus causing maize lethal necrosis disease and spatial distribution of their alternative hosts in Kenya

Abstract: Maize lethal necrosis (MLN) disease caused by a dual infection of maize with Maize chlorotic mottle virus (MCMV) and any cereal potyvirus such as Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) or Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) was first reported in Kenya in 2011 in Bomet County. This study was aimed at determining the presence and genetic variability of MCMV and SCMV in cereal crops,wild and domesticated grasses and the spatial distribution of alternative hosts in...

PCR-high Resolution Melting Analysis of the COI, cyt b and 16S rRNA Mini-barcode Genes: A Tool for Species Identification and Discrimination in Illegal Bushmeat Trade

Abstract: Reliable molecular identification of vertebrate species from morphologically unidentifiable tissue is critical to the prosecution of illegally traded wildlife products to limit their trade, as well us for surveillance to inform conservation policies and identification of blood-meal hosts. Currently, this is mainly dependent on sequencing of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) ‘barcode’ genes, which remains costly for purposes of screening large numbers of unknown samples a...

VisuNet: Visualizing Networks of Feature Interactions in Rule-based Classifiers

Abstract: Rule-based classifiers have one major advantage over other classes of supervised learning algorithms: interpretability. They provide a means to read into a model and find how the features co-act in order to come to a classification outcome. This in turn enables the researcher to visualize the feature interactions and evaluate the key features that discern between different decision classes. The rules generated from these algorithms, however, can be very many and their analysis is n...

Application of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in the Detection and Quantification of Anopheles Mosquito Larvae in Artificial Aquatic Habitats

Abstract: Background Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is an emerging tool in ecological monitoring of aquatic habitats. When applied correctly, it can overcome the limitations of traditional aquatic sampling methods. This current study develops and validates a protocol for using eDNA analysis to detect and quantify mosquito larvae in laboratory and controlled field setting. Methods Species-specific PCR primers were designed from An. gambiae s.l and An. funestus, and qPCR primers for An. gam...

Analysis of Simple Sequence Repeats Marker (MK190) Dervided in Capsicum Chinense JACQ. Transferability in Two Pepper Species and Diversity of Fruit Placenta Length and Type

The genus Capsicum ( sweet and hot pepper) is an incredible intra and inter-specific diversity in fruit type, color, shape, taste and biochemical content. Molecular biology techniques based on DNA analysis are being adopted in the modern study of plant breeding. The aim of this study was to assess the applicability of SSR techniques in transferability assessment and diversity of placental length and type in genus Capsicum . This study analyzed 19 accessions of Capsicum species obtained from d...

Relationship Between Assembly Behavior And Molecular Responses In Foveal Gland Of Unfed And Fed Adult Rhipicephalus Appendiculatus

ABSTRACT Ixodid ticks respond to a limited spectrum of stimuli in their search for hospitable environments, hosts and mates hence change in their behavior. This responsiveness is mediated by pheromones which are signaled by biochemical changes that occur during different stages of feeding. Genes induced during blood feeding result in the expression of new proteins secreted into tick foveal gland. Some of these proteins may be involved in the biosynthesis of these pheromones. Assembly behavior...

Genetic Characterization Of Antiretroviral Resistance And Their Effect On Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected Patients Initiating Therapy In Kisumu -Kenya

ABSTRACT Experiences of early antiretroviral treatment failures are increasingly linked to escalating pretherapy HIV resistance mutations. Regular update of epidemic status and impact of pretherapy resistance are needed in resource limited countries, including Kenya. Since pretherapy resistance survey has not been conducted and factors associated remain unknown in the high-HIV prevalence western Kenya region, this study aimed to establish the prevalence of pretherapy antiretroviral resistance...

Prevalence And Susceptibility Of Uropathogens Causing Urinary Tract Infections In Patients Presenting At Masvingo General Hospital

ABSTRACT Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are a serious problem globally and are some of the most common diseases encountered in medical practice today. Despite the widespread availability of antibiotics, UTIs remain a problem because of antimicrobial resistance. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing therefore provides information that allows physicians to select the most appropriate antibiotics for UTIs. This study was carried out to: (i) determine the prevalence of UTIs among patients present...

The Effect Of Osmotic Stress And Hspi2 On Passive And Active Transport In The Yeast

ABSTRACT The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used extensively in many important industrial applications that often expose these organisms to a range of stresses. Consequently, a considerable amount research has focused on understanding the nature of stress response in yeast and the development of more stress resistant yeast. The stress protein Hsp12 has since garnered interest, as it is upregulated in response to a wide variety of environmental stresses. Using an Hsp12-GFP construct, we con...

Interactions Of Antimicrobial Compound With Selected Drugs Used In The Clinical Management Of Sickle Cell Disease

ABSTRACT Though the promotion of resistant bacteria worldwide has mainly been attributed to the injudicious use of many antibiotics, the role of non-antimicrobial drugs used in the clinical management of pathological conditions of non-infectious diseases in the modulation of microbial drug resistance or susceptibility needs to be assessed. The effects of the antibioticnon- antibiotic drug-drug interactions against bacteria in SCD patients and in other chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized...

1 - 15 Of 31 Results